Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 62 Poisoning

Xiaoer brought Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei into the west wing.

"You guys sit down first and I'll get you some medicine."

After returning to the room, Xiaoer immediately went into the space and picked a leaf from the Wuyou tree. "During the day, can this leaf cure burns?"

"Okay, but you'd better not give him a leaf directly, otherwise it will be troublesome if he gets better all at once."

"Then I'll mash the leaves and let him eat them separately for ten days."

"Add a drop of worry-free water from the pond, it will be useful for him."

Wuyou water is used for detoxification. During the day, if Wuyou water is said to be useful for Shangguan Xuanyi, that means "He is poisoned?"

"Chronic poison, the toxicity will attack suddenly, and it will cause temporary blindness during the attack. Fortunately, he found it early and didn't take the poison again, otherwise he would have been blind a long time ago."

Temporarily blind! If you encounter a dangerous situation, temporary blindness is enough to lose your life.

Although I have known Shangguan Xuanyi for a short time, the relationship between people is so strange. With some people, you will feel very familiar with them after just saying a few words to them, just like close friends. This is probably like old friends at first sight, Xiao Xiao This is how Er Er feels about Shangguan Xuan Yi. She has an inexplicable feeling that he deserves her trust, as if she has known him for a long time.

She picked two leaves and mashed them separately, then added a drop of worry-free water and some pearl powder to one of the leaves, stirred them evenly, and rolled them into ten small balls of the same size. Then she used the same method, but added less Wuyou water. Youshui made 10 small balls from another leaf, then wrapped them in paper to make room.

Returning to the room where Shangguan Xuanyi was, he saw Shen Yuzhu, Shen Baoer and Shen Beier surrounding them. Xiaoer raised her eyebrows.

Shen Chengyao and Liu looked embarrassed, while Jing Rui and Jing Hao covered their faces. They were extremely embarrassed!

"You two girls, please stay one meter away from my master!" Xiao Fuzi stretched out his hand to block the two of them.

"Master, does your hand still hurt? It won't hurt so much if I blow it for you." Shen Yuzhu had never seen such a beautiful young man. She finally met her ideal husband.

"Master, I have a good scald plaster here. Let me put some medicine on you. It will hurt so much to be burned by such hot water!" Shen Baoer looked delicate and weak, feeling extremely heartbroken.

Shen Beier held a tea cup and handed it to Di Zhaowei, "Master, please have tea. My uncle bought this tea from the south. My dad drank it!"

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the room and regarded the two of them as nothing. Di Zhaowei looked impatient. When he saw Xiaoer appearing at the door, he immediately stood up and knocked over the tea that Shen Beier was holding, "Girl, you But he’s back!”

Fortunately, the tea was not hot, otherwise she would have suffered. Looking at her soaked skirt, she glared at Xiaoer fiercely.

Xiao'er is very innocent. She was shot while lying down, but Shen Beier's eyes don't matter. She doesn't feel any pain or itching, so who cares about her!

"I'm going to get some medicine. It only takes a few words. Don't make it sound like I've been there for a long time."

"Where did these crazy women come from? Get them out quickly. The smell of that low-quality powder makes me want to vomit."

Crazy woman? Poor quality powder? Shen Baoer blushed after hearing this. She felt that it must be Shen Yuzhu and Shen Bei'er who had caused her trouble, so she looked aggrieved and the tears stopped in her eyes. The tearful look of the pear blossoms really made me laugh. Seeing pity.

"Young Master~" The voice was so charming that Di Zhaowei couldn't help but shudder and get goosebumps.

"I can't stand it anymore, let's go first." After saying that, he ran out like flying.

"Master~" Shen Beier imitated Shen Baoer's cry and chased after him.

Xiaoer couldn't help but laugh. Seeing Xiaoer's smile, Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but hit her on the head with the handle of the fan, "Is it funny?"

Two X-rays were immediately triggered. Xiaoer held back her laughter and shook her head, "Ahem, no, this is medicine for you to treat burns. Take one pill a day and you'll be fine after taking it for ten days. This is for you to protect yourself. Yes, it’s also one pill a day, don’t mix up the two packs of pills.”

"Are the two packages of medicine different?"

"It's different, yours is much better!"

, Shangguan Xuanyi gave the package of medicine that was too short to Xiao Fuzi, "Give it to the right wing, one pill a day."

And he opened his packet of medicine, took one and put it in his mouth. The movement was so graceful that the two nymphos next to her drooled.

Xiao Fuzi wanted to stop him, "Master, you can't just take the medicine outside!"

"It doesn't matter." The medicine melted in the mouth, and the pain in his hands disappeared at the same time. Shangguan Xuanyi was surprised. The effect of the medicine was too fast. This girl could give such a good medicine to herself, and it was not in vain that he treated her like this. good.

Seeing that he trusted her so much, Xiaoer felt happy in her heart. Giving him a drop of worry-free water was finally worth it.

"We have to go back to the imperial capital. If anything happens, you know how to find me." Shangguan Xuanyi stood up, glanced at Xiaoer, and walked out.

Xiaoer nodded, "Remember to take medicine."

Shen Chengyao and his wife, "Master Shangguan, walk slowly."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and walked out of the Shen family. Since he entered the Shen family, he has not even looked at anyone outside the third room of the Shen family.

Xiao Fuzi blocked the two nymphomaniac girls and said, "You two girls, don't try to get close to my master, otherwise I won't be polite!" Then he took a moment to say to Xiaoer's family, "Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen, Miss Xiaoer." , I will resign first!"

After Shangguan Xuanyi left, Xiaoer and Mrs. Liu continued to work on the unfinished work. Today is Mr. Shen's birthday. In addition to his own family, Mr. Shen's eldest brother and the village chief's family were also invited to have dinner. I heard that and The second son of the county magistrate, whom Shen Baoer was engaged to be engaged to, would also come over, so the old man specially ordered the food to be richly prepared.

Both Lan and Li gathered around Liu and Xiaoer to inquire about Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Zhaowei, but they only replied to their questions, "He is the one who bought our dolls and opened a toy shop. We also have others." I don’t know.” The two of them asked back and forth but couldn’t find anything before giving up.

Shen Yuzhu returned to the upper room and said directly to Mrs. Shen Zhuang, "Mother, I want the young man in purple to be my husband!"

Mrs. Shen Zhuang always responded to Shen Yuzhu's requests, "Okay, mother, go and find out which son he is from. In my opinion, he is barely worthy of my treasure."

After hearing this, Old Shen scolded: "Nonsense, that person's status is extraordinary at first glance, how can we be worthy of it! My daughter will definitely not be a concubine for others."

"The jade beads are no longer worthy of him. My jade beads are so beautiful that no young master would want to take them back after seeing them. I don't want them even if they are not from a noble family."

Mr. Shen shook his head, too lazy to waste his saliva.

Shen Baoer returned to the room and compared the person he was engaged to with Shangguan Xuanyi. He found that the more they compared, the more miserable the second son of the county magistrate was. He couldn't even compare with other people's fingers. He felt a little regretful. If he had met him earlier, Then he was cured.

Now that I'm engaged, what should I do?

Shen Yuzhu also seems to be interested in Mr. Shangguan, and she wants to compete with herself again! Thinking of the last engagement party, Shen Yuzhu was angry when she frowned at the county's second son. Suddenly, something moved in her heart and she showed a knowing smile.

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