Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 40 Buying Land

Before Shen Chengyao left for the neighboring county, he wanted to inform the village chief about the land purchase, and went to the village chief's house early in the morning with a basket of fruits to discuss the land purchase.

In the west wing room, Jing Rui and Jing Hao have been practicing calligraphy for an hour every morning since they got pens, inks, paper and inkstones. The weather is already very cold, and the two brothers' hands are all red from the cold after practicing calligraphy in the morning. They are embarrassed. They also enjoy it every day. Mrs. Liu was heartbroken when she saw it, and thought about giving them a set of gloves. They said it was inconvenient to practice calligraphy with them, and it would be even harder to practice well.

Xiaoer sat on the kang and made small puppets and silk flowers, and Mrs. Liu also followed suit. The little girl was lying next to Mrs. Liu, waving her hands constantly. The little girl was now very pink, white and plump, and she was particularly popular. The most important thing is that he is very well-behaved. As long as his diaper is clean and he is not hungry, he can play for a long time on the kang or in the cradle with a rattle. When he is tired from playing, he can fall asleep by himself as long as he is not hungry and he can eat well at night. She could sleep until dawn, and of course Mrs. Liu would get up in the middle of the night to change her diaper. Now Shen Chengyao will say something every time he holds his little sister, "My little sister looks so good. My brothers and sisters have never been so fair and fat. It is all the credit of my brothers and sisters."

In fact, the water the family drinks every day is space water that Xiaoer secretly changed, and they often eat space food. Everyone's complexion is much better, but Xiaoer feels that these must be done step by step. Obviously, that’s why we control the amount of things in the space.

She has planted the seeds given by Director Chen last time in the space several times. One is hyacinth, one is tulip, one is lavender, and one is crabapple. Xiaoer took the seeds collected in the space and planted them outside again. She poured some space water on them every day and now they have sprouted. When you go to pick up the wine jar later, you can take it to Shopkeeper Yao and ask him to help Manager Chen.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day. The pheasants, rabbits and robes that were raised in the past have grown up a lot with the supplement of space food. There will be some changes in the family every day. Xiaoer looks at the few relatives around him, Suddenly it felt like this was good, and she would work hard to make their lives better.

Xiaoer kept thinking about things and doing the work at hand, while paying attention to the movement outside the door, and finally saw Shen Chengyao and the village chief passing by the door. Xiaoer hurriedly put down her work, noticed that no one was seen in the upper room and the east wing, and called Jingrui and Jinghao to walk to the end of the village together.

When the three of them arrived, the village chief and Shen Chengyao pointed to a pond and didn't know what they were talking about. The three of them greeted politely, and the village chief nodded in agreement, "In this wasteland, look at the grass roots thicker than hair, and the stones as numerous as the stars in the sky. It will really be more difficult to maintain than our ancestors." , such a big pond here is at least half an acre, what will it be used for, are you still sure you want to buy a whole piece of wasteland?"

Xiao'er and the other three couldn't help laughing after hearing the village chief's description. The village chief was really talented, and Xiao'er praised him in her heart.

Shen Chengyao glared at the three little brats, "The village chief is the one you can laugh at!"

He nodded to the village chief again, "Our family has already discussed it."

Sometimes the village chief is really angry at his friend's paranoid temperament. You say that this person is easy to talk to when others ask him, but when you talk about the things that he believes in, your saliva will dry up, and he will pull ten more cows. If you try to pull him away, he won't listen to you. He will just let you finish your words and then continue to insist on your opinion.

"Okay, buy it all! It's such a cheap land. If you don't buy it, it's for nothing." The village chief was so angry that he said something sarcastic.

Xiaoer stared at the wasteland opposite for a while, "Uncle Village Chief, does the wasteland opposite also belong to our village?"

The village chief glanced at the opposite side and said, "Twenty acres belong to our village, and the remaining ten acres do not."

"Why don't dad buy the thirty-plus acres opposite the house? It will be easier to take care of it opposite the house."

