"If I don't understand, what does this prince have to do with Mr. Xu? Does Mr. Xu want to threaten me?" Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at him coldly.

"I don't dare. I just want to express my loyalty to the Sixth Prince." Xu Zhongtian looked coldly at him. He forgot that people like them at the top of the pyramid can't stand being threatened by others. Usually it's only because they threaten others.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't speak, just showed a contemptuous smile.

It's hard to figure out what's going on in his mind.

He doesn't need a corrupt official to be loyal to him. That would not help him, but harm him.

Xu Zhongtian's heart was beating.

At this time, the prefect and the governor of Yunzhou came in.

The two of them bowed to Shangguan Xuanyi respectfully.

Xu Zhongtian saluted the two of them again. He was sure in his heart that these two people were coming for the Sixth Prince. He didn't see the two of them seeing the Sixth Prince here. He was not surprised at all. The ceremony was as smooth as it was performed!

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xu Zhongtian: "Master Xu, why did your people go so long? Could it be that you didn't let them go because they didn't see the imperial green?"

"The Sixth Prince is joking, here comes someone! Everyone died somewhere, why haven't they been invited over yet?"

After hearing this, Wu Bufan quickly pushed the tied-up Zhao Yong in, and then he ran away in fright!

Your Excellency is very cruel today. He even beat the concubine he loves the most. He better not go any further!

When Xu Zhongtian saw the tied-up Zhao Yong, his eyebrows jumped with anger!

That guy Wu Bufan definitely thought that he was guilty enough to die, so he came here specifically to make a last-ditch attack.

He quickly ran over and untied Zhao Yong.

"Master Xu, is this the misunderstanding you are talking about? Do you think I am a fool to tease you?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at him as if he were looking at a dead person!

Xu Zhongtian knelt down again: "Sixth Prince..."

Shangguan Xuanyi raised his hand to stop him from continuing: "Master Xu, do you know what I understand from you?"

Xu Zhongtian shook his head!

"This prince understands from you what it means to read the books of sages in vain!"

Reading the books of sages in vain? Xu Zhongtian turned pale and fell to the ground. When did he start to change?

He remembered his impassioned oath at the Qionglin Banquet! The self who wants to do good things for the people and do practical things.

Where did that self go? Why can't he find it?

How could he change from seeking benefits for the people to seeking benefits from the people?

It seemed that he began to change when a delicate and pitiful woman appeared beside him.

He has gone from a clean-sleeved gentleman to a wealthy county magistrate!

Although his official position was not high, because of Di Zhiyuan's relationship, he came to be the magistrate of one of the richest counties!

He is not satisfied with such a small official, an official who can do most practical things for the people!

He felt that this little official made him unable to hold his head high in front of other adults! He thinks he is very talented! Naturally, he is not willing to succumb to others!

So he heard that the Yunzhou prefect would be transferred back to the imperial capital to serve. He thought that the position of the prefect would definitely be vacant. He would find a benefactor to do some activities, and the position would fall to him...

Sure enough, human greed is endless!

Therefore, if people's hearts are not enough, the snake swallows the elephant!

Xu Zhongtian knelt down and kowtowed to the Sixth Prince: "I am guilty, I am willing to plead guilty!"

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't look at him again. He said to the magistrate: "Investigate thoroughly! No matter who the case is exposed to, it cannot be tolerated! When convicted, he will be paraded through the streets to vent the public's anger!"

"I obey my orders!"

Then he said to the governor of Yunzhou: "Master Li, please assist the magistrate."

"I obey my orders!"

Just leave the rest to them.

The case of Xu Zhongtian's corruption was very wide-ranging, and even involved the Queen's natal family.

The emperor was furious, and the case was handed over to the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple for investigation.

What happened later was so dramatic that hundreds of officials even asked for the queen to be abolished.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer and left with the disgraced Zhao Yong behind him.

Just as Xiaoer was about to get on the carriage, Shen Baoer rushed out.

"Xiao'er, I have something to tell you." Shen Bao'er pulled Xiao'er's sleeves, his eyes full of pleading.

Xiaoer glanced at Shen Baoer. She was now weak and a little charming, and she looked very charming.

She looked away and said calmly: "Madam, please let go, we are not familiar with each other!"

"We are obviously biological sisters, why are you always so ruthless! When you become rich, you don't recognize your relatives who are connected by blood?" Shen Baoer felt aggrieved after hearing this.

Xiaoer rolled her eyes indecently: "Let go! My biological sister is in the imperial capital! Who are you? Don't be related to her!"

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Yangliu.

Yang Liu stepped forward and pulled Shen Baoer away.

"Shen Xiaoer, since you don't recognize me, then I hope you really don't know me! Don't break your promise and meddle in a stranger's business! Tell others that you have seen me, and destroy what I have finally achieved. Life! Don't tell anyone that you have seen me, including my parents. I have become someone else's concubine. I have no shame to see them, lest they be sad." After being pulled away, Shen Baoer quickly said what he wanted to say, saying When she got to the back, the people she passed by looked at her strangely and quickly explained.

She knew that Shen Xiaoer, a selfish, cold-blooded bitch, would not recognize her. She was just uneasy and worried that she would return to the imperial capital and tell the people in Prime Minister You's Mansion that she had seen her here! Then she will be doomed again! Such a life was so miserable, she really didn't dare to live it any longer!

That's why she waited here and said these words to Shen Xiaoer, the purpose was to make her admit in front of the Sixth Prince that it had nothing to do with her and that she didn't recognize her words.

In this way, the Sixth Prince can see her cold-bloodedness. Secondly, if she said in front of the Sixth Prince that she did not know her and later revealed her whereabouts, she would leave a mark in the Sixth Prince's heart that her words and deeds were inconsistent and her heart was inconsistent. He is so vicious that he even has the impression of not sparing his own cousin!

Shen Xiaoer is not stupid. She should not tell the truth and leave such a bad impression on the Sixth Prince!

In this world where women can only rely on men to survive, a man's impression of himself is really important.

Xiaoer showed a sneer! This is because she is worried that she will tell the truth about meeting her, that Prime Minister Right will come looking for her, and that her parents will come to take advantage of her if they know that she has climbed a high tree again and is living a prosperous life!

Sure enough, just like Shen Chengguang Lan, he is selfish and cold!

She didn't reply to her words, lowered her head and got into the carriage.

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand and helped her up.

"Shen Xiaoer, we agreed, don't tell anyone about me!"

Who made the arrangements with her? Xiaoer ignored her and got directly into the carriage.

She didn't want to mention a word about her! Besides, Xu Zhongtian is about to fall. If the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached?

For people like Shen Baoer, she will kill herself without anyone taking action!

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