Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 44 Big Sale

During the off-season, there were many more people coming to the city to go to the market. Xiaoer's family waited in line for a quarter of an hour before it was their turn to enter the city. After entering the city, Shen Chengyao spent a long time searching on the street before he found a middle-aged man who had just finished selling his prey. , was packing up and getting ready to leave.

Xiaoer, with her sharp eyesight and quick hands, immediately jumped out of the cart with a bag of herbs and took her seat.

An uncle who was a step late couldn't help but feel annoyed: "The little girl reacts so quickly. I'm closer than you, and I'm not even as fast as you."

"I am also flexible because of my small size. Uncle, there is also a lady over there who is almost running out of eggs. You go and wait, otherwise you won't be able to occupy the place."

The uncle listened and looked over. No, it was really almost sold out. He didn't bother to say another word, so he hurriedly ran over with the load. He had already walked around this street twice.

Shen Chengyao helped them move their things out of the oxcart and then left. He had to find a contractor who he knew when he was working in the past who specialized in building houses. Because they had worked together, he knew that he was good at work and honest. He is loyal and will never cut corners, so this time he plans to hire him as a contractor when building his own house.

He had to find the eldest brother before he left for work, otherwise he would have to wait until he came back from work in the evening to see him.

Ms. Liu carried her little sister on her back, while Xiaoer and Jingrui set the table, then placed a piece of cloth on the table, and placed some silk flowers, hair flowers, and small dolls on the table.

Next to their stall was a woman selling bamboo products and her daughter. The little girl's eyes widened as soon as their things were put on the table, and she shouted: "Wow, so beautiful!"

Ms. Liu smiled at them after hearing this: "Eldest sister's things are also very exquisitely knitted."

After hearing this, Xiaoer took a look and found that there were several flower baskets. The workmanship was indeed very good, and the weaving was exquisite, small and beautiful. Xiaoer came up with a plan, "Auntie, how do you sell your flower basket?"

"Is this what you're talking about?" the woman asked, holding up a flower basket.

Xiaoer nodded: "Yes."

"This flower basket costs three yuan a piece."

Xiaoer saw that there were only five left, so she wanted them all.

The aunt was very happy to see that she bought all her flower baskets at once, and asked her daughter to pick a flower. The little girl was very happy after hearing this.

Several people have already come to Xiao'er's stall to choose, because the family had already discussed the price of everything last night, and also discussed how to answer questions that customers may ask, Xiao'er He asked Mr. Liu to be responsible for selling, Jing Hao to keep an eye on the stall and not let others take advantage of him, while Jin Rui was responsible for collecting the money.

Xiaoer took some silk flowers and small puppets behind them and started to make the flower basket. Flower arranging is also a technical job. In the past life, many ladies would learn this skill to pass the time. What Xiaoer has to do now is to decorate these flower baskets with silk flowers and sell them for money.

"How do you sell this head flower?" asked a young woman.

"Because this flower is made of silk, it costs six cents a piece."

"It's so expensive, other people only buy it for three cents."

"The style of this flower in my house is the first in the entire Minze country. It is a new style that we just came up with. It is not available anywhere else. You don't have to worry about it being the same as others when you buy it back. Six cents per flower is already considered a great discount."

"Five cents, five cents, I'll buy it."

"She won't buy six cents, but I will." A girl next to her said hurriedly.

When the young woman heard someone snatching it from her, she stopped bargaining, "Who said I won't buy it? Six cents is six cents. Here! Take it! This is six cents."

The girl looked at the pink rose unwillingly, hummed slightly, and then lowered her head to pick it up. She had already picked three dolls and five flowers. It was obvious that her family was relatively wealthy.

A head flower of ordinary fabric costs three cents, silk or satin costs six cents, and a doll costs thirty cents for a small one, sixty cents for a medium one, and one hundred cents for a large one. Although it is expensive, many people still buy it. The most popular ones are the small and medium dolls. Fewer people buy the larger ones. The silk flower head flower is sold out quickly. It is true that no one has ever seen it so realistic. The head flowers and silk flowers are simply addictive.

Xiaoer made five flower baskets. As soon as these flower baskets were placed on the table, someone asked the price. When they heard that they cost two or three, they hesitated.

These flower baskets are decorated with silk flowers, and there is a medium-sized puppet on them, including a rogue rabbit, a pink pig, kitty cat and two Mickey Mouse. The entire flower basket is colorfully decorated, lively, cute, beautiful and dreamy, and many girls like it.

But the price is too expensive, I can't afford it, so I can only take a few more glances.

A sedan carried by four people was passing by. The lady inside the sedan just opened the curtain and saw the flower baskets. Her eyes lit up and she hurriedly asked her maid to buy all the flower baskets.

The woman at the stall next to her became red-eyed when she saw someone actually buying it. The flower basket she bought for three cents, and a few silk flowers put on it, were sold for three taels of silver. It was really annoying to compare people with each other, and compare goods with goods. Gotta throw it.

Her daughter bought an ordinary hair flower for three taels of silver. Looking at her daughter's hair flower, she had a plan in mind. When she got home, she would have to take it apart. She learned how to make it herself for only three taels of silver. The flower baskets were out for sale, and she smiled again when she thought of this.

When Xiaoer and the others were selling in full swing, two young men were sitting in a private room on the second floor of a restaurant across the street. Both of them were outstanding-looking and dressed in jade robes, and behind them stood their confidants.

Di Zhaowei saw Shangguan Xuanyi looking out the window and couldn't help but take a curious look, "It's them! What a fate. What are they selling? So many people are buying it?"

"Something girls like."

"Oh, women's money is the easiest to make."

"What do you think about selling the puppets below at the Treasure Treasure Building in the Imperial Capital?"

After hearing this, Di Zhaowei's eyes lit up, "Let alone one or two, as long as the workmanship is exquisite and the materials are high-quality, a dozen or two can be sold well. Those boring women in the imperial capital love to compete to buy something fresh. Stuff.”

"Xiao Fuzi." Shangguan Xuanyi called lightly.

"Master, wait a moment." Xiao Fuzi bowed and retreated.

"I never expected that an ordinary farm family could come up with such unique puppets and silk flowers."

Ordinary? Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the little girl who was only about seven or eight years old on the street. She had a friendly smile and looked like a breath of fresh air. She behaved calmly and calmly in the busy city. Her movements made him feel elegant and charming no matter how he looked at her. But she was obviously just a yellow-haired girl. .

Xiao Fuzi came to Xiaoer's bunk and said, "Madam, I bought all the remaining dolls."

Xiaoer packed up the remaining dolls and handed them to Xiao Fuzi, "Chenghui five hundred coins."

After Xiaofuzi gave him five hundred coins, he said, "Madam, my master has invited a few people upstairs to discuss something." After saying that, he motioned to the private room on the second floor with his eyes.

The three of them looked over and recognized the two people they met on the mountain last time.

Xiaoer nodded to Mrs. Liu: "The two people Dad helped on the mountain last time."

Ms. Liu nodded.

"Madam, you two gentlemen, my lady, please."

Mrs. Liu followed up with three little ones.

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