Dishaowei saw that his horse was so frightened that he didn't dare to run at the beginning, and he cursed his mother instantly.

Damn it, when did Shangguan Xuanyi raise a white tiger? How could he not know!

Forget about raising a tiger, he still rides it in front of himself! That majesty made Di Shaowei jealous and jealous!

He has never seen anyone ride a tiger like a horse!

Dishaowei was furious when he saw his thousand-mile horse, which was so frightened that its legs and feet were shaking!

These are not brothers anymore, Yanghu didn’t even tell himself! You should raise one yourself to be more impressive!

The people on the street saw a man riding a tiger and quickly disappeared before their eyes, and they all suspected that they were hallucinating.

"Was that man riding a tiger just now?" Passerby A asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It seems, it seems!" Passerby B replied. It turned out that not only did he see someone riding a white tiger running past, he also thought that the Ghost Festival was approaching and he had seen a ghost!

"Oh my god! Tiger!" The man who got the answer fainted with fright.

It was night, and one person and one tiger stood on the bow of the boat, looking into the dark distance.

Dishaowei looked at their figures sadly, it was so abominable!

Feng Qing and others were full of admiration!

His master is so powerful that even the king of the forest can take him as his mount.

"Where are we going?" Di Shaowei said that he couldn't stand it anymore and continued to be jealous. He was worried that he would be so depressed that he would jump into the river, so he decided to chat with Feng Qing.

"Bat Island."

Bat Island? Aren't there a lot of vampire bats there? Was Xiaoer girl captured by the people from Bat Village?

"It's over, I won't go back as a mummy this time! My daughter doesn't know how to call her dad yet!" Di Shaowei wailed.

"Don't be afraid, it will only become semi-dry. I have been prepared for it!" Feng Qing pointed to a large sack at the stern of the boat. There was something squirming in the bag.

"Is that a snake? Are you sure that putting so many snakes on Bat Island won't scare your future mistress?"

"No, County Lord Rui'an also raised a giant snake. That snake was nothing compared to this bag of snakes. When we were about to arrive at the Bat Island, I dived over and released the snake, letting the snakes kill the bats. If you eat some, even if you turn into a mummy, you won’t be able to do it so quickly, right?”

"Did your master ask you to do this?" Di Shaowei couldn't help but look at the man and the tiger standing on the bow of the boat, and then he felt it was irritating! He is so handsome!

"No, do I seem to be such a stupid person?" Feng Qing said proudly.

If he had to ask his master for everything before doing anything, would he still be able to get to where he is today?

"Haha, you're not stupid, you're just being smart! You'd better throw away these snakes, that girl is most afraid of snakes!"

"How is that possible!" Feng Qing said with disbelief on her face. Who would believe that people who raise snake kings would be afraid of these snakes and shrimps?

Shangguan Xuanyi turned around at this time: "Don't let her go, she's afraid of snakes."

Damn? Really afraid of snakes! Isn't the golden python a snake? Did he make a mistake? Is that not a snake, but gold that can move?

Shangguan Xuanyi turned around and walked over to sit down. Bai Hu also walked over and sat next to him.

"By the way, how did you know that girl was captured and taken to Bat Island?" Di Shaowei moved his butt away from the white tiger who made him jealous.

Even if it is not your tiger, you will still be scared when you see a beast sitting next to you. Who knows when it will show its bestiality!

"Guess." Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly.

"Guess?" Di Shaowei almost fainted after hearing this.

That was Bat Island, home to many vampire bats. Was he going there just by guessing? Isn’t this too willful!

You know, how many people the court sent there to suppress the bandits were unsuccessful. I heard that the tens of millions of vampire bats on the island can suck the blood of thousands of soldiers in an instant!

Shangguan Xuanyi guessed what Di Shaowei was thinking, and took the initiative to analyze: "I sent people to follow Li Mingjun before, and found that he was connected with the people in Bat Village, so I asked people to investigate secretly, and accidentally discovered that people from the Li family were interested in The owner of Bat Village once saved his life."

So when he heard that Xiaoer and Yangliu lost contact at that pier, he immediately thought of Bat Island.

Di Shaowei said nothing. As expected, Shangguan Xuanyi has never been a person who does useless work!

He knew that Li Mingfang paid one hundred thousand taels of silver to Xiaoer. Now someone kidnapped Xiaoer and extorted two hundred thousand taels of silver. If it had nothing to do with the Li family, even he wouldn't believe it.

"Besides, this white tiger was given to me by that girl Xiao'er. You also know that the animals raised by that girl are spiritual. The white tiger didn't raise any objections all the way here, which proves that the direction is correct!"

Di Shaowei was furious when he heard this: "What, that girl gave you this white tiger. Okay! You didn't give me a white tiger. No, when I see that smelly girl, I will ask her for one too." Only!"

Feng Qing rolled his eyes at Di Shaowei. Did he think the white tiger was the little white rabbit? If you want it, you have it! If that's the case, he also wants to ask the chief of Ruian County for one or two hundred tigers, and then form a tiger cavalry. How majestic it would be! When the Tiger Cavalry comes out, who can compete with them? Victory without fighting is done!

But is it too much for the master to trust a tiger? How can a tiger object?

Shangguan Xuanyi's ship arrived near Bat Island only a few hours later than Xiaoer. They landed on the island closest to Bat Island and only waited for dawn before sneaking over.

Xiaoer, who was closing her eyes to rest in the dark room, suddenly opened her eyes wide.

She actually heard Bai Hu contact her! Shangguan Xuanyi is here!

This white tiger was a birthday gift she gave Shangguan Xuanyi a while ago. She just couldn't think of anything to give Shangguan Xuanyi as a birthday gift. She happened to prepare various animals for the zoo, so she thought of giving him a tiger.

It took Shangguan Xuanyi two months to tame the white tiger and let him ride it.

She remembered that when she gave the white tiger to him, she said: "This white tiger is humane and can run faster than a horse. If one day I am in danger, if you go to rescue me, just ride it, so that I can be rescued sooner."

She was just joking at the time, but she didn't expect that Shangguan Xuanyi would take it seriously and actually bring Bai Hu to rescue her.

She originally planned to wait until daytime to release the guiding bees back to the imperial capital, and then let the guiding bees lead the way and let Shangguan Xuanyi come to rescue her. In that case, she would have enough time to raise the vampire bat king to maturity.

Now this plan may not work. Shangguan Xuanyi and others will definitely land on the island tomorrow when bats are not active during the day.

But these vampire bats are obviously very hungry. Even if they don't like to be active during the day, it's strange that they don't swarm up when there is something to eat!

Thank you to the book friends who voted. Tomorrow’s update time will probably be around this time.

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