Sea buckthorn fruit is rich in nutrients and contains a variety of vitamins and various amino acids needed by the human body.

Among them, vitamin C content is extremely high, making it the king of vitamin C.

Xiaoer looked at the beautiful glass of juice in front of her and frowned slightly.

As plates of fruits and desserts were served, Xiaoer's brows stopped frowning, but her face became more solemn.

New dates, oranges, kiwis, prickly pears, grapefruits, oranges... all have one characteristic: high vitamin C!

For dessert, there are also jujube cake and hawthorn cake, both of which are equally high in vitamin C!

Most of the fruits and desserts on the table are high in vitamin C. If it was unintentional, she wouldn't believe it if I beat her to death!

In modern times, there is a lot of research on the nutrition and health of food, and there is also a lot of knowledge on the Internet about the mutual complementarity of food.

And there are many rumors on the Internet saying:

Vitamin C cannot be taken in large amounts with shrimps, crabs and other crustacean seafood, as it will produce arsenic trioxide, which is arsenic, and even cause poisoning.

If there are only one or two foods high in vitamin C, it can be said to be an accident! If most of them eat like this, then it must be intentional!

This person is worried that everyone has different preferences, so he tries his best to prepare everything!

I just don’t know if the person behind this is deliberately murdering, or deliberately trying to frame their family!

After all, it can be said that except for the cup of sea buckthorn, the food for the palace banquet tonight is all high-quality food from her supermarket.

If everyone is poisoned, their whole family will not be able to explain it even if their whole body is covered with mouth!

Xiaoer waved to Aunt Rong and whispered a few words in her ear.

Then she looked at the people on the table as if unintentionally. She wanted to see who among these people dared not eat "arsenic"!

After a while, Xiao Fuzi came over and said a few words to the queen's most trusted maid.

The palace maid's expression changed, but soon returned to normal. She nodded gently, then walked to the queen's side as if nothing had happened, and whispered Xiao Fuzi's words word for word in a voice that only the two of them could hear. Paraphrased.

The smile on the queen's face never changed, and the anger in her eyes was covered by her lowered eyes when it rose.

The queen whispered a few words and then let the maid go down.

Arsenic? Ha~... The queen looked at everyone present and greeted them more enthusiastically to eat.

"Everyone, hurry up and eat. This hawthorn cake is also good for appetizing and eliminating stagnation."

Others also knew that hawthorn has the effect of appetizing and aiding digestion, so they all picked up a piece and ate it in small bites.

This meal is really filling, and it is easy to accumulate food if not digested.

Concubine Yang took a sip of sea buckthorn juice and put it down. Then she gently peeled a grape as bright as amethyst and ate it with her slender fingers.

When Xiaoer saw the "arsenic" on the table, Concubine Yang took a sip of sea buckthorn juice and didn't touch anything else, and she understood.

If it is said that Concubine Yang wanted to avenge her natal family and poisoned the queen and the emperor to win the throne, this would not be justified. The imperial doctor could detoxify the poison of arsenic, and it would definitely not kill anyone.

Of course, it is not surprising that there is a mentality of making them feel uncomfortable and taking a small revenge.

But the main purpose is to harm their family!

If she didn't know that eating these foods together would cause poisoning, then tonight the emperor, queen, ministers and wives would all suffer from food poisoning!

To poison the royal family and court officials, even a hundred deaths would not be enough for them!

"Why don't you, the imperial concubine, drink juice? Didn't you say that this sea buckthorn fruit juice is delicious and you want everyone to try it at the palace banquet?"

"I'm a little tired of drinking these past two days." Yang Guifei responded with a smile as if nothing had happened.

"Then let's eat some jujube cake and hawthorn cake. You thought carefully about this food and asked the imperial chef to prepare it because you were worried that everyone would have too much food. You all have to thank the imperial concubine for her thoughtfulness and thorough consideration." The queen took two pieces herself. Give Yang Guifei a piece of jujube cake.

After hearing this, everyone hurriedly thanked Concubine Yang.

Concubine Yang couldn't laugh anymore. She reluctantly raised the corners of her mouth, showed a smile that looked more like she wanted to cry, and said to everyone, "You're welcome."

Then he lowered his head and ate the jujube cake in small bites. Each bite is as small as an ant.

At the same time, a bad premonition arose in her heart.

Does the queen know? She shook her head secretly.

No, even the imperial doctor Yizheng didn't know about this. It was discovered accidentally by the doctor of Xiyue Kingdom, and then he tried to sum it up many times. The queen would never know!

Men usually eat quickly, and soon someone there will have nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain...

At this time, the eldest prince began to stand up and shout loudly: "Come here, capture the Shengpinghou family for me!"

"Wait a minute! No one is allowed to move until the matter is clarified!" Shangguan Xuanyi immediately stopped him, and then said to Xiao Fuzi: "Pass the imperial doctor!"

Shangguan Xuanhao immediately checked Zhongyong Hou's pulse and said two words with a solemn expression: "Poisoned."

Some officials who were not poisoned turned pale after hearing this. Which dish was poisonous? They ate all the dishes! It's not like he was poisoned, he just didn't have an attack!

"Bold! Who dares to poison the palace banquet!"

The fourth prince went to the palace. Xuan Jun was a martial arts fanatic. He spent half of the year stationed on the border with General Di. He hadn't returned to the palace for a long time. He never thought that someone dared to poison the palace banquet. At this moment, he was full of murderous intent and his eyes were sharp. Looking at the eldest prince, his tone was as sharp as Lingchi's knife.

"Four Emperors, what are you looking at me for? The food at the palace banquet is all high-quality food purchased from the shop of Shengpinghou Mansion. Now everyone has been poisoned. Who could it be if it wasn't Marquis Shengping who poisoned the food!" The prince felt frightened by the look in the eyes of the fourth prince, but after experiencing so many things, he was no longer a vegetarian. His face remained calm and he looked back calmly.

After hearing this, the fourth prince glanced at Shen Chengyao with a sharp look.

"The emperor is wronged! The fourth prince is wronged! I dare to use the heads on the necks of the whole family to guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with the fine food in our shop!" Shen Chengyao knelt down hurriedly.

There were already several eunuchs at the scene holding silver needles to test the poison. As a result, even after everyone tried eating and drinking, the silver needles did not turn black.

"Reporting to your Majesty, all the food is not poisonous." The chief steward told the results of the poison test.

The imperial physician also checked the pulse of the poisoned person, and the imperial physician replied: "Back to the emperor, the ministers are indeed poisoned."

"Detoxify immediately!" The emperor was furious. He suppressed the urge to kill his son with his own hands and shouted loudly.

The doctor from Taiyuan Hospital was busy walking out.

Then bowls of soup and medicine were delivered.

Two or three of Xiaoer's female relatives also started to get poisonous.

A palace maid also came over to report the news of the banquet on the other side.

"Mr. Xuan! We still need to test the poison!" the queen ordered calmly.

The maids quickly took silver needles and began to test the poison.

Xiaoer took out a bottle of detoxification pills and presented them to the queen: "Queen, this is the detoxification pill."

Finally two updates today, good night everyone

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