Xiaoer got dressed and opened the door: "Brother Shangguan, wait for me downstairs. I'll be down in a moment."

Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer's black hair hanging down. She had just woken up and her whole face was flushed. She was very attractive, and he couldn't help but want to kiss Fangze.

At this time, someone came from the other end of the corridor. Looking at Xiaoer again, she had just woken up, and she had a lazy and sweet look. Shangguan Xuanyi closed the door with a dark face, blocking the view of outsiders: "I'm upstairs. Wait for you, don’t open the door casually next time.”

How could this girl open the door looking like this? What if someone looked at her! He will want to kill someone!

Shangguan Xuanyi went downstairs and asked Yang Liu to help Xiaoer dress up.

Xiaoer was taught inexplicably, what does it mean to open the door casually? Didn't she open the door when she heard his voice? Next time he knocks on the door, even if he breaks his hand, she won't open the door for him! Simply baffling! Xiaoer thought angrily.

Then she went to the dressing table and combed her hair.

At this time, the knock on the door rang again, and Xiaoer, who was inexplicably angry, said angrily: "Get out! I won't open the door for you casually."

The willow outside the door was silent. Is the girl having a temper with her master?

She coughed and said, "Girl, I'm here to help you dress."

Xiaoer covered her face. She thought Shangguan Xuanyi realized that his attitude was wrong just now and came to apologize!

During meal time, all the tables in the lobby downstairs were full.

After sitting down, Xiao glared at Shangguan Xuanyi fiercely.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face was full of confusion. He didn't know why, and it was hard to ask in front of so many people, so he could only wait until after dinner.

Xiaoer glanced around: "Why is the business of this inn so good?"

Jingrui had been sitting downstairs for a while, and after hearing a lot of news, he said, "The day after tomorrow is the biggest jade auction of the year."

"Jade auction?" Xiaoer felt that she had to attend this jade auction!

"It is the jade auction held by the Qishi Society, and many jewelers will come to participate. Which shop will sell high-quality jade jewelry next year will mostly depend on this auction." Shangguan Xuanyi explained.

"My family is also engaged in jewelry. Why didn't I know there was such an auction?" If she had known, she would definitely send people here every year to make money!

She had the space to pick up the lowest quality jade and raise it for ten or eight years, but she still couldn’t believe that it wasn’t top quality!

Of course, this is just a joke. If all the inferior products are picked up, her shop might as well open again in ten or eight years, so high-quality rough stones are also needed.

For others, jade and gemstones may be something they would rather have in short supply than indiscriminately, but for Xiaoer, they would definitely be indispensable rather than indiscriminately!

"Is your store still out of stock?" Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Xiaoer in surprise.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty is rich in all kinds of jade, and Ri Geer has given a lot to the Shen family every year in the past few years. He knows this.

Besides, he had never seen her take out the giant piece of jade from Qiu Lie last time - the Millennium King of Jade.

"Why is there no shortage? Who would think that there is too much money? No matter how much money you have, if you don't accumulate it, it will eventually run out! I decided to go hunting for treasures on the street early tomorrow morning."

"I'll go with you." Jingrui said after hearing this.

"No, brother, go to the dental shop and ask if there are any shops for sale in the city, and then buy the ones you like. I want to open a branch of the Four Seasons Restaurant and the Garden Hotel here."

Remembering how Xiaoer almost looked at her when she woke up just now, Shangguan Xuanyi said, "Zhao Yong, go with Jingrui. I want to buy a yard."

This way I won’t have to stay in an inn when I come here.

After hearing this, Jingrui thought of the Tianzihao room that cost ten taels of silver a night, and nodded solemnly.

Businessmen who deal in jewelry are not wealthy owners. As long as there is a need, they will be willing to pay even the most expensive rent.

"It doesn't matter if there are no suitable shops for sale. It doesn't matter if there is suitable land outside the city. Let's just build a new building." Xiaoer added.

Jingrui nodded after listening. Yunshi County is a county that must be passed through when going to the northwest. There are many merchants coming and going. After Xiyue Kingdom was captured, it was temporarily renamed Xiyue City. There will definitely be more merchants coming and going in the future.

There are many situations where there are delays on the way and you are unable to arrive before the city gate is closed or you want to leave before the city gate opens in order to hurry.

In addition, Yunshi City is a big jade city, how can it not be without merchants with money to come?

So it’s not a loss to have a restaurant and hotel outside the city.

The aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys or not knowing the goods, but is afraid of comparing goods. Jingrui really doesn't worry about the lack of business coming to his shop in a place with a large number of customers.

After eating, several people went back to rest. Shangguan Xuanyi followed Xiaoer into the room on the pretext that he had something to discuss with Xiaoer.

Upon seeing this, Jingrui followed the two of them into the room on the pretext that he had something to discuss with Xiaoer.

Yang Liu and Zhao Yong looked at each other and silently lit a candle for their master in their hearts.

Recently, the eldest son has been keeping a tight guard against a certain wolf!

Xiaoer poured a cup of tea for the two of them and sat down at the round table: "What do you want from me?"

"Sixth Prince, let's talk first!" Jingrui said respectfully. But he thought in his heart: He was just here to guard against wolves. After the sixth prince said this, he would let him go, and then he could retire with success.

"You tell me first, my matter is not urgent." Shangguan Xuanyi took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"I'm not in a hurry. In order not to delay the Sixth Prince's rest, you should speak first."

"I'm not sleepy. I slept too much in the afternoon. You tell me first! Didn't you and Zhao Yong go out to buy a carriage in the afternoon? You should be tired after walking for a long time."

Xiaoer watched the two of them going back and forth, always feeling that smoke was about to spread: "You two, hurry up and say it! After that, hurry up and leave, I still have to practice my internal strength!"

"I'll guide you later. Didn't you say there was something you didn't understand this morning?" After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi immediately seized the opportunity to speak.

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this: "Brother, please tell me first. You have to get up early tomorrow to practice martial arts and find a shop. After that, go back and rest early."

Jingrui looked at Xiaoer aggrievedly: "Sure enough, girls are outgoing."

After saying that, he stood up and walked out.

Xiaoer: "..."

She was just worried that he was too tired and asked him to rest early. How could he become an outgoing girl? Who is she outgoing? Isn't it towards him?

What happened to the boys today? Is the collective aunt coming to visit? I got angry for no reason.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Xiaoer glanced at the closed door and wondered, so she asked Shangguan Xuanyi.

"I probably wanted to come here to guide you in your practice, but I got there first." Shangguan Xuanyi opened his eyes and lied. He stretched out his hand to tuck a strand of hair hanging down behind Xiaoer's ear.

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