Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 60 Breaking Ground

Today is the first day of construction for Xiaoer's new house. Shen Chengyao and Mrs. Liu got up early to prepare supplies for worshiping gods. Shen Chengyao bought a big rooster yesterday and is currently plucking it in the yard. Mrs. Liu was cooking sweet glutinous rice dumplings in the kitchen. The dumplings were made by Jing Rui and Jing Hao. They used peanuts and sesame as fillings. Because the father and son loved to eat glutinous rice dumplings, they all asked to make more, so Mrs. Liu cooked a big one. pot. I'm going to give some to Shangfang and my fourth uncle's family.

Xiaoer helped cook a plate of vegetarian dishes, and then went to make birthday buns. The stuffing of the birthday buns was made of sugar, cooked flour and tangerines soaked in lard. It was very sweet. She made the birthday bag into the shape of a peach, and after wrapping it, she took out a red-fleshed dragon fruit, cut it open, took out a piece of fruit flesh and painted a little red on the birthday bag, and a white and red birthday peach appeared. Before Xiaoer went home the day before yesterday, she secretly put nine apples, nine oranges, three red-fleshed dragon fruits and a grapefruit into the basket on her back. These are fruits used to worship gods. The red-fleshed dragon fruit taken out now was taken out of space that day. Xiaoer only steamed one basket of twelve. She put nine of them on a plate to worship the gods later. It was the first time the two brothers saw birthday buns that looked like peaches and they both shouted to eat them.

"You can't eat these. There are three more in the pot."

Ms. Liu took out the remaining three buns in a bowl, "These buns look so delicious, I guess you guys must be clamoring to eat them. You three sisters and brothers should each have one."

"Mom is the best!" Jing Hao ran over and picked up two first, handing one to Jing Rui and the other to Xiao'er. Then he picked up his own and ate it. While eating, he muttered vaguely, "Well, okay. Too late, so late!”

"Have you got everything ready?" Xiaoer glanced at the sky outside. It was already around seven in the morning. Their family had been getting up since about four in the morning to prepare.

"It's almost done. I'm making lotus seed, lily, sugar water and pig's head. They'll be ready in a moment."

"Let's put the prepared food in the food box and put it on the oxcart. It's almost time and we have to get to the fields quickly."

Mrs. Liu took a look at the sky, and then quickly put the prepared sacrifices into the eating boxes one by one. Shen Chengyao put the cooked pig head into a plate, put the sugar water into a large bowl, and then put them into two cups respectively. A food box was carried out and placed on the bullock cart.

"Dad, please go and invite grandpa to come with you." Today is a good day for her family to start building a house, and she should invite Mr. Shen to come out.

"I'll go right away." Shen Chengyao agreed and walked up to the upper room. He mentioned it to Mr. Shen several times last night, and Mr. Shen also agreed.

Shen Chengyao walked to the upper room, where Mr. Shen was already dressed and waiting, "Dad, let's go."

Mr. Shen smiled and said, "Okay, I just wanted to walk out."

Shen Chengyao asked Shen Zhuang, who was sitting on the kang, "Mom, do you want to come with us?"

Shen Zhuang raised his eyelids and said, "What am I going to do? This is not a house built for me to live in."

Shen Chengyao was stabbed and forgot how to react for a moment. Mr. Shen glared at her and said, "Why are you so angry so early in the morning? Leave her alone, let's go over, don't delay the good time."

Shen Chengyao sneered, "Mom, let's go there first."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang snorted.

Shen Chengyao held Mr. Shen's hand and walked out. Mr. Shen shook off his hand and said, "Dad is not old enough to need help to walk. Let's go quickly."

The two walked out of the yard. Mrs. Liu had already put all the things she needed on the oxcart. The family got on the oxcart and headed to the village.

On the wasteland at the head of the village, Foreman Liang was already waiting there with more than a dozen workers, and people were already clearing up wasteland in other wastelands.

When Foreman Liang saw Shen Chengyao's family, he hurriedly stepped forward to say hello to Mr. Shen, and then said to Shen Chengyao, "Hurry up, the auspicious time has come. It's done, let's start work."

Shen Chengyao nodded in agreement, then moved the Eight Immortals table out of the oxcart and placed it in the middle of the open space where he was going to build a house, facing the auspicious direction today.

Mrs. Liu also took out the sacrifices one by one and arranged them. The sacrifices included chickens, fish, pig heads, sweet glutinous rice balls, birthday buns, lily syrup, apples, oranges, grapefruits, and vegetarian dishes. There were ten items in total, which foreshadowed the future residence. Life in this house is perfect.

