Xiao'er complained in her heart after hearing her words: Imperial Concubine, shouldn't you finally say that I am willing to die to apologize in order to express your deep regret?

You don’t have a deep understanding of what crime you have committed!

Poisoning the emperor, queen, and all civil and military officials is a heinous crime!

"Concubine, why are you so stupid? Grandpa and the others deserve it." After hearing this, the eldest prince understood that Concubine Yang wanted to protect him.

The only solution now is to wrong his mother and concubine. After all, the green hills are still there, so there is no need to worry about running out of firewood.

When he inherits the throne in the future, his mother-in-law will be the Queen Mother, and the good times are yet to come.

Xiaoer glanced at the eldest prince with disdain.

It would be better for him to just stand there and say nothing than to say that his grandfather deserved it!

No matter how much the prime minister steals and abuses his power for personal gain, as far as she knows, most of it is to pave the way for his grandson, so he is not qualified to say anything wrong about the right prime minister!

Because if Prime Minister You deserves what he deserves, then the eldest prince deserves death.

"Poisoning the emperor, empress and officials, the eldest emperor's intention to frame Zhongliang, how can you escape by hiding in the cold palace, eating fast and chanting Buddha's name!" Shangguan Xuanyi likes to avoid future troubles in his work.

"What do you think?" the emperor asked the ministers present after hearing this.

"He deserves death!" General Di said without hesitation.

"I second the motion!" The Minister of Industry thought he was going to die just now! Such poisonous women will often become demons even if they remain in the world!

"Wei Chen seconded the proposal!"

People who were poisoned just now expressed their opinions.

Even the ministers of the First Prince's faction did not dare to plead for mercy. This matter was too big and serious. Although no lives were lost, it could not cover up Yang Guifei's evil intentions!

As long as they open their mouths, they will definitely arouse the emperor's suspicion in the future.

What's more, even if they ask for mercy, they are just ants shaking the tree and nothing will be changed!

Because who would forgive someone who tried to kill themselves?

The emperor considered it for a moment and said: "Give Concubine Yang a glass of poisonous wine. The eldest prince... I will go to Puning Temple tomorrow to take care of my hair. I will treat it as a relief..." The emperor paused twice and sighed softly: "Sin! "

As for what the crime was, the emperor did not make it clear.

After hearing this, Concubine Yang and the eldest prince's faces changed drastically and turned pale.

The Emperor has completely cut off the eldest prince's chance of ascending to the throne.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please forgive me. I know I was wrong. Didn't Your Majesty just say that I was thrown into the cold palace? I did all this alone. Your Majesty doesn't know anything!" Concubine Yang kowtowed quickly.

She can't die so early! The eldest prince has not yet ascended the throne, and she has not yet become the queen mother, how could she die! How could she die earlier than the Queen?

"Father, I can often go to Danxia Temple on the outskirts of the imperial capital to practice Zen and learn Buddhism. I can't bear to leave my father and want to be by my father's side to share my worries! Father, please don't send me to Puning Temple!" The prince also quickly knelt down.

When this man heard that he was going to be sent to Puning Temple, he even forgot about the death of his biological mother.

Puning Temple is thousands of miles away from the imperial capital, far away from the imperial capital, and far away from the officials. What chance will he have to fight for that position in the future?

"My will has been decided, no need to say more!"

"Father, I have been wronged. You have to believe me." The eldest prince refused to give up, thinking that the emperor blamed him for poisoning.

"Your Majesty, spare your life, I don't dare anymore! Your Majesty! Please let us mother and son go!" Concubine Yang cried.

"Brother, I believe you are not guilty, because the eldest brother has a kind nature, a kindhearted heart, and a filial piety that touches heaven. How could you do such a thing to poison your biological father! But what your biological mother and grandfather did is extremely sinful. What you did Your son and grandson should go to Puning Temple to take care of their hair to atone for their sins! Moreover, Puning Temple is very popular, so you can also pray for your father and all the people in the world! As the most filial son in the world, your eldest brother, you won’t be reluctant. Let's go!" Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't help but use their words to make a bet on his words! It's disgusting to say that it's okay for them!

"You..." The eldest prince looked at Shangguan Xuanhao with a gloomy face.

"Okay, stop talking!"

The emperor looked at these two mother and son, devaluing and selling private salt, privately mining gold mines, forming alliances for private purposes, indulging relatives to rape civilian girls, bullying men and women... Now they even dare to do things like poisoning, no, as early as Yi'er This woman dared to poison her when she was still in her mother's womb!

He closed his eyes, he couldn't stay by his side anymore!

The emperor waved his hand and asked people to take the two of them down.

That night, a fire broke out in the cold palace of the palace. It was a raging fire. No matter how much water was poured on it, it could not be extinguished. It was not until dawn that only a few sparks remained.

The guards found two female corpses from the rubble, both of which were beyond recognition. After investigation, it was determined that one of them was poisoned, had a body shape similar to that of Concubine Yang, and the accessories on her body were also Concubine Yang's.

The emperor waved the reporter to leave, and then stood in front of the window, with his hands folded behind his back. His right hand kept turning the jade stone finger on his left thumb, and he looked into the distance without moving for a long time.

Naturally, the Xiaoer family also heard about this. Mrs. Liu was making clothes for Shen Chengyao while chatting with her two daughters beside her.

"Why did the cold palace catch fire? It couldn't have been caused by Yang Guifei herself."

"Why did Yang Guifei let it go?" Xiaoer sewed the last stitch, and then looked over the chicken doll in her hand. Well, it's good, it's very cute.

Next year is the Year of the Rooster, so make more chickens in different styles, they will surely become popular!

"Let's take revenge!" Ms. Liu said casually without thinking deeply.

"What's the use of burning Leng Palace if you really want to take revenge? If you really want to burn it, you have to burn Zichen Palace." Yun'er shook her head and disagreed.

"You kid can say anything nonsense!"

Mrs. Liu glanced around before continuing to whisper:

"Who in this world has the ability to burn down the Zichen Palace! I think it's probably because I don't have the ability to set fire to the Zichen Palace, so I burned down the Leng Palace to vent my anger."

"If a broken palace is burned, it will be burned! What's the point of venting your anger! Mother, you think too simply." Yun'er shook her head gently.

After hearing this, Xiaoer smiled and said: "Our Yun'er is getting smarter and smarter. Brother Ri must have taught her well!"

"Sister will laugh at me." Yun'er's face turned red unconsciously after hearing this.

After moving to the imperial capital, the family still maintained their previous habits at night, gathering in the study room to study together.

Yun'er's knowledge has always been taught by Ri Ge'er himself.

"What's the reason for that?"

"Someone took advantage of the fire to fake it and rescued Concubine Yang." Xiaoer replied in a voice that only three people could hear.

"What! Concubine Yang..."

"Mom, keep your voice down!" Yun'er quickly reminded her mother.

Mrs. Liu reacted and quickly covered her mouth.

"It's better that we know this ourselves and don't tell it. The emperor won't believe it, but he will definitely pretend not to know and then find out secretly."

Concubine Yang and the eldest prince are not smart people, but they can't bear to have a smart father and a good grandpa. The right prime minister's nails are really buried too deep!


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