The ship sailed with the wind for a day and a night, and docked at dark the next day.

Yang Liu and Xiaoer were taken off the boat and locked in a secret room. The cloth ties around their eyes were untied, and their eyes were still dim.

Xiaoer looked around. The secret room was damp, dark and filled with an unpleasant musty smell. It was surrounded by walls, with only a small skylight, which was sealed tightly with an iron mesh. An oil lamp was lit in the corner, and then everything seemed to be there. there is none left.

The man in black pushed the two people into the secret room and wanted to leave. Xiaoer quickly said: "I'm hungry, bring us some food! There is not a single chair in the basement. Where can we sleep? Get us a bed." , I’m finally down to earth, I’m going to have a good sleep tonight!”

The man in black sneered after hearing this: "Do you think this is your home? Am I your servant? You dare to order me to do things at your own risk!"

Is this girl too generous or ignorant? Do you still want to have a good sleep in this situation? My life is almost gone! Just wait until you are dead and then sleep slowly!

"Didn't you kidnap me here to extort money from my parents? You want to take my family's money, but you won't let me eat. I'm starving to death. How can you get money!"

"No one will die from starvation for a day or two!" They often can't eat for a day or two, and they don't see their people die!

"It is true that other people will not die, but I will! When I was a child, my family was poor and we did not have a full meal. As a result, I was severely malnourished and suffered from hypoglycemia. As long as I was too hungry, I would suffer from physical weakness. In severe cases, I would even die. Died of shock."

What the hell is hypoglycemia? Why haven't you heard of it? Heiyi thought.

But the superiors told me not to kill this person, lest she really starved to death. It was just a meal, so why bother giving it to them!

"Wait! I won't starve you to death!" The man in black dropped these words, turned around, and tried to walk out.

"Hey! Don't walk so fast! I haven't finished talking yet! I want to eat grilled chicken legs and braised pork!"

After hearing this, the man in black laughed as if he had heard a big joke: "Girl, are you stupid? Do you think this is an inn? Are you still allowed to order food? This is a bandit's den! You give me I’ll calm down!”

"You want to blackmail my father for two hundred thousand taels of silver. Isn't two hundred thousand taels enough for me to have a good meal?"

"How do you know we want to extort two hundred thousand taels?" The man in black was very surprised.

"I heard what your brother said!" Xiaoer just guessed that the Li family wanted to get back one hundred thousand taels, but hiring people to work always requires giving them money! Where does the money come from? The wool comes from the sheep, so we have to extort two hundred thousand taels.

"Who said that?" The man in black frowned.

"How do I know who it is? You cover my eyes and I can't see."

That’s right, if you can’t see with your eyes, how do you know who said it? It seems like we need to remind them not to talk nonsense in front of the hostages!

"Wait, I'll bring you some food later!" The man in black turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Xiaoer called him again.

It’s not over yet! Didn't you say you'd go into shock if you were hungry? She didn't even want anyone to serve her food! The man in black turned around impatiently: "What's wrong!"

"You should untie us first! My hands were strangled until they started to bleed. Anyway, you have to untie us in a while so that we can eat!"

"You have a beautiful idea. What if I untie you and you run away?"

Xiaoer deliberately looked around the secret room, "Brother, do you think I have the ability to escape? There are walls on all sides, and the only door is behind you. Isn't there anyone guarding the outside? Besides, this place should be surrounded by walls on all sides. Water, even if I escape from this little dark room and don’t have a boat, should I put on my wings and fly away?”

“How do you know this place is surrounded by water?”

"I heard what your people said!"

"Who said that!" Damn it, you dare to say anything in front of the hostage, see if he doesn't break three of his ribs!

"I told you, I was blindfolded by you, how do you know who said it! Besides, you cover yourself up tightly in the hot weather. Even if I see you, I don't know who you are! Hey, you talk a lot of nonsense, please help me untie it quickly!"

The man in black was speechless. Who talked too much? He wanted to leave this rotten house all the time. She was the one who stopped him again and again, okay? But what she said made sense. Once she entered this small dark room, it would be difficult for her to fly!

So what if you escape? This island is full of vampire bats, and they will probably beg themselves to lock them in a small dark room by then!

The man in black stepped forward to untie the two of them before leaving.

"Yangliu, do you know where this is?" Xiaoer said in the voice of only two people.

"It should be an island in the East Bohai Sea. Going east through the dense forest yesterday, there is a small river that is connected to the outlet of the Huaijiang River. Leaving the Huaijiang River, there are still many large and small islands in the East Bohai Sea. I don't know I know which island it is." Yang Liu revealed his guess.

They were brought here blindfolded. The wind was strong last night, the current was fast, and the boat was obviously very fast. It was difficult to guess how far the boat had traveled.

"I was careless. That woman was hit by a brick. It must not have been an accident. Her home is so far away from the hot spring resort. The people behind the scenes must have found out a long time ago and planned this accident." Xiaoer thought about it. Just think about it.

He and several other women came out from the mountains to do odd jobs to support their families. Several of them rented a house in the city together and worked as porters at the dock for many years.

Later, when Manager Luo was recruiting people, they saw that the salary was as high as 50 cents a day, so they came to apply. Manager Luo saw that they were really hard-working and strong, so he recruited them.

Because the hot spring resort was on the outskirts of the city and the work was completed at night, it was impossible for them to rush back to the city to sleep. Manager Luo asked someone to build a thatched hut on the construction site for them to live in. Manager Luo told her about this and she agreed.

Yesterday, it was obvious that the woman could no longer work and needed to go home to recuperate. She knew that she lived in the mountains, so she had no doubts when she sent her home.

I didn’t expect that there would be an ambush when I returned.

"Before boarding the ship, I left a signal. Zhao Yong will definitely be able to find the dock, but I'm afraid he won't find it here too quickly. The girl will have to stay here for a day or two." Yang Liu looked at the dark and humid environment. frown.

"Don't worry, since those people want to ask for money, they will definitely contact my father. Then they will be able to find out here." Besides, I also have something to do to inform Shangguan Xuanyi where she is.

At this time, the man in black came in holding two bowls of rice.

Xiao'er looked at the two pieces of green vegetables, a piece of tofu, and two pieces of boiled white meat on the bowl, and her face darkened: "Where's the roasted chicken legs? Where's the braised pork? If there's no roasted chicken legs or braised pork, I'd rather starve to death than eat them!"

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~~~~

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