When something like this happened in the city, many people saw it and spread the news by word of mouth, scaring everyone away.

There were so many people that a few people simply waited for the people to leave before going back.

"Xiao'er, is it still hurting? I'm sorry, and thank you." Ri Ge'er's face was full of guilt. If Xiao'er hadn't saved him, he wouldn't have been hurt.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. Have you forgotten that my medicine is a panacea? Brother Ri, there's no need to feel guilty. We are a family. It's what I should do to save you." Xiaoer turned her wrist, which was wrapped like a rice dumpling by Shangguan Xuanyi, To show that he is no longer in pain.

"Sister, you eat from now on and I'll feed you." Yun'er stepped forward and took Xiao'er's right hand.

"I just suffered some skin trauma, and I'm not disabled. I don't need you to feed me." Xiaoer rolled her eyes obscenely after hearing this.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shangguan Xuanyi glared at Xiaoer after hearing this.

Does anyone curse themselves like this?

But Xiaoer is not afraid of him.

The general who defended the city came back with a few soldiers.

"Where are the people?"

"Sixth Prince, forgive me. The prisoner hid among the people and escaped." The general picked up the arrow just now and presented it with both hands.

Shangguan Xuanyi took it and took a look.

"These are the arrows for the royal guards of the Eastern Jin Dynasty." Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Brother Ri.

After hearing this, Brother Ri's expression changed.

However, Xiaoer had already guessed that the arrow just pointed at the three Jingrui brothers. Their family had not reached the point where anyone would assassinate Jingrui and Jinghao. The only person who could assassinate them was Ri Geer.

Apparently Ri Geer's identity was exposed in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

It must have been the last Wanshou Festival, when Zhuge Xin and An Yi came to congratulate them, but they didn't dare to contact them at all. She knew that their situation might be getting more serious.

But now there may have been a reversal.

"How did the people from the Eastern Jin State secretly sneak into our country and assassinate the Sixth Prince?" Aren't they and the Eastern Jin State on friendly terms?

The general who defended the city couldn't understand.

"Just pretend you don't know about this." Shangguan Xuanyi didn't explain much.

After returning to the mansion, Xiaoer's hand injury could not be hidden.

Xiaoer briefly explained what happened.

"In that case, won't Brother Ri be in danger in the future? Brother Ri, never be alone in the school on weekdays. Rui'er, Hao'er, you all have to be careful. Brother Ri, do you know?" I couldn't help but get nervous after hearing this.

Ri Ge'er felt warm in his heart after hearing this: "The school is very peaceful, and the people who study there are all of ordinary status. Therefore, the school has hired a lot of guards, so there is no need to worry about safety."

"That's good. School starts tomorrow and dad will personally take you to school." Shen Chengyao still felt uneasy after thinking about it. What if someone wants to assassinate Brother Ri on the way to school.

"Dad, your current martial arts skills are not even as good as mine." Jing Hao tried to dismantle his father without giving any face.

Shangguan Xuanyi hired a master for the three brothers long ago, and now they practice martial arts for an hour every morning before going to school.

"Even so, there is one more person and one more strength." Shen Chengyao was not dissatisfied after hearing this. His son was more powerful than me, and he was happy.

"No need, Brother Shangguan said he would send two secret guards to protect their safety." Xiaoer told Shangguan Xuanyi's arrangement.

Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu were relieved after hearing this.

"Do you need to tell Mr. Zhuge about Brother Ri's situation?" Shen Chengyao felt that such a big thing should be told to Brother Ri's biological parents so that they could take precautions.

"I don't think we need to tell them about this, they will know about it. It's just that Brother Ri will probably leave us and go back to his country soon." Xiaoer said her guess to let everyone be mentally prepared.

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

"There are people here who assassinate Brother Ri. Wouldn't it be more dangerous for him to go back?" Yun'er was the first to break the silence and spoke anxiously.

Rijiu is in love, Ri Geer has been with everyone for so long, and they are all used to his existence. They will be reluctant to let him go, but the person who is most reluctant to let go must be Yun'er.

After all, during the darkest, helpless and difficult stage of Yun'er's life, Ri Ge'er was the only person who gave her warmth.

Being alone will forget the people who are by your side during your safe and smooth days.

But I will never forget the people who gave me light in the darkest days. And such people are worth remembering deeply throughout their lives.

"When Ri Geer's identity is not known to the enemy, he is 100% safe in our country, but his identity has obviously been exposed. Do you think Master Zhuge will be more powerful in our country than in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?" Xiao'er had to wake up Yun'er's wishful thinking.

Brother Ri lowered his head and remained silent.

"We are all capable of protecting Brother Ri." Yun'er said angrily, but after saying this, her eyes turned red.

"Brother Ri's parents won't be worried, and the most dangerous place is also the safest place."

No matter where there is danger, it is of course the most secure thing to be protected under one's own wings.

The family fell silent again after hearing this.

Xiaoer was silent, as if he was about to part ways.

"Okay, I'm just guessing, even if Brother Ri really leaves, he won't leave so soon. It will take time for the people to pick him up. Everyone, go to bed early, it's very late." Xiaoer advised everyone to go back to sleep. .

There is no eternal feast in the world, and it is not up to anyone to destroy fate.

Deep and exposed, Yun'er sat alone in the yard looking at the full moon in the sky, lost in thought.

Yun'er unconsciously read out a short section of a poem Xiao'er taught them a while ago.

"Even if we meet each other, we should not recognize each other. Our face will be covered with dust and our temples will be like frost."

As soon as she finished speaking, a stream of tears slid down her plain little face.

Brother Ri took a snow fox cloak and put it on her.

"Why don't you take care of your body? What if you catch a cold?"

Yun'er quickly wiped away her tears and tightened her cloak with her hands: "Brother Ri, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"You're not asleep either." Ri Geer sat down next to Yun'er.

"Yun'er, I have to go back." If he doesn't go back and grows up as an adopted son here, how will he marry her in the future.

Even if you could marry her, marrying yourself would make people laugh at her.

She didn't care, and he didn't allow it.

Now that he can choose the best for her, he is willing to do it no matter how reluctant or dangerous it is.

Yun'er has suffered too much, and he only hopes that she will be carefree and happy for the rest of her life.

Yun'er sniffed and nodded: "I know."

"Yun'er, what the Sixth Prince can give to Xiao'er, I hope I can give it to you."

"I don't care. Those people want to harm you. Brother Ri, it's too dangerous for you to go back! You were harmed as soon as you were born. Your parents didn't protect you. Who knows if you will make the same mistake this time. "

"No, I can't let you go. I want to come back alive to pick you up. Don't cry, wait for me."

The two of them talked for a while under the moonlight, and then Brother Ri persuaded Yun'er to go back to sleep. It was too cold, and she would catch a cold if she stayed any longer.

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