After staying at the racecourse for most of the day, the group was already hungry.

"I'm so hungry. Let's go to the Four Seasons Restaurant. I'll treat you." Xiaoer greeted everyone.

I had a great time today and won two thousand taels by the way. Xiaoer said that her mood was even better than the weather today.

"You're too insincere to treat me to your own restaurant, girl!" Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't control his mouth as soon as he met Xiao'er.

"Then please!" Shangguan Xuanyi said three words lightly.

"Then thank you so much, Second Prince." Xiaoer immediately answered, "Well, I can save a meal and feel better."

"You deserve it! I can't even keep your mouth shut even if I have something to eat!" Di Shaowei gloated.

"A treat! Treating guests at your own restaurant is double sincerity! Just like kissing someone, treating guests at your own restaurant is sincerity plus sincerity. Come on, girl! I'm starving to death! I accept your sincerity!" Shangguan Xuan Hao immediately changed his mind.

Dishaowei shook his head, "Shameless, so shameless."

"What do you know? I just thought that Xiao'er should cook the food myself when inviting her to dinner, which would be even more dishonest! Now I don't want to let down Xiao'er's kindness. If you don't understand, don't sow discord here!" Shangguan Xuanhao glared. He glanced at Dishaowei.

Dishaowei is not afraid of him, who makes him unable to defeat him.

But Xiaoer girl cooks in person? Dishaowei was moved: "This is a good idea. Girl?"


Shangguan Xuanyi dropped these words, ignored everyone, secretly took Xiaoer's hand and walked forward.

The long sleeves hung down, covering the two clasped hands.

Two figures, one tall and one short, walked side by side, looking so harmonious and beautiful.

Several people hurriedly followed.

Outside the racecourse, he met Shangguan Xuanjun, two brothers from the Li family, three brothers from the Admiral's Mansion, and two brothers from the Li family who were waiting outside.

Seeing them finally coming out, Shangguan Xuanjun said: "Let's go to Four Seasons Restaurant for dinner together?"

"That's what I mean, let's get together! Xiao'er girl is treating us! That shop is owned by her family, so don't be polite!" Shangguan Xuanhao said happily.

Li Mingfang looked at Shangguan Xuanhao with contempt: "How dare you ask a little girl to treat you to dinner?"

"I'm sorry, then you can do it!" Shangguan Xuanhao learned and practiced.

Li Mingfang gently pulled the horse's rein and signaled the red rabbit horse to turn around: "Please, please! But I won't invite you!"

Today, in the Imperial City, there are lights and colorful lights everywhere, and the streets are busy with traffic.

Almost all restaurants were full.

The group of people finally arrived in front of the Four Seasons Restaurant.

When the shopkeeper saw his young master and ladies bringing several princes and some young masters from aristocratic families, the young lady came forward and greeted them warmly, then took them upstairs.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind: "County Master Ruian, please stay."

Xiaoer turned around and saw that Li Yunning was accompanied by Chu Die, Princess Ling'er and others. Xiaoer said calmly: "Is there something wrong with Miss Li?"

"A few of us also want to eat here, but the shopkeeper said that all the rooms are full. At this time, other restaurants are also full. I would like to ask the Lord Rui'an if we can join you?"

She had already calculated what they said just now when she heard them outside the racecourse.

There were so many of them that the table would definitely not be full. If men and women were divided into separate tables, there would be a few extra seats on the women's side, just enough for them to sit, so she dragged Chu Die over to eat.

Together? What is this woman trying to do? It seems like their relationship isn't that good, right?

"Shopkeeper, the Biyuanchun room that the master booked before will be used by Miss Li and the others. Later, the master and his wife will come and take them to my place."

This is an indirect refusal to eat at the same table with them.

"How can you occupy the upper room booked by Marquis Shengping just to have a meal? It will be more lively if we eat together with the main county of Rui'an."

"But I don't like too much excitement." Shangguan Xuanhao said in anger.

Li Yuning turned pale after hearing this.

"Miss Li, you're welcome. My dad ordered it just to take us brothers and sisters out to eat. Now that we brothers and sisters are here, it's no longer necessary. Shopkeeper Yang, please let someone take Aunt Li and the others up!"

"As long as there is a room available, I don't like sharing the same table with someone." Princess Ling'er looked at Xiao'er with disdain. It was obvious who the person in her mouth was.

"Then get lost!" Shangguan Xuanyi said coldly.

Princess Ling'er almost shed tears after hearing this. He looked at Shangguan Xuanyi with bright red eyes.

It was as if Shangguan Xuanyi was her cheating husband.

"Thank you so much, Lord Rui'an. It's better to obey orders than to be respectful." Seeing this situation, Li Yuning quickly said with a smile.

She was here to make friends, but she didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of her sweetheart.

Xiaoer nodded, and then led everyone to the largest private room to enjoy the beauty.

Being friendly makes money. She is not afraid of trouble, but she doesn't want to cause trouble in her shop.

No one in the group mentioned this episode again, which meant that no one took Li Yuning and others to heart at all.

Soon a waiter brought over the exquisite menu.

Xiaoer let them pick their own food, and she sat on the coffee table aside to prepare tea for them.

After all, she is the master here, and she is entertaining noble people. Naturally, she cannot let the waiters do it for her. The accompanying servants and maids are also arranged to have dinner.

At the Four Seasons Teahouse, each premium private room is equipped with a root-carved coffee table with premium tea sets and tea leaves.

Just as Xiaoer was about to lift the copper kettle on the stove and wash the tea set with boiling water, Shangguan Xuanyi held her hand and said, "It's too hot. I'll do it."

Xiaoer smiled: "Don't be afraid, I will be careful."

Shangguan Xuanyi just held Xiaoer's hand and looked at her with no intention of letting go.

Xiaoer compromised: "Okay!"

"Girl, please stop arguing. As a royal brother, I have never drunk the tea he made! Sit down quickly and let him make it." Shangguan Xuanhao greeted Xiao'er upon seeing this.

"County Master Ruian, I heard that this is your restaurant. Come over and tell me which dishes are delicious." Li Mingfang looked at the dishes on the menu and really wanted to try them all.

There was no separation between the men's and women's tables, and the men's table unanimously agreed to eat hot pot.

At the women's table, everyone looked at their long sleeves and shook their heads decisively.

Xiaoer asked a few people about their hobbies and introduced a few signature dishes. Li Mingfang added a few more that he really wanted to pay off.

Eat until sunset.

After walking out of the restaurant, many shops on the street were hung with lantern riddles.

The three Jingrui brothers and Yun'er have never guessed lantern riddles before, and they all want to try.

Shangguan Xuanhao and his party all shook their heads to express disinterest, and everyone separated at the door of the restaurant.

There are too many people on the street.

Xiaoer didn't worry about Jingrui and the others, so she naturally stayed with them.

Shangguan Xuanyi was worried about Xiaoer, so he naturally stayed with her.

Anyway, for him, no amount of excitement and excitement can compare to being by her side.

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