Di Shaowei twitched the corners of his lips. Of course he knew this. She only felt that she and Zhao Youwei were suitable! But her life should be fought for by herself instead of making things difficult for others.

Yi Zhi, unless you die, how can you take back your life!

Dishaowei twitched the corners of his mouth and revealed a sneer.

He really didn't know that Li Mingfang was such a selfish person.

Let the Queen Mother go and beg the Queen Mother to take back her life! Let the fifth princess go and beg the Queen Mother to take back her life!

Why didn't she go and ask the Queen Mother to take back her life? Why not let Mrs. Li go and ask the Queen Mother to take back her life? And I heard that Mrs. Li has always been on good terms with the Queen Mother.

This is because he knew that the Queen Mother would not take back her life, so she did not let her own grandmother go and ask for it, but let others do it!

To ask the Queen Mother to take back her life is not to ask the Queen Mother to slap herself in the mouth? !

Such disregard for the Queen Mother's face and feelings will make her heart cold even if she likes you again.

A person's love for another person may not need a reason, but there is definitely a reason for his dislike of a person. If you don't cherish this love and waste it at will, your heart will become cold, and it will be difficult to cover up the heat when it is cold. In other words, it’s hard to hold back. After all, it’s easy to change the situation and the nature is hard to change. Who will trust you again!

"I'm sorry, I can't help. You know the people you mentioned. Go and beg them yourself! I may not be more proud than you." Di Shaowei raised his feet and wanted to leave.

"Di Shaowei, are you really going to die without saving me? You know that I don't like the third prince! The two of us grew up together, just for this friendship, for the sake of the friendship between our two families, you help Can't you do this?" Li Mingfang grabbed Di Shaowei's sleeve tightly, and she was a little annoyed when he saw that he refused to agree.

"Let go! Otherwise, I won't be polite! This is something we can't help at all, how can we help!" Di Shaowei frowned at the hand that was grasping his sleeve, and then looked at Li Mingfang and said coldly.

How unbecoming it is for a woman who has been proposed to be married to the third prince and a married woman like herself to be having sex here!

Li Mingfang let go of his hand under his cold gaze.

Di Shaowei withdrew his gaze and looked at Ming Jingya. He was shocked by the sight and said loudly: "Jingya!"

Li Mingfang, who had just let go of his hand, saw that Di Shaowei wanted to leave again, so he quickly caught hold.

Di Shaowei forcefully shook off Li Mingfang's hand that was trying to pull him over. He used Qing Kung Fu to wish he had a pair of wings and could fly over.

Li Mingfang was shocked when she saw her Tibetan Mastiff chasing Ming Jingya and almost forcing her into the river.

Several women on a boat on the lake looked towards the shore and screamed in surprise when they heard Dishovi's shrill call.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

On the lakeside, an eleven or twelve-year-old boy walked out from behind the rockery in the garden, leading a Tibetan mastiff.

When he saw the woman walking by the lake, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and then he lowered his head and said something unknown to the Tibetan mastiff.

After listening to the owner's words, the Tibetan Mastiff spread its legs and walked towards the woman walking by the lake.

Ming Jingya saw a huge Tibetan mastiff running toward her with its mouth wide open, and was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Isn't this dog crazy? If it is bitten by a mad dog, it will cause rabies.

Ming Jingya was so frightened that she quickly ran away.

But how can human legs run faster than the four legs of animals!

Seeing that the Tibetan mastiff was about to rush up and bite her, she was so frightened that she quickly grabbed the purse around her waist and threw it at it.

When the Tibetan Mastiff saw something being thrown towards him, he instinctively dodged. After dodging, because of Ming Jingya's move, he even spread his legs and screamed as he rushed towards her.

The Royal Garden was really cleaned with impeccable care. Ming Jingya couldn't even find a stone, so she was so frightened that she couldn't choose her path and accidentally slipped and fell into the lake.

When Li Mingjun saw Sirius forcing people into the lake, he quickly whistled to call him back.

Only then did Li Mingfang come to his senses and ran over.

This scene is a long story, but it happened in a split second.

In the lake in February, the ground has just thawed and the ice and snow have just melted. It is the most chilling time of the year.

As soon as Ming Jingya fell into the lake, the cold lake water made her tremble all over. She kept struggling in the water and drank several mouthfuls of lake water. The water plants wrapped around her feet because of her struggle. She felt her feet during the struggle. Touching the bottom of the lake, she struggled harder and wanted to stand up. At this time, her legs cramped, and the pain was so heartbreaking that she couldn't control her body, and then she was submerged by the lake.

In fact, Ming Jingya fell by the lake. The water was not deep, only up to her waist. If it was summer, she would have been able to stand up if she didn't have cramps.

What Di Shaowei saw was Ming Jingya taking off her purse and throwing it at the mad dog.

When he arrived, Ming Jingya had already lost her footing and fallen into the lake.

He quickly jumped into the lake with a plop, picked up Ming Jingya, who had just lost her head, and hugged her tightly.

Ming Jingya coughed violently after being picked up.

Dishovi quickly climbed ashore.

In the not too cold spring breeze, Ming Jingya held on to Di Shaowei's clothes tightly and closed her eyes tightly. She was trembling with cold, her teeth were chattering, and her face was even more purple: "It's so cold!"

After hearing this, Di Shaowei hugged Ming Jingya tighter. He looked at the shivering lady in his arms and quickly released his inner strength to drive her away from the cold: "Jingya, don't be afraid, it's okay."

Xiaoer and Ruan Weizhen rowed hard. When the boat was about one meter or less than two meters away from the shore, Xiaoer took Fu Ranhui's cloak and used Qinggong to land on the shore. Her Qinggong could only reach this level for the time being. .

When Xiaoer saw Ming Jingya like this, she probably just swallowed a few mouthfuls of water, and her respiratory tract should not have been choked by water, otherwise she would have been unresponsive!

She covered Ming Jingya with her cloak, then took out a pill and put it to her mouth: "Sister Ming, open your mouth and take this pill to prevent the pregnancy."

After hearing this, Ming Jingya opened her mouth and took the pill.

"Brother Di, please take Sister Ming back to the house to change clothes!"

At this time, the maid who went to get the cloak got lost, and finally found her way back. She saw the prince and his wife all wet, and was dumbfounded with fright!

Di Shaowei hugged Ming Jingya and passed by her without knowing the reaction!

"Pass the imperial doctor!" Xiao'er reminded her as she passed by.

The palace maid who brought Ming Jingya here reacted faster and hurriedly ran to call for the imperial doctor!

The fifth princess and the others have also come ashore!

The fifth princess ran towards Di Shaowei, not caring about any rules and etiquette. She shouted to Di Shaowei's back: "Cousin, my yard is closest to here, go to my yard! I know a shortcut!"

As a princess who grew up in the palace, no one in this imperial garden is as familiar as her.

"Lead the way!" Xiaoer put her arm around the fifth princess's waist, and under her guidance, she performed Qing Kung Fu and arrived at Weiyang Palace.

good morning everyone! Thank you to those who voted

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