Not long after the four people left, the place where they had just fought suddenly collapsed.

A lot of sand kept flowing down to the collapsed area.

And the speed is getting faster and faster

It didn’t stop for a long time…

Dishaowei seemed to be aware of something and wanted to look back to see what happened.

"Don't look back, run!" Shangguan Xuanyi stopped him.

"The faster, the better!" Xiaoer added. She didn't know what happened, but she knew there was danger, very dangerous.

Dishaowei was shocked when he heard this, and he pinched the horse's belly: "Drive!"


The two horses ran forward quickly like arrows from the string.

Animals are no worse at catching danger than humans, and the two horses also increased their speed to the limit.

The morning light began to appear in the distance, and they finally arrived at the edge of the desert.

Shangguan Xuanyi reined in his horse, turned his horse's head, and looked toward the sky across the desert with Xiaoer.

The golden-red sunshine shot out from the clouds, dyeing the entire undulating desert red. It was extremely beautiful...

After Li Mingfang returned to the military camp, she apologized for it!

Anyone who violates military orders will be punished with thirty sticks at the least, and beheaded with force at the most severe.

Li Mingfang, with thorns on his back, knelt in front of a hundred thousand soldiers and begged Yuan Liang.

General Li snatched the thorns from her back and struck her hard.

The blood soon passed through the underwear and dyed the outer shirt red.

Several lives were lost because she disobeyed military orders and dissuasion!

General Li has always been very strict in running the army. He is a person with strong self-discipline!

This is true for outsiders, and even more severe for one's own people. The most basic quality of a soldier is obedience! Absolutely obey orders from superiors.

As for the general's disobedience to foreign military orders, they are all lies! The prerequisite for this saying to be effective is that you win the battle and can overcome it with merit! But Li Mingfang didn’t!

So when he beat up Li Mingfang, he had no mercy at all!

Although it was her cronies who killed Li Mingfang, those cronies were the bodyguards of the Li Mansion. They followed Li Mingfang in the army and were there to protect her. Di Shaowei stopped the soldiers from following her, so although her crime was unforgivable, it was not enough. To make a decision by beheading.

But innocent lives were sacrificed needlessly because of her fault. This is also an ironclad fact!

General Li hit him with thorn after thorn. Li Mingfang knelt there, gritted his teeth, and endured it without making a sound.

Until there was no intact part of her back, and her flesh and blood were bloody, General Li had no intention of stopping.

Di Shaowei couldn't bear it and wanted to stop him.

Xiaoer grabbed the corner of his clothes and shook her head at him.

If you go to save her now, the beating you received before will be in vain!

If General Li doesn't beat Li Mingfang until the soldiers are convinced today, he will have trouble convincing the people in the army in the future!

Besides, blood debts must be repaid with blood, and other people’s lives are gone. If she only suffered some injuries, wouldn’t that be considered minor?

If you do something wrong, you must accept punishment, and Xiaoer agrees with this.

Di Shaowei knew what Xiaoer meant and understood the truth, so he closed his eyes and couldn't see anything anymore.

Under the beating of General Li with a stick, Li Mingfang finally couldn't hold on any longer and fainted.

If this continues, people will really die!

The soldiers didn't expect General Li to be so cruel and beat his own daughter to death.

If other lieutenants had made the same mistake, they would have received dozens of military sticks, but it would not have been fatal.

They all knelt down one after another to plead for Li Mingfang.

Until all the soldiers knelt down to plead for her.

General Li gave up.

Dishovi breathed a sigh of relief!

Li Mingfang and General Li were seriously injured some time ago and walked through the gate of hell. It was all caused by Daru and Yale. If they had not arrived in time with the medicine, they would be nothing now.

He could understand her eagerness to kill her enemies with her own hands, but she was overestimating her abilities! Failure to see the situation clearly will only cause pain to loved ones and happiness to enemies in the end.

In the army, discipline must be strict and rewards and punishments must be clear to convince the masses. General Li must have hit her on the body, which hurt her heart.

General Li wanted Li Mingfang to remember this bloody lesson forever and only allowed her to use ordinary wound medicine. And she was expelled from the military camp. There is no need for disobedient people in the army to serve as a warning to others.

Li Mingfang was in a coma for a day and night before waking up, and then lay on the bed again. The pain kept her awake for three snacks and all night. It took ten days before I could barely get out of bed.

After learning that she had been expelled from the military camp and was no longer allowed to participate in the war, she felt that her life was worse than death. She knelt outside General Li's tent for a whole day but could not get him to take his life back.

Now the soldiers once again saw the strictness of General Li's rule and were deeply impressed.

In a certain palace of Xiyue Kingdom, there is an immortal lamp for the king and prince of Xiyue Kingdom.

The maid who came regularly this morning to refill the oil and protect the lamp found that the second prince's longevity lamp was out.

She ran out in panic.

It didn't take long.

The wizard set up an altar in the palace to perform divination and inquire about the cause of death.

The result pointed directly in the direction of Min Zeguo's royal family.

The Khan of Xiyue Kingdom was so angry that he crushed the cup in his hand. As soon as he let go, a pile of powder fell down.

He decided to fight in person and avenge his second son personally! That was the son he was most proud of. He was trained as the future crown prince of Xiyue Kingdom!

Xiyue Kingdom is a country where the strong is the king. As a Khan, Tenglu defeated countless strong men before ascending to this position.

It is tolerable, but it is unbearable to be mature. Xiyue Kingdom once again launched a war!

This time the battlefield is on the edge of the desert.

The two soldiers are about to fight.

Several men wearing all black clothes started playing a flute. The strange music sounds, as if it can take your breath away!

Xiaoer, Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanjun were riding horses and standing on a sand dune.

"What kind of music are those men in black playing? It's a bit evil." As soon as the music came into her mind, she was in a trance for a second.

"Keep your mind!" General Li's loud voice rang out in the army. All the soldiers were shocked, and then they came back from their trance.

"It should be the legendary Spirit Snake Song." Shangguan Xuanyi sneered in his heart, this time they dug their own grave.

"Spiritual Snake Song leads snakes out of their holes and automatically forms formations, ever-changing." Shangguan Xuanyi added.

In the legendary Spirit Snake Formation, thousands of snakes come out of their caves. Anyone who enters the snake formation will have illusions. They will kill each other in the illusion, or even commit suicide, so as to achieve the goal of winning without losing a single soldier.

"Isn't this formation lost? How did the people of Xiyue Kingdom know about it?" Shangguan Xuanjun felt extremely heavy after hearing this.

Xiaoer shouted in her heart, why must we play with snakes! Is this still a good time to watch the battle?

"Kill all those men in black and don't let them lure the snakes out of their holes!" Di Shaowei has also heard of the Spiritual Snake Formation.

"Those men in black are just a cover, the real players are hiding in the dark." General Li shook his head.

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