Snowflakes are flying, and this winter it gets cold very early and very cold.

The Sifang family and Shen Nirui finally arrived in the imperial capital.

Since knowing that they were on the road, the weather has been getting colder and colder day by day. Liu's worries that she had been worried about all day finally relaxed after seeing that they were all safe and sound.

After Meijijie went to the Yamen, he and Shen Chengyao returned to Shengpinghou Mansion. He was here to take his wife home.

The mother-in-law had already told him about Shen Nirui's situation. At that time, he wanted to ask Shangguan for leave to go back and bring her to him. However, the mother-in-law said that he had already written a letter and asked his wife to come with Fourth Uncle Shen's family. This would be faster. He Then he gave up. But I didn’t expect that the wait would be several months!

Looking at the thin and haggard lady, Meijijie almost shed tears. It was he who felt sorry for her.

Shen Nirui's eyes were also red.

Xiaoer looked at the rabbit eyes of the two of them and coughed: "It's cold and the food is ready. Brother Ming and Sister Niri should eat first, otherwise the food will get cold!"

They both came to their senses and blushed a little.

Men and women were at separate tables. Shen Chengyao warmly greeted his brother, whom he had not seen for a long time. Among the brothers and sisters who had grown up together since childhood, only this brother who was raised by himself was the only one he could still get close to.

He didn't dare to get close to other people even if he wanted to!

Meijijie had to take his wife home soon, so he didn't drink too much, just a little to warm himself up.

Both Shen Chengyao and Shen Chengzu were drunk.

After Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lu had served their husbands, they got together to talk again.

When Ms. Liu heard that her second roommate had done this, she couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat that didn't appear on her forehead.

Fortunately, the two families are no longer related, otherwise I would have to worry all day long about when my daughter would be plotted again!

Those people really refuse to change their nature and end up harming others and themselves.

But the younger brother of Master Tan in the Imperial Academy’s Jijiu? Isn't that stupid and has a broken leg? I heard that they got married some time ago, but she didn't take it to heart, so she didn't know which family she married.

If Shen Yuzhu really married him, it would probably be worse than marrying into a landowner's family!

Mrs. Liu thought of this and looked at Xiao'er: "Xiao'er, Master Tan of the Imperial Academy's Jiujiu Temple is..."

"There is only one person in the Imperial College offering sacrifices to Master Tan." Xiaoer was thinking about the purpose of Dafang's family marrying Shen Yuzhu to Master Tan's younger brother.

Mrs. Liu took a breath after hearing this, and then told Mrs. Lu what she knew.

Lu: The people in Tai Fang are too scary! These people are so wolf-hearted! I really wish I never had to see them in my lifetime.

Although the weather is very cold, the year is coming to an end. Many people go out to buy new year's goods and order new clothes.

It's been snowing for a few days, but it finally stopped. Today, every street in the Imperial City is full of people.

Xiaoer was visiting Cloth Shop with Shen Nirui and Li Ruoqing.

Li Ruoqing's wedding day is scheduled for March of the following year. Whether it's because of her relationship with the Li family or her relationship with Shen Zixuan, Xiao'er is determined to design a wedding dress for her.

Today I went out with Li Ruoqing to select fabrics. The fabrics for the wedding dress have been selected at Xiaoer's suggestion, and now the fabrics for the quilt cover are being selected.

"Get out of the way! Everyone, get out of the way! Get ready to meet them. The Queen Mother's car is about to enter the city! The Queen Mother's car is about to enter the city." Someone shouted loudly outside.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoer saw Shangguan Xuanhao taking the lead, and several princes were riding horses and passing quickly in front of the shop.

The Queen Mother is coming back from Jiangnan? So sudden? Xiaoer was taken aback.

When Shangguan Xuanyi passed by Buzhuang, he seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head and took a look inside Buzhuang. Their eyes met in the air.

"Quick, ladies, go kneel outside the shop to greet the Queen Mother!" The shopkeeper quickly reminded a few people who were still standing around in his shop.

Didn't they hear what the people outside said and didn't they see people kneeling at the door of other shops? !

Xiaoer came back to her senses and pulled the two people around her more tightly to kneel down.

The Queen Mother entered the city with such great fanfare, what kind of trouble was she going to make? Why did Xiao'er have the feeling that the visitor was unkind.

When Xiaoer knelt until her knees hurt, the Queen Mother's chariot finally appeared.

Wherever the car passed, people kowtowed and shouted: "Blessed is the Queen Mother, a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

Everyone kept their heads down until a group of people passed by, then they raised their heads and looked over.

Xiao'er saw a figure she hadn't seen for a long time and a strange figure from the group of princes riding tall horses.

The eldest prince is back!

Still came back with the Queen Mother.

Could it be that the Queen Mother came back to support the eldest prince?

Could that strange figure from behind be the third prince?

Now, everyone is gathering in the Imperial Capital, and the Imperial Capital City is going to be lively.

After returning home, I have to ask Aunt Rong about the character of the Queen Mother, Xiaoer thought to herself.

The main entrance of the palace is wide open

The emperor and queen were equally at the city gate, followed by thousands of maids and eunuchs.

The carriage stopped, an older palace maid jumped out of the carriage, and the eunuch hurriedly carried her beside the carriage.

An old woman with white hair, a serious expression, but full of energy leaned out of the carriage. With the support of the palace maid, she stepped on the eunuch's back and got out of the carriage.

"Your Majesty welcomes your mother back to the palace. May your mother be blessed!"

"I respectfully welcome my mother back to the palace. May your mother be blessed!" The emperor and the queen took the lead in bowing.

The maids and eunuchs behind her knelt down in unison: "My servants welcome the Queen Mother back to the palace. The Queen Mother may live a thousand years!"

After everyone bowed one by one.

The emperor and the empress personally helped the queen mother get into the soft sedan chair.

Cining Palace

"It's still more comfortable in the palace." The Queen Mother sighed as she looked at the palace where she had lived for half her life.

"Since we are comfortable in the palace, the queen mother should not leave the palace again, so as to save the emperor and his concubines from being worried." The queen said with a smile.

"Without the Ai family gesticulating around in the palace, the queen doesn't have to worry about it every morning and dusk. Wouldn't the queen's life be more comfortable? How could she have the slightest concern for the Ai family?" After listening to the queen's words, the smile on the Queen Mother's face disappeared. .

"Mother, the queen really cares about the queen. Mother, please see if the Cining Palace is well taken care of. Every flower and tree is taken care of by the queen. She will check it regularly every day."

The emperor spoke out, and the queen mother would naturally not be disrespectful: "She still means it."

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. This sandwich bun is hard to eat!

"The Ai family heard that Yi'er's marriage has been decided?" The Queen Mother changed her voice, looked at the Queen, and started to get down to business.

"I have proposed the marriage of Princess Rui'an, the daughter of Marquis Shengping, to Yi'er." The emperor answered the Queen Mother's question first.

The Queen Mother looked at the emperor who always protected his wife, and almost fell down with anger. He was still like this and had no future after so many years!

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