puff! Xiaoer couldn't help but laugh. She covered her mouth and turned around quickly. It was so unkind to make fun of others, but she really couldn't help it.

"Shut up! Who wants to be your wife!" Zhuge Meiyu wanted to step forward and slap him twice!

This pervert actually dares to grab his own, his own... ah! She's going to kill him!

Zhuge Jinquan quickly grabbed Zhuge Meiyu who was about to go berserk: "Yu'er, stop making trouble, isn't it embarrassing enough?"

Zhuge Jinquan had a headache. He could just retaliate secretly for being taken advantage of. If he made such a fuss, wouldn't it just make people laugh?

When Zhuge Meiyu saw someone stopping her from hitting the person, she struggled hard and waved her hands to resist, accidentally hitting Tian Huang who was being held by Zhuge Jinquan.


Tian Huang came into close contact with Qing Shiban.

This sound seemed to have touched some mechanism. The excitement suddenly faded away and silence fell.

Everyone looked at Tian Huang, who was split in half on the ground, and remained silent.

Someone exclaimed: "Six thousand taels are gone!"

Everyone woke up as if from a dream.

"Oh my God! What a pity. Six thousand taels are just wasted!"

"Fortunately, the cracked part is not too big and can still be used! But there will definitely be some damage."

Everyone gathered around to see the Tianhuang that was split in half, and then they discovered that this Tianhuang was perfect on the outside, but it was a bit scummy on the inside!

In this case, it would be great to earn back six hundred taels from six thousand taels.

Those who participated in the auction just now patted their hearts: What a risk, almost a big loss!

A jeweler who was not strong enough was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

There was an opportunity in front of him. He originally wanted to borrow this stone, gamble for a while, and then join the ranks of the rich. Fortunately, fortunately, the bidding came to the end, and the silver was not enough!

Otherwise there will be no tears in crying!

Everyone looked at Zhuge Meiyu with sympathy.

"This Tianhuang is not what it looks like. Let alone six thousand taels, even six hundred taels is a loss!"

Zhuge Meiyu looked at the two fields under her feet and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

This is what I spent a lot of money to photograph!

She thought of Xiaoer's provocative look, and felt that Xiaoer had deliberately deceived her and raised the price to make her buy this inferior product!

It’s simply sinister!

Someone has obviously forgotten who wanted to deliberately raise the price in the first place and wanted others to suffer losses!

When the jeweler saw Zhuge Meiyu like this, he thought she was heartbroken that the six thousand taels were wasted, so he hurriedly said:

"Beauty, don't be afraid, it's only six thousand taels! As long as you become my wife, I will give you a bride price of six thousand taels!"

"Shut up! You ugly, fat, bald guy, if you want to marry me, don't even think about it in the next life!" Zhuge Meiyu saw his look and felt like vomiting when she thought of his dirty hands! Angrily, she stretched out her foot to kick his third leg.

Zhuge Jinquan quickly grabbed her.

"Ah! Beauty! Don't breathe here. If you're breathless, I won't be able to let you have a baby!" The jeweler covered his lower body and said in a lustful voice.

"Go to hell! Whoever gave birth to a baby! Who wants to marry you! The toad wants to eat the swan meat! You are not even worthy of carrying my shoes!" Zhuge Meiyu was so angry that she pouted at him.

"You have been touched by me, who else can you marry except me! I advise you not to be shameless! Otherwise, when no one dares to want you, you beg me, and I will consider letting you be my foot wash Maid!" The jeweler was not happy to hear her scolding him like this in front of so many people!

Zhuge Jinquan stopped Zhuge Meiyu, then punched him and started punching and kicking her.

"Shut up! Foot-washing maid! Who do you want to be your foot-washing maid!"

"Ah, help! Help...it's murder!"

The onlookers did see that the jeweler deliberately took advantage of the girl. Besides, what he said was too insulting, so no one felt pity for him when he was beaten.

"Sir, spare your life, I don't dare anymore, please spare your life!"

This is the Minze Kingdom, not the Eastern Jin Kingdom. Most of the people who can deal in jewelry are people with backgrounds. Zhuge Jinquan vented his anger and then stopped. He didn't want to cause more trouble.

"Go away! If I hear you talking nonsense again, I will cut out your tongue."

"No, I don't dare anymore." The jeweler was beaten so hard that he could only breathe out, not in.

Seeing that no one was killed, Shangguan Xuanyi said to Xiaoer, "Let's go."

Xiaoer nodded.

The two of them walked away.

When Zhuge Meiyu saw Xiaoer standing aside and watching her joke for a long time, she remembered that it was because she had dodged that she had pounced on that stupid hand.

All my misfortunes are caused by this witch!

Thinking of this, she took off the long whip wrapped around her waist and swung it at Xiao'er! If she doesn't bring out the true nature of this witch, she won't be called Zhuge Meiyu.

Zhuge Jinquan didn't stop him. Even he felt that Xiaoer was deliberately provoking her just now and asked his sister to spend a lot of money to buy this broken stone!

Xiaoer dodged in a flash.

"Girl, do you have rabid dog disease? Do you bite people when you see them? Why do your parents let you out if you have this disease? You should be locked up and don't come out to harm others! This rabid dog disease is contagious!"

"You are the mad dog! You witch! If you have the ability, come out and give me a good fight! Aren't you the one who caused me to be embarrassed like this?"

"Are you kidding? When did I hurt you! Girl, you are really the epitome of unreasonable trouble! If you go too far, don't blame me!"

If a person troubles you over and over again, then he really deserves a beating!

The whip is not just for her! She wasn't even born when he was playing with the whip!

Shangguan Xuanyi protected Xiaoer behind him.

Xiaoer took Shangguan Xuanyi's hand and said, "Brother Shangguan, let me try."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded. Anyway, with him watching, she would never suffer a loss, that's all!

Xiaoer pretended to take out the long whip from her sleeve pocket!

Zhuge Meiyu raised her eyebrows when she saw Xiao'er also taking out a long whip, then flicked her hand, and the whip flew out like a long snake.

Xiaoer, who had no internal strength, was already good at using whips. With the blessing of internal strength, the whip seemed to be alive, full of murderous intent.

Xiaoer's long whip entangled with Zhuge Meiyu's long whip, just like two pythons entangled together and biting each other tightly.

Xiaoer swung back with all her strength, and Zhuge Meiyu flew up.

Although her internal strength is not deep enough, it is better than pure. 10% of her skill is equivalent to 20% of the average martial arts practitioner.

Zhuge Meiyu didn't expect Xiao'er to be able to pull herself up into the air, so she quickly retracted her whip, adjusted her body, and landed on the ground with both feet, so that she didn't fall too ugly.

Xiaoer didn't give her a chance to breathe, and the whip swung again. With the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, it was not impossible for the weak to defeat the strong, but it had to be clever and unprepared.

Not enough internal strength? Her reaction and calculation skills are very powerful. She calculated the most likely direction for Zhuge Meiyu to avoid and adjusted the direction of the whip midway.

It is difficult for a person to make evasive movements one after another without standing firm.

Xiao'er swung the whip and landed firmly on Zhuge Meiyu's shoulders. In an instant, her shoulders blossomed!

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