Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 377 (Additional update for the helmsman)

It was the first time in many years that the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom were beaten until they voluntarily surrendered and fled.

In the past, it was mostly a tie, and no one could take advantage of the other.

Of course, except for the time when the troop formation map was leaked a few months ago.

That night, the off-duty soldiers in the military camp celebrated by eating meat and drinking heavily.

General Dingyuan (Yang Yong) drank more happily than anyone else.

"General, what happened in that battle today? Why did we win without fighting?" A soldier thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how to win that battle, so he asked for an explanation directly.

General Li didn't know how to answer after hearing this. Even he was confused and confused, but he knew it must be related to the Sixth Prince, so he looked at Shangguan Xuanyi: "Sixth Prince, the last general I don’t understand why the Spiritual Snake Formation turned against them in the face of battle?”

After hearing this, Yang Yong poured the wine more slowly.

It was impossible for Shangguan Xuanyi to tell Xiaoer's story, so he said calmly: "I know a little more about the Spirit Snake Formation than the other party."

He knew that there was a snake king who was the girl's pet, or the pet that came to his door.

After saying this, he stopped explaining.

After hearing this, no one asked again what the extra bit was.

The Spiritual Snake Formation is an ancient evil formation and has always been known for its mystery. Naturally, such a formation would not be revealed in public. Everyone thought it was reasonable for the Sixth Prince not to explain it anymore.

It turns out that Xiyue Kingdom only knows the incomplete Spirit Snake Formation, so now it has hit the wall!

snort! It's like Lu Ban was trying to get a big ax in front of the door, not overestimating his own capabilities.

It was said that the Sixth Prince was talented in literature and military virtue, and indeed this legend was well-deserved.

After hearing this, Yang Yong drank another large bowl of wine.

When the soldiers saw how generously he drank, they kept urging him to drink.

He was also happy and accepted everyone who came.

Finally, he was so drunk that he was carried back to the tent and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, it started to snow. The soldiers who had been drinking all night did not feel cold at all and fell asleep soundly.

Yang Yong sat up from the couch, put on his night clothes, avoided the patrolling soldiers, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

He came to a farmhouse in a small town on the border. He jumped directly onto the wall and jumped in.

That night, he waited for half the night in the underground study of the house, waiting for the person who was monitoring him to appear.

However, no figure appeared or even approached the house.

Could it be that my intuition was wrong?

During this expedition, everything was out of his control since Lord Rui'an and his brother joined the army.

Lord Ruian, the person the wizard wants to get rid of is indeed extraordinary.

He was probably exposed the moment he took the initiative to provoke her.

As for why he knew Xiao'er's identity, given the special care the Sixth Prince took towards Xiao'er, if he hadn't guessed her identity, it would have been impossible for him to survive until now.

We can't go back to the military camp!

Although he couldn't find any clues, Yang Yong believed in his intuition.

On the second day, Yang Yong dressed up as a merchant and lined up with the people to leave the city and return to Xiyue Kingdom.

Yang Yong's trip out of the city went surprisingly smoothly, which made him wonder if he was thinking too much.

Walking to the border of Min Zeguo, a young man wearing a silver-white robe was sitting by the river fishing with a girl.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, the girl turned around and looked at him with a slight frown and complained: "General Dingyuan, you came at the wrong time and scared away all my fish!"

really! My disguise was discovered!

"The Sixth Prince and Lord Rui'an are very interested in fishing here in the cold weather. Are there any fish to be caught?"

"Yes! A big fish just came!" Xiao'er pointed out.

When Yang Yong left last night, she originally thought he was going to meet someone.

But no, the golden python told her that he sat alone in the secret room for half the night! Nothing was done.

She knew then that he suspected that she had been discovered! He deliberately waited there for the person watching him to show up.

General Dingyuan really showed up in the army early this morning, and she knew that he would not return to the army camp again.

So she and Brother Shangguan waited for him here.

This man caused so much trouble and then just wanted to walk away. How is that possible?

"Yang Yong, you did so many things to avenge Prime Minister Li?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." How did she know about her relationship with Prime Minister Li? A trace of surprise flashed across Yang Yong's expression, but he quickly covered it up.

But Xiaoer didn't miss that fleeting expression, which further confirmed her guess.

"A father who didn't even give you a surname, is it worth it for you to do all this?" Xiaoer ignored his denial and continued: "If you have a father who is the prime minister of Minze Kingdom and a mother who has a princess of Xiyue Kingdom, then How does it feel? It must have been a difficult childhood like that!"

As soon as Xiaoer said these words, Yang Yong could no longer conceal his shock.

Except for Khan, even Teng Min didn't know about this in this world. How did she know? !

How Xiaoer knew this was because she had met the second prince of Xiyue Kingdom in the desert.

Teng Ge's eyes are very similar to Yang Yong's, but Yang Yong's eyebrows are more delicate and his eyelashes are longer.

Teng Ge's eyebrows are thick and his eyelashes are relatively short. If you don't look carefully, you won't think that their eyes are similar.

But Xiaoer had worked hard to draw portraits, so she could tell at a glance.

Even their eyes are a little brown.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He raised his voice slightly to cover up his gaffe.

This seems a bit cover-up.

The past events of his childhood were the darkness that he did not want to uncover. He was enveloped in indifference, and he resolutely crossed them and wanted to leave.

Xiao'er had confirmed her guess from his expression and stopped asking any more questions.

"If you want to leave, who will bury the thirty thousand dead soldiers with them?" Shangguan Xuanyi blocked his way.

Yang Yong did not deny it this time. He glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi with disdain: "I want to leave, and you want to stop me? You are overestimating your own capabilities!"

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything. He would not overestimate himself or underestimate others. He directly attacked him.

It's always dazzling when masters compete with each other.

Feng Qing and Feng Yang came to Xiao'er and protected her to prevent anyone from jumping over the wall and using her to threaten their master.

Yang Yong's martial arts is very high, almost as good as Shangguan Xuanyi.

After the two exchanged more than a hundred moves, Yang Yong gradually fell behind.

He was shocked by the superiority of Shangguan Xuanyi's martial arts, and he knew that he couldn't go down like this, so he took out a smoke bomb from his arms and threw it at Shangguan Xuanyi.

Then he jumped into the river.

Shangguan Xuanyi avoided the smoke bomb, which exploded the moment it touched the ground.

The yellow smoke momentarily blocked his sight.

When the smoke dissipated and the sight became clear, Yang Yong's figure was disappearing from their sight.

Thank you?.゛﹋My heart is warm and sunny.

Thank you ① paper ↑ 裣情歌 for the tip

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