Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 344 (Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

June 19th is the birthday of Guanyin

At the same time, after careful selection, the Imperial Master and the Imperial Heavenly Supervisor also selected this day to hold the Royal Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony.

This is a very grand and important event.

The Queen Mother gave Xiaoer an order to participate in the ceremony as the future sixth prince's concubine.

Although Shangguan Xuanyi didn't know the purpose of the Queen Mother's decree, participating in the ceremony as the future sixth prince's concubine meant that the girl would stand beside him on the day of the ceremony.

Shangguan Xuanyi was very satisfied with this.

In addition, the Queen Mother has already chosen the eldest prince's concubine.

She is Ruan Weizhen, the eldest daughter of Master Yin of Shuntian Mansion. She also attended this ceremony as the future eldest princess.

Although the official position of Shuntian Prefecture is not high, he is not qualified to participate in this ceremony, and it is even difficult for him to make final decisions on many matters, but Yin of Shuntian Prefecture can directly go to the palace to meet the emperor.

Shuntian Mansion is in charge of the security and government affairs of the imperial capital city, and is also connected with the six departments and the upper study.

In other words, if the official sitting in the position of Shuntian Fuyin can gain the emperor's trust and has enough courage, he will have the ability to influence or even overturn the decisions of other yamen through the emperor.

With the power of one position, he can intervene in the affairs of other departments at the same time, and it does not exceed his authority. There is only the position of Shuntian Prefecture Yin.

Besides, the security of the Imperial City can be said to be quite important at certain special moments!

The daughter of the governor of Shuntian Prefecture was definitely a high achiever to marry the eldest princess.

And the eldest prince's willingness to marry low can also tell the emperor and the world that he is peaceful! Otherwise, as the eldest grandson of the emperor, no matter how high-status a woman is, he is worthy of her.

I just don’t know if the choice of the daughter of Shuntian Prefecture Yin as the eldest prince’s concubine was the eldest prince’s own intention or if it was really the Queen Mother who chose it for him. In short, it was a good choice, a wonderful choice, and a wonderful choice.

Three days before the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, all those participating in offering sacrifices to heaven must fast and bathe to show their piety!

Aunt Rong told Xiaoer in detail what a prince and concubine should do and pay attention to.

Xiaoer was lying in her heart. Isn't it just worshiping God? Does it need to be so grand? This involves kneeling and worshiping without eating or drinking. At the end of the day, she doubted how many ladies and girls could bear it.

Xiaoer decided to sew two thick knee pads on her knees to prevent them from suffering.

Aunt Rong's mouth twitched as she watched her girl tie kneepads to her knees.

Xiaoer gave her a bright smile.

Aunt Rong shook her head, that's all, no one could see it anyway.

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was held at the Temple of Heaven in the imperial capital.

The Temple of Heaven is somewhat similar to the Temple of Heaven in the modern Forbidden City, but not exactly the same.

But one thing is the same, that is, they are equally majestic, solemn and sacred.

The ancient Sanskrit sound sounded, long and distant...

Groups of people entered in order of rank.

The sound of bells and drums, one after another, shocked people's hearts.

The master of the state pretended to be a ghost on the altar, ahem, doing tricks.

The altar is filled with various sacrifices.

The emperor led his ministers to wait for the divine light to come.

When the sun rises, a beam of light shines on the top of the palace. After receiving the light, the beads on the top emit a layer of golden light, which instantly envelopes the entire building, and then disappears briefly.

Xiaoer even suspected that she had seen it wrong.

This world is fantasy. Xiaoer used the physics knowledge she learned to go up and down, left and right, front and back, but she still couldn't guess what kind of shot it was.

Wasn't the Imperial Master just pretending to be a ghost? Xiaoer thought to herself.

"After inviting the gods, thousands of gods share the stove, and all gods share the cup, the ceremony begins. Let the emperor sing the sacrificial words!" the solemn voice of the national master rang out.

"In June of the thirteenth year of Zi Rui in the Wei Minze Dynasty..."

The emperor's deep and majestic voice sounded, reflected back from the echo wall, and merged with the original sound. The sound was like a loud bell, far and long, like an oracle.

In such a solemn atmosphere, everyone's heart becomes sacred unconsciously.

Under the instructions of the ritual officer, everyone performed the movements of worship. After kowtowing and praying countless times, the ceremony was finally completed.

If it doesn't work out, Xiaoer feels that she can definitely dry it into dried fish.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Xiaoer's red face and hinted to her with his eyes that it would be over soon.

Xiaoer nodded imperceptibly. She really felt like she was getting hot!

She saw that the future eldest princess kneeling in front also looked shaky.

Alas, Mr. Yin of Shuntian Prefecture is such a good person! Why does his daughter want to marry the eldest prince? It was like a flower stuck in cow dung, Xiaoer started to wander in her heart.

The Imperial Master was about to bid farewell to the gods when the Queen Mother's voice rang out: "National Master, the two princes have just decided to get married. Please make a divination for them and ask the gods whether they are a match made in heaven? How precious are they? The prince is responsible for the prosperity of the Minze Dynasty for ten thousand years, so he must be cautious when marrying a wife! If this is a match made in heaven, it will be good. If not, for the eternal prosperity of our dynasty, we can only..."

The Queen Mother did not say the next words, but anyone who heard these words knew what they meant.

"Mother, I'm afraid this is inappropriate! The theory of a match made in heaven is just a legend. It would be too ridiculous to use this to determine the marriage of two people."

"Marriage is destined by God, what's the point of joking about it? While the gods are all here, let's see if the gods agree with their marriage. If they don't agree, then isn't there an extra pair of resentful couples?"


The ministers below all looked at each other in confusion. Is the Queen Mother planning to cause trouble?

They looked at the two future princes and concubines in front of them, but some of them figured out that Ruan Weizhen was the eldest prince concubine appointed by the Queen Mother, so the Queen Mother would naturally not be dissatisfied.

So the idea of ​​a perfect union was probably aimed at the Lord Ruian.

It is too difficult for the Queen Mother to think of this way to cancel the engagement!

If the gods don't agree that they are a match made in heaven, the emperor can't go against heaven, can he?

There is a legend in the Minze Dynasty: Under the witness of all the gods in the ceremony of worshiping the heaven, the princes, emperors and grandsons will predict the marriage with the woman they are getting married to. If they are a match made in heaven, they will be blessed by the gods and receive a vision of auspiciousness from heaven, and vice versa. .

But after all, this is just a legend. Princes and grandsons of all generations have never tried it. After all, if the prince cannot find a woman who is a perfect match for him, does that mean that he does not need to get married?

The queen mother wanted to break up the marriage between Yi'er and County Lord Rui'an. How could the emperor not know about it? But the reason she gave was too unacceptable and impossible to refuse!

The emperor made up his mind that as long as it was not a disaster coming from heaven, he would firmly support the two of them to the end!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone! Thank you everyone for your recommendation votes and monthly votes

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