After the sun went down, the abdominal pain they had been worried about all afternoon returned as expected. The darker the night, the worse the pain became.

Before midnight, many people couldn't bear it anymore and clamored for antidote.

In the middle of the night, the person who was in so much pain that he wished he could die finally received the antidote.

As soon as I took the medicine, the pain disappeared.

Everyone's clothes were soaked, and they couldn't help but tremble when they thought of the pain just now.

The next day, they were still locked up. At the same time, the pain began to come again. After experiencing what happened last night, everyone asked for an antidote when the pain came! This is something that no one can tolerate!

But this time it still caused them pain until midnight before giving them the antidote.

After dawn, someone took the initiative to tell people outside that he was willing to obey the adults' arrangements, as long as the antidote could be given to him on time.

After hearing this, the others quickly surrendered if they still didn't understand anything.

So, at sunset, the antidote arrived as expected.

Feng Xing lurked inside for four days and was trained like a soldier every day, but he couldn't find any useful information.

Who was this secret soldier? He tried to ask the people who had been here for a long time. Everyone was filled with fear when they heard this question.

Knowing that he would not be able to find out anything if he continued to stay, he ran away on the night of the fourth day after he became familiar with the terrain.

He didn't run far before he was spotted by Zhao Feng Er.

Originally, he thought that the pain would be gone after he had taken the antidote tonight. Who knew that as soon as he channeled his internal energy, the toxins in his body would break out again.

The more he used his internal strength, the more severe the pain became. Soon he was at a disadvantage and was seriously injured. However, he remembered that Shangguan Xuanyi had given him an antidote pill. After he took it, he regained his strength and escaped. sky!

After rushing during the day and enduring the pain that was worse than death at night, Feng Xing finally came back on the forty-eighth day.

After Shangguan Xuanyi listened to Feng Xing's report, he asked him to retreat.

He sat in front of the desk, tapping the table with his right hand gently, digesting the information Feng Xing brought back.

"Master, the Second Prince and Lord Rui'an are waiting for Master in the side hall."

Shangguan Xuanyi came to his senses after hearing this, stood up, and walked out.

"What's wrong with Feng Xing?" Xiaoer asked when she saw Shangguan Xuanyi walking in.

"What did you find?" Shangguan Xuanjun also asked.

Di Shaowei and Shangguan Xuanhao originally had questions to ask, but when they all asked them, they shut up and waited for Shangguan Xuanyi's answer.

Shangguan Xuanyi simply told what happened to Feng Xing.

"Zhao Feng'er actually hid there! No wonder your people couldn't find him after searching for so long!" Dishaowei sighed.

At that time, he was surprised that there was someone in Min Zeguo that Shangguan Xuanyi could not find! It turns out that he has already left the country!

"Whose soldiers are those soldiers?" Shangguan Xuanjun frowned.

"Zhao Feng Er doesn't look like someone from the Xiyue Kingdom." Xiaoer said.

People from each country have some facial features that are different from other countries. People from the Xiyue Kingdom have deeper facial features and sunken eyes.

"That detoxifying pill failed to completely detoxify Feng Xing? The poison was still there the next night? This is unreasonable!" Xiaoer frowned.

One drop of the spiritual liquid dripping from the Worry-Free Tree in Space can cure all the poisons in the world!

She can guarantee that Feng Xing's poison was definitely cured at that time. If the poison returned the next day, he must have been poisoned again.

"There are thousands of poisons in the world. There are so many. It's not surprising that we haven't detoxified them all. Why is it so unreasonable?" Shangguan Xuanhao originally studied medicine. Generally speaking, each poison has a different detoxification. method, so when he knew Xiaoer had a pill that could cure hundreds of poisons, he didn't believe it at first.

It was only after he tried it in return and was completely slapped in the face that he believed it. Now that there was finally a poison that the antidote pill couldn't cure, he became a bit excited to sing.

"Are you happy that Feng Xing's poison can't be cured?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at him coldly.

"Of course... no! I just wish Feng Xing had never been poisoned!"

Shangguan Xuanyi gave him a warning look before looking back.

That look is so scary, who is the real brother? Shangguan Xuanhao quickly comforted his young heart!

"I can guarantee that my detoxification pill can detoxify all the poisons in the world! So I think that after Fengxing took the detoxification pill, it was not that he was not detoxified, but that he was poisoned again."

"It's also possible." Di Shaowei nodded.

"If you want to know whether Feng Xing's poison has been completely cured, wouldn't you know it at sunset tonight?" Shangguan Xuanhao said.

"That's right." Xiaoer nodded.

"Then let's just stay here for dinner tonight and wait until Feng Xing is fine before leaving. Girl Xiao'er, Brother Di hasn't eaten food cooked by you for a long time!"

"What a good suggestion! It's settled! I'll have to worry about Xiao'er tonight!" Shangguan Xuanhao made the decision immediately after hearing this!

"That's okay, we have County Lord Lau Ruian." Shangguan Xuanjun was also very excited about this proposal.

"Get out of here! Don't be an eyesore here!" Shangguan Xuanyi was angry. When did his girl become their cook?

Xiaoer didn't mind, so she said, "Okay, let's just treat it as a farewell party to Brother Shangguan! Let's cook together, Brother Shangguan."

The other three were dumbfounded when they heard this: Invite Shangguan Xuanyi to cook together?

How is this possible? Not to mention that Shangguan Xuanyi is a noble prince, even a man from an ordinary family has no chance of cooking!

You know: a gentleman is far away from the kitchen!

"Okay!" Shangguan Xuanyi stood up without hesitation after hearing this.

After hearing this, the three people looked at him in disbelief. This man must be crazy!

After this got out! He is still shameless!

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up, took Xiaoer's hand and headed towards the kitchen.

Di Shaowei pinched Shangguan Xuanhao beside him: "It turned out to be a dream! No wonder it doesn't hurt!"

Shangguan Xuanhao laughed angrily after hearing this. He was pinching himself, so of course it didn't hurt him!

Shangguan Xuanhao stretched out his hand and pinched Di Shaowei's arm hard.

"Hiss! Are you crazy? Why are you pinching me!" Di Shaowei jumped up in pain!

"Does it hurt? If it hurts, it's not a dream!"

"Brother Sixth Emperor is really crazy!" Shangguan Xuanjun sighed after coming back to his senses!

Even if you dote on another woman, you can't give up your principles.

"Completely crazy!" Di Shaowei nodded in agreement.

Shangguan Xuanyi came to the kitchen and scared everyone in the kitchen.

The chef who was cutting vegetables cut his finger, the maid who was washing vegetables was so frightened that she overturned the basin, and the woman who was killing the chicken lost the chicken, causing the whole kitchen to panic!

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned as he looked at them.

After several people hurriedly caught the chicken again and the kitchen was tidied up, he waved his hand and let them all go down.

Seeing Shangguan Xuanyi's cold face, the people in the kitchen were so frightened that they didn't dare to take a breath and ran away one after another.

Thank you to the book friends who forgot about the reward, and thank you to the book friends who voted!

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