Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 42 The words of Master Yunfa

Xiaoer was particularly surprised to receive such courtesy from Master Yunfa, and Mrs. Liu was even more flattered. Who is Master Yunfa? Everyone in the Minze Dynasty knows who the emperor is, and everyone may not know the emperor’s name, but everyone has heard of Master Yunfa’s name. The two of them were busy blessing each other and responded with a blessing: "Master, long blessings."

"The donor is polite." The master also responded with a gift: "Two donors, please come in."

Xiaoer took a look at this Taoist priest. His eyebrows and beard were all white, and his clothes were also white. He had a certain air of immortality. The two followed the master into the Zen room. The master asked them to sit cross-legged on the mat, and then he began to make Kung Fu tea. The hot air and mist lingered, making the atmosphere more mysterious and unpredictable. Even the voice of Master Yunfa became ethereal. .

"Don't you know the little benefactor's horoscope?"

Mrs. Liu didn't feel scared in her heart, but she was a little nervous when she told Xiaoer's horoscope.

"The little benefactor encountered a catastrophe not long ago. If he survives the catastrophe, he will be blessed in the future. He will be rich and glorious in the future, which is beyond the reach of others."

Master Yunfa glanced at Xiao'er and said, "Little benefactor, this is my hometown. You are here to continue your love for three generations and accumulate great blessings for future generations. In the future, I hope that the benefactor will let go of the worries in your heart and bring you blessings." The world, moisten the common people."

Xiao'er was slightly shocked when she heard that she had accumulated thousands of blessings for the prosperity of the generations to come. The Shen family in her previous life was a mysterious and ancient family. It had been rich and prosperous for more than ten generations. From now on, her previous life is the future generation. , if what she does in this life can accumulate virtues and blessings for her relatives in the previous life, she is willing to do so even if it takes her life. Her parents, who love her parents and relatives so much, she has not had time to show filial piety to her. They died, and she was not willing to do so. She now took comfort in knowing that she could do something for them.

"My wife and children are blessed with deep blessings, and she is a kind-hearted person. The hardships in this life are over, and she will enjoy the blessings of her children in the future, and will be extremely wealthy and glorious."

Master Yunfa glanced at the little girl in Liu's arms again, and asked about the horoscope, and Liu reported it.

After hearing this, Master Yunfa looked at the sky through the window and asked, "Oh my god, what's going on? All the wealth and honor are going to one family."

Some time ago, he observed the stars at night and discovered that the stars of the future emperors and empresses all appeared, and they were born on the same day of the same year and the same month, and were destined to die on the same year and the same month.

"The little girl on the sycamore tree."


After hearing this, Xiaoer looked at her little sister and raised her eyebrows, unable to see that this little bun was so lucky.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the phoenix lives in the phoenix tree. According to legend, the phoenix tree is a spiritual tree that can tell the seasons and is the king of trees. The phoenix is ​​the king of birds and the auspicious bird in people's hearts. Since it is the king of birds, the tree for it to rest on can only be the king of trees.

Little sister, from now on, I have to hug your thigh tightly. No, she has to train my little sister to be obedient to her since she was a child. She must feel from the bottom of her heart that her sister is right and that she loves her the most. You have to listen to your sister.

There was one more thing Liu wanted to ask, which was whether Yun'er could be found. When Master Yunfa saw that Liu had stopped talking, he asked, "Madam, can you speak directly?"

"I have a daughter who was lost three years ago. Now there is no news. I want to know if she can still be found?"

"Madam, what you are asking for today is a good fortune. If not, you will be lucky."

After the three people left, Master Yunfa said, "Dragon and Phoenix Xinxing, live and die together."

The three of them returned to the main hall to join Shen Chengyao and the others. When Shen Chengyao saw them coming out, he hurriedly asked, "What did Master Yunfa say?"

Mrs. Liu suppressed the happiness in her heart and shook her head. When Shen Chengyao saw Mrs. Liu's face full of joy, he guessed that it was a good thing, but it was difficult to say because there were so many people, so he felt relieved and stopped asking.

Mrs. Lu came today because she wanted to pay her respects to the queen who gave birth to her child. Jing Jie is already four years old, but Mrs. Lu still has no news about her pregnancy. Although she gave birth to a boy with her first child, she still wants to have more children. The best plum blossom. Jianzhu has both sons and daughters.

So the group of people went to worship the Empress Send-off, then accompanied the three brothers to worship Wenquxing, and then went to the Temple of Wealth to worship. They were going to go down the mountain to go home after worshiping the Dragon King Temple.

Unexpectedly, I met Tan and Liu Jingshu in the Dragon King Temple. The two of them were supporting an old lady. Behind the old lady was a little girl, who should be her maid. The maid was carrying a box of tributes in both hands. She was so tired. sweating a lot.

Xiaoer saw them first, "Mom, it's my aunt and cousin Jingshu."

Mrs. Liu followed Xiaoer's gaze and found that it was indeed her natal sister-in-law, so she walked over and said, "Sister-in-law, are you here too?"

"Little sister, what a coincidence, I'm here to seek marriage for Jingshu."

"Mom, how can you go around saying this?" Liu Jingshu was so angry when she heard that her mother would ask someone to marry her.

The old lady who was supporting Jingshu smiled when she saw it, "Jingshu, don't be shy, it's normal for the male to get married and the female to get married."

Mrs. Liu looked at the old lady, wondering who this was.

Mrs. Tan remembered that Mr. Liu did not know Mrs. Li, so she said: "This is Mrs. Li. We met on the road, so we came up together. This is my husband's sister, my brother-in-law, and her sister-in-law."

Shen Chengyao bowed and saluted: "I am well, Madam."

The children of Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lu are both blessed, "Long blessings to the old lady."

Several children followed suit and saluted. Xiaoer felt that this was the fault of the ancients and they were too polite.

Mrs. Li nodded and said with a smile: "No need to be polite, this is not a companionship. If it weren't for Mrs. Liu and Miss Jingshu, I would have fallen on the hundred-step ladder. They saved my life. They both saved my life." Mother and daughter had to carry me to the Five Temples alone."

"Madam Li said it was serious, but we didn't do anything. How can we save your life?"

"I'm not exaggerating." If he continued walking, he would definitely fall down. It was all because he was so devoted to seeking a good marriage for his grandson that he forgot that his body was already worse than before.

Xiao'er looked at Mrs. Li and Li Zhewei's almost identical eyes, and guessed their relationship. Could it be that this was Li Zhewei's grandmother.

Xiao'er handed a bottle of water that she had never drank before to Mrs. Li, "Old lady, drink some water. I put this in front of the Five Gods and worshiped it carefully. It is clean and has never been drunk."

The water Xiaoer gave Mrs. Li was space water. She gave it to Mrs. Li because she looked really bad. Since she is the grandmother of someone she knows, she can help if she can. Even if she doesn't know her, she can still accumulate virtue, right?

Madam Li did not refuse. The water they brought had been drunk long ago. The water supply area in the temple was full of people. Another of her maids went to queue up to get water and has not returned yet.

Mrs. Li felt that the water was very delicious after the first sip of water. She drank half a bottle in small sips before stopping. She felt that her body felt much more comfortable, her strength had returned, and her complexion also improved. "Water that I have worshiped the gods." It’s like fairy water, I feel so much better.”

Seeing that Mrs. Li's complexion had indeed improved a lot, several people felt that the water was really divine and they would bring two bottles to pay their respects next time.

After everyone had finished paying homage, Mrs. Li asked the maid behind her to call back the girl who was queuing for water, and then they went down the mountain together.

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