Due to the upgrade, the space keeps running, and at the same time it slowly repairs and transforms Xiaoer's body that has lost its vitality. This can only hold her breath so that she cannot die or wake up, so the breath will If there is, if there is not.

Back in the border town, Fengxing, who received the news, had already delivered the last pill. Fortunately, he deliberately kept one pill at that time! Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous, Feng Xing thought with trepidation.

Shangguan Xuanyi fed Xiaoer the pills, but it took him so long to take them. Every cell in his body needed to recover, so how could he wake up in a short while.

Shen Chengyao wanted to take Xiaoer back to the imperial capital, but Shangguan Xuanyi didn't allow it. Shen Chengyao was so angry that he couldn't help but scolded Shangguan Xuanyi. Shangguan Xuanyi didn't refute a word and accepted it all. Looking at Shangguan Xuanyi's resignation, Shen Chengyao felt like he was not punching cotton.

But Shen Chengyao wanted to take Xiaoer away, but Shangguan Xuanyi refused, making him furious.

Shangguan Xuanyi wanted to see Xiaoer wake up with his own eyes, and he wanted to atone for his sins as soon as possible. He also wanted to take revenge by destroying the Xiyue Kingdom with his own hands!

In the end, Shen Jingrui said a few words of help and stayed to take care of Xiaoer before Shen Chengyao gave up.

Shen Chengyao also knew that he was venting his anger. Shangguan Xuanyi was simply restrained by the worm at that time and could not help himself.

Shen Chengyao was very depressed because he would have to marry his daughter to the murderer who almost killed his daughter, but the murderer did not do it on purpose. He expressed that he was very upset and then he returned to the imperial capital alone in despair.

Shangguan Xuanyi personally led an army of 100,000 to attack the Xiyue Kingdom, conquering one city after another! No matter how much Xiyue Kingdom surrendered, they ignored it. In just over three months, they went straight to the Xiyue Kingdom's palace and killed all the members of the Xiyue Kingdom's royal family! Rivers of blood flowed, and the people of the entire country were in panic.

Shangguan Xuanyi formulated new policies one by one and appointed new officials one by one, which appeased many people.

From then on, Xiyue Kingdom was included in the territory of Minze Kingdom, which shocked other countries.

It took three months to destroy a country. Although it was a small country, its military strength should not be underestimated.

Many foreign policies have to be adjusted again.

Fortunately, Xiyue Kingdom was too barren, either a desert or a grassland. Although they were shocked, they didn't have much envy.

This might still be a hot potato! It’s not necessary to forcefully drag down the slightly wealthy Min Zeguo!

They were just waiting to carve up this piece of fat Min Zeguo!

Shangguan Xuanyi brought the comatose Xiaoer class teacher back to the court.

He was sitting in the carriage, holding Xiao'er in his arms who still refused to open his eyes.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer, who had not opened her eyes for more than three months, and reached out to caress her face, which had become much thinner, and her chin became even sharper.

"Girl, wake up! Are you angry with me, so you don't want to wake up? How about you wake up and stab Brother Shangguan? If you feel that one sword is not enough to relieve your anger, then stab him twice, two swords If you don’t feel relieved, then stab me with three swords. As long as you are willing to wake up, you can stab me with as many swords as you want, okay?”

Xiaoer's eyes were still closed in response to Shangguan Xuanyi.

Xiaoer's soul with nowhere to rest returned to modern times, floating in the air, watching the daily life of her biological parents and brothers, silently bursting into tears.

These people are all close relatives who have held her in their hands and loved her for nearly thirty years.

It was the closest relative she thought she could only see in her dreams in this life.

She looked at them reluctantly, unwilling to leave.

But no longer willing to let go of Xiaoer's soul, it was still pulled back by the space and imprisoned in a corner of the space for protection. She was very decadent for a while.

She had just finished soothing herself and her mouth twitched when she heard Shangguan Xuanyi's words. When she woke up, she let herself stab back! No matter how many swords are stabbed? !

Shangguan Xuanyi is a cup worm on his head! How could she do such a loss-making business?

If she really stabs him back, his emperor will not kill her nine clans!

She decided that when the space upgrade was completed and her soul could return to its original place, she would keep pretending to be dead unless Shangguan Xuanyi promised to give her some benefits!

What Xiaoer didn't know was how Shangguan Xuanyi could say anything good for her. Shangguan Xuanyi felt that all his things belonged to Xiaoer, and even his whole person belonged to Xiaoer. What kind of benefit did Xiaoer want? , just take it and use it casually, no need to ask him at all.

Ding, the space upgrade is completed.

Xiaoer's soul was released, and she was so happy that she almost jumped up.

The golden python came to Xiao'er and looked at Xiao'er's translucent soul state with lingering fear.

The space was upgraded, and their cultivation was also improving, but the master almost died at that time, causing the three of them to become immortal and almost become possessed!

"Master, if anything happens in the future, you'd better let me out first so that I can protect you! Human beings are unreliable!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer was convinced! Men are unreliable! "Xiao Huang is so considerate! He is indeed the master's little cotton-padded jacket!"

Xiao'er looked at the Wushu tree which was much thicker and full of leaves and Wushu fruits. Xiao'er felt much more at ease in her heart!

This world is too chaotic. There are no worry-free fruits and worry-free leaves. Who knows if she can live to be gray-haired. She doesn't want to die young.

Because she already died young once!

"By the way, why does this space upgrade take so long?"

During the day, I brought Xiaoer to a room. This was another room that appeared out of thin air.

Xiaoer looked at the furnishings inside, which looked like a multi-functional monitoring room.

"Is that a TV?" Xiaoer asked, pointing to a big screen.

"Well, space-time TV!"

"What does space-time TV do?"

"You can tune into the space-time channel of your previous life. When there is a signal, you can see your biological parents. This is one of the special rewards that space gives you."

"This..." Xiaoer was so excited that she almost jumped up.

"Don't be too happy too early. The signal here is very poor and it's hard to see." He couldn't help but pour cold water on him during the day.

Xiaoer felt that it was nothing after hearing this. If he could take a look at it occasionally, he would have no regrets in this life.

She quickly stepped forward to try to tune in, and soon saw her senior's mother looking through her photo album.

"Mom..." Xiaoer couldn't help but reach out and touch her, and then the screen went black.

Xiaoer looked towards Bai Tian.

During the day, he shrugged like a human: "They say the signal is not good."

Xiaoer also knows that one should not be too greedy. She has always been a lucky and happy person.

"You said reward one before, so what is reward two?"

"Master is a blessing in disguise this time. When the space is being upgraded, if you die, the space can take the opportunity to transform your body."

Modify your body? She felt that her body was already good enough. She had not had a cold or fever in the past few years. What else needed to be improved?

"Why modify my body?"

"From now on, Master can practice internal skills and possess internal power!"

Xiaoer's eyes lit up after hearing this! The mountain falls, everyone loses their memory, and space upgrades!

It is most practical to rely on yourself!

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