Mrs. Liu lit the incense candles, poured the tea and wine, and began to worship. She first worshiped in the middle of the house, and then moved the Eight Immortals table to the four corners of the house and worshiped one by one. After paying homage to the foundation, he went to pay homage to the two hills. Foreman Liang took a shovel and dug a shovelful of mud into the ground, "Good luck with the construction!"

Shen Chengyao lit the firecrackers, and that was it.

The workers hired to build the house had to pay for their meals, but Mrs. Liu couldn't handle the food for more than a dozen people, so she invited Mrs. Lu and Xu Wenhui to help. They paid fifteen cents a day to cook three meals a day.

Xu Wenhui was very happy to ask her to help with cooking, and kept thanking her. Mrs. Liu knew that she was living a difficult life alone, so she wanted to help. Mrs. Lu took the initiative to help, and she didn't want any wages, but Mrs. Liu I know that my uncle’s family also has many places to spend money and few places to make money. Now that my family is not short of money because of pearls and ginseng, I will not give her less wages no matter what.

If there is any major event in the village, many people will come out to watch the excitement. What's more, now that the wasteland is being reclaimed, almost every household has gone out to open up wasteland, so there are many people around Mr. Shen. Everyone praises Mr. Shen's descendants for their future, and the Dafang family is here. A grocery store opened in the town, and the second-fang family heard that they were going to the south to do big business. The third-fang family bought a lot of wasteland at once and built a new house. The fourth-fang family was good in character and hardworking and would definitely be the same in the future. The old man was so complimented that he smiled so much that he never closed his mouth.

Recently, Mrs. Li has been showing off everywhere. Shen Chengzong followed his maternal uncle to the south to do business, and when he came back, her family also wanted to build a big house.

After the construction started, Shen Chengyao loaded up the bullock cart and prepared to go to the town to buy vegetables. Xiaoer also wanted to go with him. There were a lot of vegetables in her space. It would be too late if she didn't take them out to eat, so she had to go with her and look for opportunities to eat them. The vegetables are shipped out.

"Dad, you go buy meat first, and I'll see what good food is available here. After you finish shopping, come to this street to pick me up."

"Okay, then be careful yourself."

"Yeah, I will."

Their family had just separated not long ago, and the vegetables grown in the vegetable garden were definitely not enough to supply food for so many people. Xiaoer took a look at the vegetables in the vegetable market, then found an uninhabited alley and took out the mustard greens and spinach in the space. Two baskets came out, and then she took out a sack of radishes, half a sack of chestnuts, and caught two pheasants. Last time she caught a pair of pheasants, and now there are many pheasants in the space. She put the radishes and chestnuts on the baskets. , then dragged two baskets of vegetables out of the alley and stood on the roadside waiting for Shen Chengyao.

Shen Chengyao came back soon. In addition to meat, he also bought some rice noodles, oil, salt, soy sauce and other seasonings.

When she saw that the vegetables Xiaoer bought were so juicy, she praised: "I didn't expect that I can buy such juicy vegetables now. How much does it cost per pound?"

"Two pennies, these two baskets of vegetables are the best in the whole street. Originally, I sold them for three pennies per catty, but when I asked for them all, I got a penny cheaper. I also bought two pheasants."

"Xiao'er is really capable. Just in time, all the good meat was sold out today. I only bought five kilograms of meat, plus two pheasants, which is just right." Shen Chengyao loaded the vegetables onto the oxcart and hurried back to the village. After all, the vegetables They have to be cleaned and cooked before they are bought back, and any delay will delay the workers' meals.

Back at the head of the village, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Xu Wenhuima took the ingredients to the stream to wash, while Shen Chengyao went to build a temporary stove. He just built one with adobe bricks. He built three in total, and then went to chop it again. A few bamboos were made into several bamboo rafts, and benches were used as desks and dining tables.

After lunch was ready, Ms. Liu spooned a large bowl of vegetables to Jingrui and asked him to deliver it to Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang. Their family built a house and cooked a lot of food, including a large bowl of white rice and a large bowl of corn buns. , there are also two types of meat dishes, stir-fried chicken with chestnuts, stewed radish with sliced ​​meat, mapo tofu, and mustard greens for soup. After eating, more than a dozen workers praised the owner for being kind. Not only were they given more wages, but the food was also sufficient. They had never eaten dishes with so much oil, water, and meat. They were also very delicious. Look at those pots with even a grain of rice and a drop of rice. You’ll know if there’s no vegetable juice left.

After everyone had dinner, they went to dig the foundation again. Shen Chengyao asked them to take a rest, but they were unwilling to do so. The owner was kind and they worked harder. These are honest and kind-hearted people who know how to behave with each other.

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