The team started

There were five teams in total, and the people and horses from the other four teams were all standing on the starting line. Jing Ruicai held the horse, ignoring the strange looks from everyone, and walked up calmly and confidently.

When people outside the field saw Shen Jingrui standing at the starting line with a calm look, they all started talking about it.

"Is this a mistake? Shouldn't it be the Sixth Prince who participated in the first game?"

"Yes, the people on the field are the Fourth Prince and Mr. Li. The eldest son of Shengpinghou Mansion comes up. Isn't this a sure defeat?"

"Have you seen how the Lord Rui'an won the first place just now? My sister is so good, maybe my brother is even better! Let's wait and see!"

"Yes, men's equestrian skills are generally better than women's by a little bit. The eldest son of Marquis Shengping should also be a master of horse riding. This looks great, absolutely wonderful!"

"But I remember that the eldest son Shengpinghou ranked very low in the competition just now."

Everyone: "..."

"Maybe he didn't try his best just now. After all, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be more powerful than the Sixth Prince! So he just hid his strength and surprised everyone in the team competition." Someone took the initiative to make excuses for Jingrui.

"This doesn't make sense, does it?"

"Otherwise? How do you explain that he went up and ran in the first game? Did their team deliberately lose this game before letting him go up? How stupid can someone do such a thing?"

The game is all about winning, who wants to lose? !

"Of course not." The man shook his head hurriedly after hearing this. The sixth prince was still in that team! How could you do such a stupid thing?

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement with this person's statement and looked at the five people on the field excitedly, waiting for Jingrui to make a big counterattack.

The other five people on the starting line all frowned at Jingrui.

The outstanding equestrianism and brilliant style of County Lord Ruian just now have not dissipated in their minds. Could it be that County Lord Ruian's brother is more powerful than County Lord Ruian, so they just let him ride in the first race?

It shouldn’t be! He seemed to be riding very well just now!

But if he is really more powerful than the Lord of Rui'an County... He will lose to a boy who is a few years younger than him and has no hair at all. Where can he put his face?

Several people unconsciously straightened their waists straighter, as if facing a strong enemy.

If you lose to Shangguan Xuanyi, forget it! It would be better to lose to this kid and just hit the wall with a piece of tofu than to continue to stay in the world.

Can't lose, absolutely can't lose! Several people recited silently in their hearts and pricked up their ears to listen to the sound of the trumpet, fearing that their reaction would be slow.

"Do you ride your horse very well?" Shangguan Xuanjun frowned when he looked at Shen Jingrui's horse. This horse looked ordinary. Could it be that it was just like the two horses of the Sixth Emperor and Lord Rui'an, pretending to be pigs? The master who eats tigers?

What happened to the horses at the racecourse this year has simply refreshed his view of horses.

"Back to the fourth prince, it's just so so." Jingrui replied respectfully, with a sincere face.

Shangguan Xuanjun was doubtful and felt that this matter was not simple and smelled of conspiracy.

The other people didn't believe it even more after hearing this. They all thought he was being humble and became more prepared.

The trumpet sounded. The five people ran out together, and then left Jin Rui behind one by one.

Seeing this situation, doubts arose in several people's hearts.

Could it be that Shen Jingrui's horse is just like Ruian County Lord's horse? He didn't run at first, but then he overtook everyone at the speed of lightning?

All right! Several people were stunned by Jingrui's appearance.

Finally, Jingrui was the last one to stop at the finish line, and they finally realized what was going on.

I go! They were definitely fooled!

That team of them is so abominable! It's such an insult to them.

Everyone outside the court was also dumbfounded!

What about the excitement you promised?

Shouldn't the eldest son of Shengpinghou Mansion launch a counterattack like the Lord of Ruian County?

How could he lose this game steadily and step by step?

"What is going on? Are you really competing to lose this game? I was so excited just now for a long time."

"Me too, I'm almost at the finish line and I'm still full of hope, convinced that the eldest son of Shengpinghou Mansion will definitely win."

"I can't even understand this match. Can anyone explain to me what it means to go up and lose?"

inappropriate! Shangguan Xuanjun frowned even more tightly, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

Similarly, all the contestants in the second game stood on the field. Lin Yingyi was a little excited. She held her head high, led the horse, walked to the starting point, and then stood still.

Shangguan Xuanjun understood as soon as he saw Lin Yingyi appear.

I go! Second child, sixth child is so shameless! It’s so treacherous!

Five people on the field: "..."

Zhao Youwei frowned and asked, "Why is it you, Miss Lin?"

Shouldn't it be Shangguan Xuanyi or Di Shaowei's turn?

By sending a woman to compete with them, is this looking down on him?

"Why can't it be me? Did anyone rule that I can't come up? Or does Mr. Zhao look down on me?" Lin Yingyi was a little embarrassed when she heard about the plan at first, but County Lord Rui'an was right, soldiers never tire of deceit! It doesn’t matter whether it’s a black cat or a white cat, the one that catches mice is a good cat! They didn't commit any fouls, nor did they use dirty methods. They relied on strategy and brains, so they deserved to win!

There is absolutely no shamelessness or unkindness.

If those people lose, they should blame themselves for not using their brains!

"Miss Lin misunderstood. I just don't understand how Miss Lin can come up in a game that I'm sure to lose."

"Mr. Zhao is right, I came up here to lose on purpose!" Lin Yingyi said matter-of-factly.

Lose on purpose? Zhao Youwei also understood! This, this is so shameless!

"You came here to lose on purpose, Miss Lin, are you stupid?" The other person couldn't listen anymore.

"You are stupid and I am not stupid! This is a team competition, not an individual competition! Mr. Shen and I will lose without a doubt, and our team will definitely win this game! So my loss is glorious! I The loss is meaningful! I am sacrificing my little self to become my bigger self! Do you understand?"

Having said that, if they don't understand yet, they are really fools!

According to the habits of previous years, if strong versus strong or weak versus weak, then Lin Yingyi's team will most likely tie or lose.

But now, after losing the first two games, I am really sure that I will win this game!

Several people on the field turned pale when they thought of this!

This is only the second game, and he is destined to lose. Is there any point in competing? There is no need to compare at all! Just give up.

After listening to Lin Yingyi's words, it sounds like someone's style. Zhao Youwei couldn't help but look at the white figure outside the court, and saw that she was chatting and laughing with the handsome man next to her, with a smile on her confident and beautiful face.

The horn sounded and the dust flew!

There is no doubt that Lin Yingyi lost this game by an absolutely huge gap.

Lin Yingyi walked out of the field with a smile on her face. On the other hand, the winning people were dejected, as if they had eaten flies.

Alas, there are not many people in this world who are so happy to lose!

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