Xiaoer looked back and saw that half of the cliff had collapsed!

"Oh, mygod!" Xiaoer covered her face! This is a big disaster!

Shangguan Xuanyi also looked back, and then looked at the woman covering her face in his arms with amusement: There is probably no one else but this girl who can make such a big fuss, and she cannot be allowed to wander around alone in the future. She must be allowed to Just take a good look under your nose to feel at ease.

The golden python took them to the foot of the mountain, and the two of them stood in a row and looked over.

"Wow! It's so beautiful. This waterfall has turned a corner and has two more levels. It looks more beautiful, more layered, and more powerful, right? It seems that half of the mountain has fallen just right! This way it looks more beautiful. There is beauty in imperfection!" Xiaoer praised her masterpiece.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded fondly.

The golden python looked at the chaotic yellow mud waterfall and the gnawed corner of the cliff. It looked ugly no matter how hard it looked: Master, are you looking for spiritual comfort because of the trouble you have caused for yourself?

The beauty of imperfection? Fortunately she could speak out! Without looking, the golden python quickly shrank in size and sauntered away.

Shangguan Xuanhao and Di Shaowei were also nearby. When they heard the noise, they both rushed over.

"Oh my God, what's going on? Is there an earthquake? Why is this waterfall in such a horrible state? How come a corner of the beautiful cliff is cut off?" Di Shaowei looked at the waterfall not far away in shock.

I only heard the sound just now and didn't feel the ground movement! Why did the "mountain shake" happen?

"What the hell does it look like? Isn't it more beautiful like this? It's so layered!" As soon as he finished praising the waterfall, he said that the waterfall looked like a ghost. This was to cause trouble, right?

"Girl, did you do this?" Di Shaowei glanced at Xiao'er in surprise.

This girl has done something earth-shattering again. Did this waterfall offend her?

"I'm not that capable!" Xiaoer denied without hesitation.

Dishaowei nodded, "That's right!"

"I just saw a little golden snake! Could that snake be the one we met at Yaowang Mountain before?" Shangguan Xuanhao looked at the direction in which the golden python was leaving. He always felt that this snake seemed familiar, and the golden snake seemed to be familiar. Snakes are rare in this world!

"That's right! If it weren't for it, how could the mountain collapse like this? Who could be so capable?" Xiaoer decisively shifted the responsibility to a certain snake.

But she was right, she didn't know the existence of those two things even if it wasn't the Golden Python. If you don’t know that nature won’t take them into space, then the cliff won’t collapse!

Accountability must be found at the source!

"No wonder!" Thinking of the snake's abnormality, Shangguan Xuanhao believed Xiaoer's words 100%.

After hearing this, a certain snake burst into tears: It's daytime, didn't you say that the master is very good? Are you sure she is not an irresponsible person? It had just woken up and spent the first day with her, and now it was taking the blame. How would it spend the long years to come?

There was such a big commotion that many people rushed over. Seeing that the waterfall was split into two halves, they all asked what happened.

So Shangguan Xuanhao told everyone vividly about the battle with the golden python on Yaowang Mountain.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at himself, the second emperor brother, shook his head, took Xiaoer's hand, and left silently.

"Then Second Prince, what does this waterfall have to do with the golden python?"

"This is what I'm going to say next, that half of the cliff was broken off by its tail!" Shangguan Xuanhao said what he had imagined.

Upon hearing this, the person who asked the question formed an O shape with his mouth.

"It's too dangerous for such a powerful snake to appear in the hunting ground! We have to spend the night in the house tonight!" After hearing this, a certain civil servant wanted to go home!

There are too many snakes in the hunting grounds this year!

"Master Feng, don't worry. As soon as I appeared, the snake ran away quickly. It was scared by me and the Sixth Prince working together!"

Some women present looked at the second prince with starry eyes for the first time!

I thought that the second prince only knew how to deal with herbs all day long and had no masculinity at all. It turns out that he is also such a manly man!

Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't help but get goosebumps when he saw the eyes of those women. He was bragging too much! How could he forget! These women from aristocratic families are like wolves and tigers!

"Hey, I haven't been here for a long time. I must have grown a lot of good medicinal materials. I went to collect herbs." Shangguan Xuanhao escaped!

In the evening, barbecue feast

The first place in hunting was undoubtedly taken by Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer.

Not only the quantity of prey was the largest, but the quality was also the best. I hunted several red foxes and white foxes, which made some girls who wanted to add a good fur coat before winter envious.

Shangguan Xuanyi even gave the death-free medal to Xiaoer in front of everyone.

When Li Yuning saw this, the handkerchief in her hand almost broke.

"Didn't I tell you to take first place and win the death-free gold medal?! Why are you so useless? You can't do such a simple thing!" Li Yuning couldn't help venting her resentment on the person sitting on the table. on the people around you.

What happened during the day made her feel that the gold medal for her to avoid death was the oasis she encountered after a long journey in the desert, which was the hope of life.

Chen Jin did not speak, but poured a glass of wine and tasted it slowly.

She asked herself to get first place, but he didn't agree at the time!

Why should he, a weak scholar, take first place in hunting?

"I'm talking to you! Are you deaf or mute! Won't you respond?" Li Yuning couldn't help but push Chen Jin.

She spilled all the wine in Chen Jin's cup.

Prime Minister Li looked over and gave his daughter a warning look.

Li Yunning flattened her mouth and handed him the handkerchief wrinkled like a pickle.

What do you think of this person, how annoying he is! She reached out and touched her belly, hoping that the child in her belly wouldn't look anything like him, otherwise she couldn't guarantee that she would not be able to help but strangle him to death when the child was born.

During the day, the Prime Minister saw that Li Yunning was pale, so he asked the imperial doctor to check her pulse and found that she was more than a month pregnant.

This "good news" made her feel even more irritable and her temper even more irritable.

Chen Jin took it, wiped the traces of wine on his hands, and said impatiently:

"Madam, I am a civil servant. I came from the imperial examination, not the military examination. I am not good at hunting. How could I get first place?"

Sure enough, the saint did not lie to himself. It is really difficult for women and villains to raise children! Chen Jin couldn't help but add something in his heart.

Could it be that women are all fickle? Why did she suddenly become like this when she used to look like a gentle and considerate person?

"I don't care. If you don't want your son to die, then you can find a way to get the death-free gold medal."

Chen Jin's expression changed after hearing this.

Why does she want that death-free gold medal so much?

When that happened during the day, he felt something was wrong with her! Could it be that the emperor's danger was really related to her?

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