Shen Chengyao thought about it and felt that it was right. He was most afraid that he would be in trouble if he met someone who was difficult to get along with in the future. He looked up and looked down every day and it was embarrassing. "Can the village chief help us buy more than 30 acres of land across the street?" ?"

"Okay." The village chief lost his temper. The two father and daughter were specifically against him. The more you persuaded him not to buy so much, the more they bought!

"But with so much land, even wasteland costs one tael of silver per acre, which adds up to more than eighty taels of silver. And can you manage such a lot of land? After buying this wasteland, in addition to the homestead, The other taxes will have to start after three years, and if you don’t farm for three years, you will have to take them back.”

"Xiao'er sold two pictures two days ago and made some money, so he wanted to buy more land. After all, fertile land is too expensive. This wasteland is cheaper. His mother and I are also young. We can open a little bit every year and we will be able to open it in three years. It’s over.” He knew the rules of buying wasteland.

The village chief remained silent after hearing this. He knew that the couple were notoriously hard-working and worked risking their lives.

"Uncle Village Chief, how do you sell those two hills?" Xiaoer asked, pointing to the two hills in the distance.

The village chief looked at it and frowned even more. The two hills were even harder to take care of. They were used for growing crops and even carrying water would be tiring for a person. Moreover, one of the hills was very rocky and would take a lot of work to clean. Kung Fu, “Do you want to buy it?”

Xiaoer nodded, "If it's cheap."

"Then I'll ask you when I go to the Yamen to sign the contract for you."

"Excuse me, uncle, village chief."

"Now let's go back to my house to sign a contract, and then I'll help you go to the Yamen to apply for a land title as soon as possible. I hope it can be done today."

"Okay, I'd like to trouble the village chief."

The village chief waved his hand, "Why bother? This is what I should do. Although I hate you for being like a dead cow, stiff-necked and unable to straighten it out, but I am very happy and happy to do it for you. Do this.”

Back at the village chief's house, the village chief wrote a document in triplicate, and both of them pressed their fingerprints. Then the village chief asked Lin Dashu and Lin Dashi to be witnesses and pressed their fingerprints.

When Lin Dashi and Lin Dashu found out that Shen Chengyao wanted to buy so much wasteland, they tried to persuade him.

Shen Chengyao ignored it, saying that he could always turn wasteland into fertile farmland. All three of them thought he was crazy.

Shen Chengyao took out a one-hundred-tael silver note and gave it to the village chief. "The remaining silver will be given to the village chief to go to the Yamen for turnover. We have booked it for two mountains first."

"I'd like to place a reservation first. Do you think those two mountains are worth the money?" The village chief rolled his eyes, but he could only agree angrily, "Okay, I'll make a reservation first, I'll make a reservation first." The last three words are "village" The chief said it through gritted teeth.

Shen Chengyao decisively pulled the three children to say goodbye and left.

After returning home, Shen Chengyao took out the written receipt and showed it to Mrs. Liu. Shen Chengyao also taught Mrs. Liu to read some characters. Mrs. Liu took a look at it. Although she couldn't recognize it all, she knew that she bought more than 80 acres in total. Even the one opposite Mrs. Liu didn't think there was anything wrong with buying it. At most, she would work more diligently to open up wasteland in the future. Who among the farmers wouldn't want to have more and more fields?

Mrs. Liu kept the receipt and asked Shen Chengyao when he planned to leave for the neighboring county.

Shen Chengyao said, "Get ready to go now."

He sat for a while, drank a bowl of water, and took the luggage and dry food that Liu helped him pack. Xiaoer gave Shen Chengyao a basket of fruits, a pot of space water and a one hundred tael silver note. Shen Chengyao only took 10 Two, don’t bring anything else with you.

Xiaoer asked Shen Chengyao to rent a carriage in the town, and Shen Chengyao agreed and set off.

Thank you everyone for your favorites and recommendations. I’ll finish the update early tonight. I’m going to bed. I’ll get early tomorrow. Good night everyone. I’ll continue to ask for favorites and recommendations. Thank you.

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