Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 33 Prosperous Porcelain Kiln

"This..." It's impossible. Shen Chengyao wanted to say this, but he started to believe Xiao'er's words: "I'll ask my brother tomorrow."

"Whether it's true or not, we have to find that family." Ms. Liu now feels that there is hope again.

"You can't ask your eldest uncle." Jingrui intuitively couldn't ask his eldest uncle. If he asked his sister, he might not be able to find her. This was based on experience from the last incident.

Xiaoer gave Jingrui an appreciative look. If things were really what she guessed, then rashly mentioning what happened many years ago would be a warning.

"Dad, please quietly find out where their home is. Let's go privately to see if my sister is there. We will discuss it in detail after we are sure that my sister is there."

"Yes, you can't ask about the child's father. If you ask and the matter is true, it would be bad to alert the snake; if there is no such thing, it will be even worse to wrongly accuse the uncle."

"Yes, we have to get evidence and we can't act arbitrarily. Before we have evidence, all conclusions are just speculation."

"Okay, I'll go to town tomorrow to find out."

"I want to go to town tomorrow to buy a wine jar."

"Okay, daddy will take you to Porcelain Street tomorrow. You can buy it there, and wait for me there after you finish shopping. I'll go find someone to find out." Xiao'er has been to the town many times and is familiar with the roads in the town. Moreover, it is only half an hour away from Lianxi Village, and she has been there alone during the autumn harvest, so Shen Chengyao is still very relieved.

"Okay." Xiaoer nodded in agreement. She remembered that Li Zhewei said he would come home for dinner tomorrow, so she said to the two brothers: "Brother, Haoer, you go to the river to catch some fish tomorrow. Mr. Li may come home for dinner. I I’ll make some fishing bait later.”

Both brothers are ready to go. Tomorrow they both want to go and play with brother Zixuan. Then they will go hunting in the mountains and fish in the river together.

The next day, Shen Chengyao took Xiaoer and went to the town. There was a street in the town that specialized in selling porcelain called Porcelain Street. It was quite famous in the entire county, but Xiaoer felt that the place she was in now was not Jiangxi. , not Jingdezhen, she guessed it should be the modern Jiangsu area, but she was not sure. The original owner's memory knew too little about the outside world, or almost nothing.

As the name of Porcelain Street implies, the shops on both sides of the whole street sell porcelain or tile products. The shops here are antique-looking and full of strong cultural atmosphere. The quality of the things sold in each shop is different, whether you are rich or poor. You can buy something that suits you here. In short, there are many categories, complete varieties, and various styles. It can be retailed or wholesaled, so it is famous.

Chinese porcelain has been famous in the world since ancient times. Xiaoer sat on the ox cart and carefully admired the antiques in the shops on both sides. She really felt that the wisdom of the ancients was infinite. Looking at the treasures of the shop displayed in a conspicuous place, it was simply beautiful. People can't help but want to take it home and collect it. This is a priceless treasure in modern times! Seeing so many exquisite works of art made her consider opening a porcelain kiln workshop when she had enough money in the future. As a person born a thousand years later, she had seen countless porcelain products from pictures to actual objects. If she didn't open a porcelain kiln workshop, She felt that the porcelain kiln workshop was a waste. Beautiful things should be appreciated by more people and should be passed down.

Shen Chengyao parked the oxcart in front of a shop called Changsheng Porcelain Kiln. This shop was on the street, but because they came from the end of the street, they had walked through the entire porcelain street.

Changsheng Porcelain Kiln is one of the best shops in this street. As soon as Shen Chengyao stopped the ox cart, a clerk came out: "Your Majesty, are you here to buy something?"

"We want to buy some wine jars, is shopkeeper Yao here?" Shen Chengyao took Xiaoer out of the oxcart.

"Yes, I will help the guest to pull the ox cart to the backyard, and the guest will go into the shop and pick things slowly."

"No, I have to leave soon. My daughter can choose." Shen Chengyao took Xiaoer into the store.

"Okay, sir, please come in."

Shopkeeper Yao saw Shen Chengyao walking in and immediately greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother Chengyao, I'm really looking forward to having you come and see me."

The waiter couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that the shopkeeper was so enthusiastic about Shen Chengyao. The guest officer's dress did not look like the people the shopkeeper usually interacted with.

Xiaoer is also curious about the story between her father and the shopkeeper. Generally speaking, to be the shopkeeper of such a big shop, you must have some background, and for him to call Shen Chengyao his brother regardless of his status, it means that the two have a good relationship, but Xiaoer did not find this person among the original owners.

