"Bold, you..." After hearing this, Princess Ling'er became so angry that her face was like the colors on the palette. Each color - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple - appeared on her face once.

Just then the trumpet sounded...

The woman in red shouted: "Drive!"

The maroon horse flew out like a ball of fire with her, who was also dressed in red.

Others realized that this was a competition! They chased each other one after another.

"Wait for me! Drive!" Princess Ling'er said this and ran out with her horse under her belly.

As soon as the horn sounded, Xiaoer signaled the white horse to run away, but it didn't move.

Xiaoer's face turned dark, he had to let her off the hook at the critical moment!

Xiaoer tried to let it run again, but it still remained motionless.

Di Shaowei, who was outside the court, saw this and asked Shangguan Xuanyi: "Did you do something to that girl's horse?"

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Di Shaowei with disdain: Am I such a person?

Before the last Longevity Festival, he discovered that his girl was very good at equestrian skills.

Di Shaowei touched his nose and cursed in his heart: Absolutely!

But he didn't dare let Shangguan Xuanyi know this.

There was nothing impossible that he wouldn't do for that girl.

Shangguan Xuanhao burst out laughing: "The horse is obedient? If you ask it to run first, it will never dare to run second. I knew it was that girl who was bragging!"

"Then who was chasing after someone shamelessly just to get two pieces of horse to obey?" Di Shaowei rolled his eyes at Shangguan Xuanhao, this person is just a piece of grass! Fall with the wind!

Jing Hao tugged at Jing Rui's clothes worriedly, "Brother, what happened to sister's horse?"

Jingrui rocked the cradle, didn’t he know?

Seeing this, the girl outside the venue who had long been envious, jealous, and hateful towards Xiaoer also started to laugh.

"Those who farm are those who farm. You wouldn't ride a horse like a cow. How could you let the horse run away like that?"

"Just now I saw that her posture on the horse was quite impressive. It turns out it was all an act!"

"Didn't you see what kind of horse she picked? It's the best synonym for old, weak, sick and disabled! That horse probably forgot how to run."

"Didn't the head of Rui'an County become rich in the past year or two? It's normal that she has never had contact with animals like horses, which can cost as little as a hundred taels or as many as a thousand taels. But as a human being, it's better to have some Know yourselves and don’t just join in the fun if something is in the limelight. If you don’t know how to pretend to understand, you will end up becoming a joke and your family will be embarrassed!”

"Yes, the sixth prince is really miserable. He will marry such a vain woman in the future."

"Shut up!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked coldly at his group of noisy women and uttered two words.

There was silence for a moment!

The sixth prince is angry!

It's all because County Lord Rui'an doesn't know what he's capable of and wants to be in the limelight!

These girls all knew that Shangguan Xuanyi was angry, but they thought that Shangguan Xuanyi was angry at Xiaoer for embarrassing him. But I don’t know that someone is popular with them.

"You are all wrong. County Princess Rui'an is not only good at equestrian skills, she is also good at archery. During the Wanshou Festival, County Princess Rui'an hit the mark while riding a horse and shooting arrows! County Princess Rui'an is a rare woman with both civil and military skills." Li Yuning said. After saying this, he secretly glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi.

She knew the real reason why Shangguan Xuanyi was angry, and was worried that he thought she was the same as these women, so she spoke up for Xiaoer. God knows how painful it was for her to speak for her rival in front of her beloved.

But there is no other way. This is the only way she can think of to attract someone's attention. This is to save the country through curves!

I just saw several princes and Di Shaowei accompanying Xiaoer, a girl, to choose horses, talking and laughing. How she wished she could be one of them. So she decided to slowly get close to Xiaoer, make friends with her, integrate into their circle, and then slowly attract someone's attention.

Only then did the others realize that the boy turned out to be the Lord Rui'an who was disguised as a man. No wonder they hadn't seen him before.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't seem to hear Li Yuning's words and only paid attention to Xiaoer's movements.

At this time, Xiaoer, who was on the starting line, lay next to the horse's ear and said something unknown, and the horse started running.

Not only was he running, but he was running so fast that he even left an afterimage.

Seeing this, Shangguan Xuanhao opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff a goose egg in it.

"What do you think that girl said to the horse just now?" She didn't mean to tell it to run first, right?

"It must be told to run first!" Di Shaowei looked at the retreating figure and didn't understand why he didn't see that the explosive power of the two horses was so powerful!

Xiao'er didn't have to say "drive" or wave the whip from time to time like other people when riding a horse, and the horse would run faster and faster on its own.

Soon, soon!

The scenery on both sides could not be seen clearly. Xiaoer's eyes only saw a linear shadow formed by the scenery on both sides.

The other contestants who were clearly far away from her just now passed one by one in the blink of an eye, leaving only a gust of wind and a silhouette behind them.

Who is that?

Lord Ruian County?

How can it be!

The woman in red heard the sound of fast horse hooves and felt that someone was catching up to her. She wanted to look back, but without even turning her head, a white shadow whizzed past her!

She was secretly shocked at this speed! It’s so scary!

However, her fighting spirit was completely aroused, and she swung the riding crop hard, and her speed increased a lot.

Time passes minute by minute...

Soon Xiaoer appeared in everyone's sight.

This time it was the men's turn to cheer louder.

"Lord Ruian, hurry up!"

"The Sixth Princess is so amazing!"

Shangguan Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a familiar figure appear.

I heard someone calling Xiaoer the Sixth Princess, and I glanced at that person. This person is well called!

Shangguan Xuanyi came to the finish line, ignored everyone's gaze, stretched out his hand, and lifted Xiaoer off the horse who had just stopped.

"I won first place! The horse I picked must be amazing!"

"Yeah." Shangguan Xuanyi smiled.

"Hmph! Let's see who dares to say that I'm not worthy of you!" She always hears these words. Although she doesn't care what others say, it's annoying to hear them too much!

"Even if you finish last, you're still good enough to match me!" Shangguan Xuanyi listened to Xiao'er's words and said seriously, holding her shoulders with both hands.

Xiaoer just said it casually, but she didn't expect Shangguan Xuanyi to be so serious.

She smiled, and this smile seemed to melt the coldness of winter: "Of course! No one is worthy of you except me!"

The woman in red came to the two of them at this time: "County Lord Rui'an is indeed a person who hides his secrets beyond appearances! Li Mingfang, let's have a rematch next time!"

Just now she lost by a length of one length. She was not convinced.

Xiaoer glanced at this heroic girl and nodded.

"Six princes together?" Li Mingfang looked at Shangguan Xuanyi.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

Xiaoer is now curious! Who is this woman?

Shangguan Xuanyi actually answered her!

After seeing Shangguan Xuanyi agree, Li Mingfang walked away.

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