Li Yuning and Shen Baoer were stunned after hearing this. Does kneeling down not count as a salute?

But facing Shangguan Xuanyi, the two of them did not dare to say anything to refute, and hurriedly stood up and wanted to kneel down and salute again.


After hearing this, the two of them were secretly happy. Sure enough, the Sixth Prince still knew how to show mercy to women, and he didn't even have to kneel down!

The two people who stood up felt comfortable throughout their bodies.

But Shangguan Xuanyi's next words sent the two of them from heaven to hell.

"You should be sincere when asking for help. Go kneel in the yard until I see your sincerity."

You two look at me and I look at you to make sure what you just heard is correct.

After getting a positive answer from each other's eyes, both of them turned their heads and looked outside the house.

Now is the time when the sun rises to three poles, right? The sun is shining on my butt!

At this time, the sun becomes more fierce every moment. If they really have to kneel in the courtyard, they believe that within a quarter of an hour, they will turn into a piece of black coal!

And the sixth prince said that he would kneel until he felt that they were sincere!

How long do you have to kneel? Does it mean that the longer you kneel, the more sincerity you feel?

If they really have to kneel down until the Sixth Prince feels that they are sincere, will they still survive? Even if he is alive, can he still see the skin on his face?

Thinking of this, hesitation flashed across both of their faces.

Li Yuning felt regretful at this moment. She had acted too hastily and had forgotten her original intention.

She came here to make friends with County Lord Rui'an, and then take the opportunity to have more contact with the Sixth Prince, and develop feelings along the way. She didn't come to sow discord between him and County Lord Rui'an!

Dad said that the Sixth Prince is very thoughtful and careful. If she chooses to take this step, she must sincerely be on good terms with County Lord Rui'an, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

The descendants of the royal family all grew up in flattery, and they are the most sensitive to people's hearts. Whether he is sincere or fake, the Sixth Prince can tell at a glance!

Dad is right, and being treated like this by the Sixth Prince is the best proof.

Shen Baoer didn't understand how pitiful he was when he looked like a pear blossom with tears in his eyes. How come the Sixth Prince didn't feel sad at all when he saw her? It's obvious that this trick has been tried and tested by men.

Every time she behaves like this, Li Yunhua agrees to everything.

"How about it? Kneel down or not?" Shangguan Xuanyi's voice with a hint of ridicule sounded above their heads.

Both of them were shocked, as if the darkest place in their hearts had been exposed to the sun, with no way to hide it. For a moment, both of them felt unable to lift their heads.

Kneel or not? The two of them were struggling in their hearts.

Li Yunning was calculating the gains and losses in her heart. If she said she would not kneel now, the Sixth Prince would probably look down on her even more. He felt that she was the kind of person who went back on her word and was hypocritical. If she chose to kneel, she would still be helping others to the end. , and can also leave an image of kindness and helpfulness to your sweetheart. After all, she just said that to help Shen Baoer recruit talents, not for herself. As for the skin being sunburned, it’s just sunburned. Isn’t there a plaster that can remove the scars left by smallpox? Then just go back and put some on it.

Shen Bao'er didn't know the existence of the ointment. After she became a concubine, she spent most of her time in the courtyard where Li Yunhua's golden house hides her beauty, so as not to attract attention. It was only after she was pregnant and thought she had someone to rely on that she dared to Go out normally.

At this moment, she was calculating quickly in her mind. If she knelt down, her skin would probably be sunburned to the point of being invisible. Now Li Yunhua was detained in the mansion by Prime Minister Li every day and could not go anywhere. Mrs. Zhang happened to be pregnant again. Li Yunhua She only went to her house every day. If her skin tanned and turned into a ghost, she absolutely believed that Li Yunhua would never go to her yard again.

Shen Baoer felt sad in his heart: This is the sadness of serving people in Israel! He serves people with sex, but his sex wears off and he loves to talk.

She would not be stupid enough to think that Li Yunhua really loved her as he said and could not live without her, so she desperately wanted to get her body in good condition, give birth to a son, and then defeat the Zhang family and become his wife. position, so that her life can be guaranteed to be rich and glorious.

And everything she wanted to get still required Li Yunhua's love for her and this face, so she couldn't afford to kneel down.

"I hope the Sixth Prince and County Lord Ruian will help Madam Shen because of my sincerity."

"I'd better not embarrass my sister. She also said just now that there are no more medicines and prescriptions."

The two of them spoke at the same time, but their words did not mean the same thing.

After the two people reacted, they both looked at each other in disbelief.

"Okay! You go and kneel down! You continue to perform this salute!" Shangguan Xuanyi pointed to the empty space in the yard.

Both of them turned pale after hearing this.

The Sixth Prince was determined to punish them.

"Sixth Prince" Shen Baoer wanted to say something.

"Don't make me say it a second time!" Shangguan Xuanyi released the cold aura all over his body.

The two were so frightened that they quickly silenced and ran out.

The scorching sun was scorching and scorching, and within a quarter of an hour both of them were covered in sweat.

Shen Baoer regretted so much that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today! The Sixth Prince has never been a merciful person. Didn't she also hear about the incident between Shen Zhuang and Erfang's family in the Yamen? Why didn't she learn a lesson?

And Li Yuning too! Why didn't she agree with her if she wanted to kneel? Now that she had to stand up to the bright sun, she could kneel comfortably, but she had to half-squat. For just a moment, she felt that her legs were about to break!

Li Yunning felt even more regretful in her heart. She blamed Shen Baoer, a liar, for deceiving her, causing her to lose face in front of her sweetheart, leaving such a bad impression, and even causing her to kneel in the sun. She was already delicate, but now her knees were in pain from the hot and hard ground. She regretted when she thought about what she had just said in order to plead for her, implying that County Lord Rui'an did not have a bodhisattva heart.

The two of them were not stupid, they knew that Shangguan Xuanyi deliberately punished them to vent their anger on Xiaoer.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer were discussing the textbooks of the Enlightenment Academy in the house. In fact, they only learned three things in total, namely the Three-Character Classic, the Thousand-Character Classic and arithmetic.

There is no need to discuss the Three-Character Classic and the Thousand-Character Classic. The purpose is to help children learn Chinese characters. In arithmetic, in addition to abacus, Xiaoer also added abacus and mental arithmetic, as well as the learning of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Of course, in order to make it easier to learn these algorithms, Arabic numerals are also learned together.

Even Shangguan Xuanyi admired these mental arithmetic and calculation rules, they were much more convenient and faster.

How could something so useful not be promoted? In this way, everything related to calculation will be done much faster in the future! Save time and effort!

Xiaoer taught Shangguan Xuanyi what he didn't understand. The more Shangguan Xuanyi learned, the more mysterious it became.

The two people in the yard were exposed to the sun for a whole day. During this period, Shen Baoer couldn't hold himself up and fell, so he changed to kneeling.

It wasn't until sunset and Shangguan Xuanyi left that they were let go.

Xiao'er saw the two of them in such a state of embarrassment, with their lips losing color and unable to walk, and being carried out, that she shook her head and said, "It's your own fault!"

Now they don't dare to bother me anymore!

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