Shangguan Xuanyi didn't actually care about Li Mingfang's death. He even felt that her death was not a pity. But someone held the shit basin that killed Li Mingfang on his body, so he had to send someone to investigate the cause of Li Mingfang's death.

After Shangguan Xuanyi returned home, he arranged for An Yi to find out the truth of the matter.

Early the next morning, An Yi reported what he found to Shangguan Xuanyi. Master Yang could not bear the torture and confessed, so he admitted everything.

The truth of the matter is that Mr. Yang overheard Li Mingfang discussing with the people in Batzhai about kidnapping and extorting the head of Rui'an County. He happened to have embezzled a large sum of money from the army in the past few years, and now someone is threatening him with this matter. He I was short of money to fill this hole, so I thought this was a God-given opportunity!

He planned to take the opportunity to cooperate with Li Mingfang, kidnap the owner of Rui'an County, extort 300,000 taels from Shengping Marquis, and then share 100,000 taels with him, so that he could make up for his shortfall in public funds.

He didn't expect that Li Mingfang refused outright. She said that it was impossible for Marquis Shengping to get 300,000 taels! But since he is her uncle, she will give him ten thousand taels when the matter is completed.

Ten thousand taels is not enough to fill that vacancy! He settled for the next best thing, only sixty thousand taels.

Sixty thousand taels, and he would take out another 20,000 taels himself, so that the shortfall in public funds could be made up.

But Li Mingfang was not willing to take out 60,000 taels. She took out 60,000 taels. In that case, she would only have 40,000 taels left! No one would be willing to do this!

The two men shared the stolen goods unevenly, and the people who threatened Mr. Yang were pressing harder. Mr. Yang could only do the next best thing and planned to ask Li Mingfang to borrow 60,000 taels first and return it to her later. Unfortunately, Li Mingfang's wedding was approaching, and ten thousand taels were coming. The ten thousand taels of silver were used to keep the bottom of the box, so how could he agree to lend it out?

Master Yang was also annoyed by this, but he had no choice. General Li's official position was higher than his.

At this time, the person who threatened him told him that if he killed Li Mingfang and found a way to blame it on the Sixth Prince's men, he would help him make up for the lost military life!

Otherwise, once this matter comes to the emperor, he will lose his life, and his wife and children will be demoted as slaves, and they will not be able to stand up for generations to come!

Although Mr. Yang knew that blaming the Sixth Prince was the same as blaming the Sixth Prince, he had no other choice but to agree.

Master Yang thought about it before he thought of arresting Li Fu's son, who was a soldier in the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, and threatened Li Fu to deliberately reveal his flaws and lure the Sixth Prince's people to the house.

Li Fu himself was a slave. Because his son risked his own life to save Li Mingjun who fell from a tree when he was a child, he got the grace of Mrs. Li and finally got rid of his slave status. Now he works in the Wucheng Military and Horse Department. His son His son has a bright future, and he is still waiting for his son to have a glorious ancestor. How could he bear to have something happen to his son! After struggling for a whole night, he reluctantly agreed.

Li Fu just promised to lead the people there. He didn't expect that when he arrived at the house, he would see Li Mingfang dead. Li Fu was a sensible person. He knew that Li Mingfang was dead, and he couldn't survive knowing the secret, so he simply committed suicide. In order to prove to Mr. Yang that he would never tell this matter, he hoped that Mr. Yang would let his innocent son go.

Li Fu's suicide was an accident to Mr. Yang, but Li Fu's suicide made him feel that things were easier to handle! In this way, no one will know that Li Mingfang's death is related to him! It just so happened that he could blame Feng Yang for Li Fu's death.

He didn't expect that there was no trace of a fight at the scene but it became one of the keys to solving the case.

What An Yi found out was basically consistent with what Mr. Yang said, except that Mr. Yang didn't say who was secretly threatening him!

"Who threatened him?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked An Yi.

An Yi shook his head: "That man was very careful. He wore a mask every time he saw his face, leaving no clues. Master Yang also said that he didn't know who he was because he wore a mask every time and his voice was the same. Camouflaged."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and asked An Yi to retreat.

If you want to know who threatened Mr. Yang, you only need to analyze who benefited the most from Li Mingfang's death.

His intuition told him that the third prince had done this.

But Li Mingfang's death will not be of much benefit to the third child! Didn't the third child ask the Queen Mother for this marriage? Now he destroyed this chess piece with his own hands. Why? Shangguan Xuanyi frowned.

Just to make himself and the Li family turn against each other, he killed Li Mingfang and then put the blame on himself. Isn't this a bit more gain than loss?

Having lost the support of his father-in-law, who holds military power, has Lao San found someone better to rely on than General Li?

Or maybe he thinks that he can't find any evidence to prove that he did it. If he kills a person who doesn't care about him and always wants to cuckold him, he will get enough support and can make himself and Li Li Against the general?

Without evidence, would General Li believe that it was the third prince who killed Li Mingfang? If he were General Li, he would not think that the third prince would kill Li Mingfang!

General Li was more inclined to believe that he sent people to threaten Master Yang to assassinate Li Mingfang.

I thought this was a good show that I directed and acted myself!

snort! The third child made a good plan!

When Shangguan Xuanyi thought of this, he didn't think much about it. Just because he couldn't find evidence for the time being, it didn't mean that he couldn't find evidence in the future. If he traveled a lot at night, he would always encounter ghosts.

Whether it is the Third Prince or General Li, he is not afraid!

The Li family was once full of loyalists, but no matter how successful the dynasties were, they could not overcome a rebellion! He just found some clues and needed more evidence, so he took it all in one go!

He shook his head, got rid of distracting thoughts, lowered his head, and concentrated on the official business on the table.

The case cannot be closed for the time being because the person who threatened him to kill Li Mingfang could not be found.

But the evidence that Li Mingfang found someone to kidnap Xiaoer and extort 200,000 taels was conclusive!

Mrs. Li went to jail again.

Regarding Li Mingfang's kidnapping and extortion, the Li family put all the responsibility on the dead Li Mingfang, and they had no knowledge of the matter.

The people arranged by Feng Yang also caught the people lurking at the bottom of the river. After repeated questioning, they just said that Li Fu ordered them to do this, and they didn't know why they did it. Just do what you're told!

Li Mingfang and Li Fu were dead. For the sake of the loyalty of the Li family, the emperor weakened part of General Li's military power as a punishment on the pretext of not being strict in raising his children.

As for Mr. Yang, although the person who threatened him has not been found yet, it is true that he corrupted Jun Chang and designed to frame the Sixth Prince, and the fate of beheading is inevitable. As for his family, the male was exiled to the army, and the female of slavery.

Mrs. Li’s sister hates Mrs. Li so much! It caused their family to be destroyed!

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