Shen Chengyao cupped his fists and saluted: "Brother Yao, my daughter wants to buy some wine jars, so I brought her over."

When Xiao'er saw that she was mentioned, she sweetly greeted Fu Fu in a child's way: "Uncle Yao is well."

"Okay, okay, brother Chengyao, your daughter is a better person than you." Shopkeeper Yao said something unclear, and then asked Xiaoer: "What's the little girl's name?"

Shen Chengyao touched his head and smiled. He didn't understand how shopkeeper Yao could say this and could only agree: "Brother Yao said that."

The elm knot is really a piece of wood. Shopkeeper Yao shook his head. This little girl was different. The timing of her salute was just right. She didn’t need to be reminded by adults, and her title was just right. Although it was the first time she met her, she didn’t call her shopkeeper Yao, but uncle Yao. It can be seen from the mutual understanding between the two. He was called like this because he knew they had a good relationship. He is such a winking person.

"My name is Shen Xiaoer."

"Xiao means wisdom, speed, wisdom, and clarity! As expected, he lives up to his name!" Shopkeeper Yao praised.

"Brother Yao, I have something to do. Xiao'er will pick out some wine jars from you first. I will pick her up later."

"Okay, go ahead and have lunch at home later before going back. I'll ask your sister-in-law to prepare a meal and wait for you."

"Let's talk about it later. I'll leave first." Shen Chengyao left. He was really worried about Yun'er.

"How big a wine jar does niece Xiaoer want?"

Xiaoer thought for a while: "I want four 50-pound bottles. Can the wine jars here be customized by Uncle Yao?"

"Yes, but it will take a little longer. It will take about a month to get it." In fact, custom-made orders usually require a minimum order of fifty, but with Shen Chengyao's friendship with him, how could he refuse his benefactor's small request? He could only arrange If the workers take the time to do a few, there will be more instability in the time, so we only say one month later.

"Uncle Yao, does he have paper and pen? I want to draw a picture."

"My niece can draw? That would be even better!" Shopkeeper Yao was very surprised. He also knew about the situation of Shen Chengyao's family, but why could his daughter know how to draw?

"I have loved drawing here and there since I was a child. I always pick up the brushes my eldest cousin doesn't want and draw them on the ground." Seeing shopkeeper Yao's surprise, Xiaoer explained.

"Come, let's go to the accounting room. There are pens and paper there." Shopkeeper Yao took Xiaoer to the accounting room. He prepared pens, ink, paper and inkstones before being called out by the clerk.

Xiaoer thought for a while and then started to draw. After she finished painting the wine altar, she painted two more sets of tableware and a set of tea sets. She planned to sell the designs to make some money.

When shopkeeper Yao came in, Xiaoer had already finished the drawing. She handed the picture of the wine jar to shopkeeper Yao. The wine jar was in the shape of an ordinary wine jar. She drew three kinds of jars and three simple sketches of fruits. On the pattern, there are golden cherry blossoms, grapes and apples, and then each wine jar has the four characters Jingfu Manor. There is also a unique pattern on the bottom of the jar. Xiaoer requires that each wine jar must be engraved with the word "Chen" on the bottom. , this is a way to prevent counterfeiting.

"My niece is a good painter, and this is a good way to carve words into the wine jar." Shopkeeper Yao praised after seeing it. The Su family's wine is very good, so people often imitate the Su family's wine, which annoys the Su family. Later, a notice was issued saying that Sujia Liquor could only be purchased at a designated location, and that it was not true that Sujia Liquor could be purchased at other places, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Uncle Yao, please look at this set of tableware and tea sets, Uncle Yao." Xiaoer handed shopkeeper Yao the drawings of two sets of porcelain.

Shopkeeper Yao took it and was amazed at one glance. Then he quickly looked through it, and then slowly and carefully studied the drawings. After finishing, he raised his head and asked Xiaoer: "Can my niece sell these two sets of porcelain to Uncle Yao?"

"If Uncle Yao doesn't mind, that's what I mean." Xiaoer smiled.

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, my niece is a great talent! This is a superb work!" Shopkeeper Yao looked through several more drawings and praised them endlessly as he read them.

Our own porcelain is already considered to be one of the best in Min Zeguo. No matter in terms of style, pattern and quality, it is all superior. The only one that can rival it is the Ou family. If these two sets of porcelain are launched, they will definitely surpass the Ou family. distance, becoming the first porcelain kiln in Minze country.

The little girl salutes here again. Thank you so many friends for their recommendations and collections. Thank you. You are welcome to continue to recommend and collect them. Thank you.

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