The next day, Xiaoer arrived outside the tea tasting garden, it was still a little early before the appointed time.

This teahouse was opened by Fu Ranhui's family. She had heard from Di Junya before, but she had never been here. She heard that the tea here was good.

She climbed up the stairs and suddenly felt a line of sight falling on her.

She turned back and glanced at the silver building opposite, and saw a woman's figure quickly shrinking back.

Xiaoer's eyes were sharper, and if she saw correctly, the woman should be Chu Die.

Why is she spying on herself? Xiaoer thought as she walked inside.

As soon as Xiaoer walked into the Tea Garden, a waiter came up and asked, "Do you have a private room, please?"

Xiao'er thought of Chu Die's sneakiness, and her tongue curled up when she spoke: "I have a friend who booked Biluoxuan, is she here?"

"Back to you, miss, not yet." The waiter replied respectfully, lowering his eyebrows.

When Xiaoer saw that he didn't show any signs of strangeness, she started to worry: "Give me a private room next to Biluoxuan. I want to greet my friends. When friends from Biluoxuan come, it's convenient for me to go there and say hello."

The waiter had no doubt that he had it, nodded, and bent down in a gesture of invitation: "Okay, girl, please come with me."

Xiaoer took Yang Liu into the Yajian Yuehua Pavilion next to Biluoxuan.

"What kind of tea would you like to drink, girl?" the waiter walked to a mahogany root-carved tea table and asked respectfully.

Xiaoer took a look at this root-carved tea table. It was produced in her wood shop and the price was not low. Then she looked at the surrounding decorations. Calligraphy, paintings, porcelain and other fine works were from famous artists. The whole elegant room was classical and elegant. No wonder many literati and poets like it. It seems that guests or poetry gatherings are held here.

"I'll just come. Please step back." Yang Liu said to the waiter.

"Yes." After hearing this, the waiter withdrew respectfully.

After the waiter left, Xiaoer said to Yang Liu: "Yang Liu, go and wait outside Biluoxuan."

"Does the girl suspect something?" Yang Liu asked after seeing Xiaoer's arrangement.

"Who is the owner behind this teahouse?" Xiaoer only said this, and Yang Liu figured it out.

This teahouse is owned by the princess's family. The princess invited the girl to come to her teahouse and had already booked a private room. After the girl reported the name of the private room, the waiter in the teahouse behaved too normally, not at all strange. No, what does this mean? This shows that the person who asked the girl out is not the princess.

For the waiter, this is an opportunity to perform well in front of the host. The waiter in the teahouse is more than respectful but not enthusiastic, which is abnormal. According to common sense, they should be more enthusiastic, and some shopkeepers will even greet them personally. .

Of course, it's possible that they might be mistaken, but be careful.

Xiaoer asked Yang Liu to wait at Biluoxuan, just to see who was coming soon.

"If it's the princess who comes, say I'm here. If it's someone else, say I'm waiting inside Biluoxuan."

Yang Liu responded and went to guard the gate of Biluoxuan.

Not long after, Zhao Youwei appeared outside Pinmingju.

Chu Die from the silver building opposite made an appointment with Li Mingfang and Princess Ling'er to look at jewelry here. A new batch of jewelry from overseas was brought into the shop. Li Mingfang and Princess Ling'er both looked at it with interest, while Chu Die was a little absent-minded. .

She had been sitting next to the window, focusing most of her attention on the street downstairs. When she saw Zhao Youwei appeared, she said to the maid: "Go and have tea across the way and book a private room. We'll finish choosing it later." Jewelry, come over and have tea and some refreshments.”

"Yes." The maid bowed and then withdrew.

After Chu Die ordered the maids, he said to Li Mingfang, Princess Ling'er and others, "The refreshments at Pinmingju are pretty good. I especially like the sweet-scented osmanthus cake there. I heard that Princess Ling'er also likes to eat at Pinmingju." Green tea cake is a rare occasion, let’s go over and try it together later.”

The maid came back soon, and she said to Chu Die: "Miss, the elegant room has been booked. The Biluoxuan you often go to has been booked in advance, so I booked the Suju Pavilion."

After hearing this, Chu Die said with regret: "Really? That's really a pity. I love sitting in the Biluo Pavilion, watching the rockery and flowing water, while sipping tea and eating refreshments, but Suqiu Pavilion is also good. By the way, Who can come back and like Bi Luoxuan as much as I do?"

"I just saw Mr. Zhao and Lord Ruian entering Biluoxuan in Pinming Residence one after another."

Li Mingfang was so excited after hearing what Chu Die's maid said that she even knocked over the stool. She walked quickly to the maid, grabbed her hands and asked nervously: "What did you just say? Master Zhao and Lord Ruian County entered Biluoxuan one after another? Which Mr. Zhao?"

The maid's shoulders were scratched by Li Mingfang, and she said timidly: "Young Master Zhao is the eldest son of the Admiral's Mansion."

After hearing this, Li Mingfang grabbed the maid's hand tighter. The maid felt pain and couldn't help but make a gasping sound.

"Are they just the two of them?" Princess Ling'er tried hard to suppress her excitement.

Princess Ling'er was very excited. County Princess Rui'an had a private meeting with the eldest son of the Admiral's Mansion. If this was spread, her marriage to the sixth prince would definitely fall through.

How could the Sixth Prince bear such a big cuckold being pulled off! The Queen Mother and the Empress will definitely dislike County Lord Rui'an. In that case, won't their opportunity come?

The maid nodded: "I only saw the two of them."

"Let's go over and have a look." Princess Ling'er said excitedly.

Li Mingfang had already walked out.

Upon seeing this, Princess Ling'er hurried forward.

Chu Die followed the two of them out, and she couldn't help but reveal a successful smile on her face.

She knew that if she made an appointment with these two people, one was secretly interested in Zhao Youwei, and the other was unrequited by the Sixth Prince, and both of them were impulsive and reckless, so this matter would definitely be caused by them.

As for Pinmingju, Yang Liu saw that the person coming was Zhao Youwei, so he opened the door of the private room and said to him: "Master Zhao, please come in."

Zhao Youwei nodded.

Zhao Youwei walked in and saw no one in the room, so he turned back and looked at Yang Liu: "Where is the Lord Ruian County?"

Yang Liu got straight to the point and said: "My county master is here to keep an appointment with the county master. Why does Mr. Zhao appear here?"

After hearing this, Zhao Youwei knew that they were being plotted. In fact, after thinking about it later, he felt that County Lord Ruian would not ask him out privately like this, so he made preparations.

"I received a letter from your girl. In the letter, she asked me to come here to ask for help. I was also hesitant. My sister is in Moli Pavilion. I will bring her here. I want to see who is scheming. Us!" Zhao Youwei handed the letter he received to Yang Liu.

Yang Liu took it, took a look and confirmed, "This is not my girl's handwriting."

Zhao Youwei nodded. He had never seen the name of Ruian County Lord, so naturally he couldn't recognize it.

My son has a fever of 39.5 degrees. His whole body is like a furnace and he is very clingy. He cries at every turn. I will read a chapter today and then another chapter at night when he goes to sleep. Sorry to the book friends who are waiting for the update!

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