After swallowing this mouthful of yellow fish porridge, the queen did not have the courage to take another bite of the bowl of fish soup next to her.

She feels a little nauseous now.

The black stuff floating on the fish soup is definitely the result of frying the fish until it becomes charred and then adding water to it.

Just looking at it makes people lose their appetite.

But as a referee, it would be unprofessional not to taste it.

Reluctantly, the queen picked up the spoon and took a small spoonful, then put it to her lips and pretended to take a sip, then quickly put down the spoon.

And a quick score: two points.

When other people saw that the queen actually tasted the soup, they were all impressed. No wonder she can become a queen. Her endurance skills are unparalleled!

The queen drank it, and everyone was impatient, so they drank a little bit. Before they could swallow it, their stomachs started to churn, and they had to hold it back so as not to spit it out in front of the queen, otherwise it would be too rude.

Next, fish porridge or fish soup is served.

Some porridges are even rice or water, and the fish fillets are not yet cooked.

Some porridge, the rice is not like rice, the porridge is not like porridge, the fish fillet porridge is almost made into burnt black fish fillet cake.

The queen has black lines on her head. Is this an appointment? Can this fish only be used to make fish porridge or fish soup? Do you want to work together like this?

At this moment, she was so regretful that her intestines were turning blue. She didn't understand what had happened to her just now, and she actually allowed these people who had no fingers in the sun to eat fish.

This fish is the most difficult to handle. If you don't handle it well, it will be full of fishy smell.

Her entire mouth, ears, nose and throat were now filled with fishy, ​​burnt and bitter smell, which was simply unspeakable and fishy.

I never knew eating could be so uncomfortable.

Occasionally, a bowl was served that looked a little normal. Although sugar was added to the porridge as salt, all the judges unanimously said: "The taste is okay, you can eat it, three points!"

As a former talented woman, Li Yuning still had a very high IQ. At least the fish fillet porridge was still edible after she cooked it, but she simply stopped making the fish soup.

Smart people have an advantage. They can learn everything easily and know how to do what they can. When she saw that making fish soup requires frying fish, she knew that she would definitely not be able to do it well, so she only focused on making fish fillet porridge, so she won the second place. It was well received by the queen and several ladies.

As for Xiaoer, everyone is full of praise for her cooking skills.

"I heard from the emperor, the second prince and the sixth prince before that the food at the home of Lord Rui'an is so delicious that you can't stop eating it. Even the simplest white porridge and steamed buns are also very fragrant, soft and sweet. I thought they were exaggerating at the time. Today I was lucky enough to taste the fish porridge made by the owner of Rui'an County, and I realized that their statement was not exaggerated at all. In a few years, my Yi'er will be very lucky." The more the Queen looked at her daughter-in-law, the more satisfied she became.

He can enter the kitchen, go out of the hall, earn money, has a good horoscope, is good at both civil and military affairs, and is proficient in all eighteen talents... he is simply impeccable.

After listening to the Queen's words, everyone remembered the taste of the first bowl of fish fillet porridge and fish soup. Their appetites, which had completely disappeared, began to salivate again...

It's really a thought of heaven and a thought of hell. Without comparison, there is no harm. As soon as the results came out, the ladies who were both judges and mothers turned red in the face.

What a shame!

There was so little to praise, and the ladies present began to criticize their children.

"Well, my girl also blamed me for being too spoiled. I just let her do whatever she wanted after the cooking lesson. I never thought that the food she made was so terrible that even my own mother couldn't eat it at the time. You have to keep a tight rein on her from now on, otherwise it will be a disgrace to my family after we get married, and it’s strange that I didn’t fulfill my responsibilities as a mother.” Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of War thought of the bowl of sashimi porridge with rice and water. I hate that iron cannot become steel.

Although the ones made by others were mushy and burnt, they were cooked at least! My daughter dared to serve it half-cooked, how could anyone eat it! I still have vomiting and diarrhea after eating it!

"Isn't it the same with my girl? Every time she takes a cooking class, she makes all kinds of excuses. The bowl of porridge she made was half black. I don't understand how she had the nerve to serve it out. This makes me ashamed. Her face turned red and hot. I can't let her go as she pleases from now on."

"The fishy smell of the soup made by my Yu'er made me almost vomit. I thought at that time which child was so stupid that he didn't even know how to put some ginger in it to remove the smell. I never thought that the stupidest one was my stupid girl. "

"My child used sugar as salt and made fish porridge into sweet soup. It is absolutely forbidden and unprecedented."

"The sweet one is pretty good, but the one made by my Jie'er is salty and bitter. I guess she put more salt than the rice. I only tasted a little, but I was so thirsty that I drank several glasses of water. Feel better."

This competition can only be described as disastrous. These various fish fillet porridge made the judges miserable.

The girl sitting next to her mother was so talked about that she couldn't even raise her head.

But who can blame them? They have been practicing making soup at home for a long time. Who knew that the queen stipulated that fish should be used for cooking.

Although they thought this way, they all secretly decided to go back and learn cooking skills. At least they had to find their place in the next year, otherwise it would affect their marriage plans in the future.

"If a girl's cooking skills are good, her future husband and children will be happy. We are lucky enough to live in a wealthy home. We don't have to do all the housework at home, and there will be servants to do it. But we don't want it ourselves either." Forgetting our own responsibilities, our husband and son are working hard outside. Let us live a life where we can wear clothes to open our hands and eat to open our mouths. As wives and mothers, even if we don’t need to cook every day, we can cook for them occasionally. It is also necessary to have a table of good meals and good dishes, so this cooking skill cannot be thrown away. The Queen did a good job in organizing the cooking competition this time, and Marquis Shengping and his wife did a good job in educating their children." Mrs. Zhongyonghou Mansion sighed.

As the oldest lady here and the Queen's mother-in-law, everyone naturally nodded in agreement after listening to her words no matter what they thought.

"The children born this time are smart, and the parents will have a lot of peace of mind. I really envy Shengpinghou and his wife. The children in the family are good in character and talented. I heard that several of Shengpinghou's sons are also in the country. Studying in Zi Academy, you have to work hard and study hard. Basically, Master teaches you once and you understand. It is so easy to raise such a child." Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette thought of her little son, who had a headache every day because he couldn't go to school.

"I have heard from my son that the two young masters of Shengpinghou are very good at learning, especially the younger one. He is less than ten years old, right? They are already in the same class as my son, and their master said that they are the two brothers who are going to attend now. If you take the imperial examination, you will definitely be admitted as a scholar."

The ladies here calmed down after hearing this. Can you be admitted as a scholar at the age of ten? There are still more than two years left before the imperial examination. What about the number one scholar by then?

If you can’t go home, you have to hurry up and supervise your children!

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