Early the next morning, Xiaoer and the others set off. Shangguan Xuanyi escorted her out of the city. He gave her careful instructions at the carriage along the way. Xiaoer felt that he was even more verbose than Mr. Liu.

Under Xiaoer's teasing gaze, Shangguan Xuanyi closed his mouth impatiently.

"Take care of yourself!" At the fork in the road, Shangguan Xuanyi said again, then reluctantly glanced at Xiaoer in the carriage, then stopped the horse and let their carriage go first, until Xiaoer's carriage After turning a corner and losing sight of it, he led his men and horses to another road.

After the horse ran for a short distance, Shangguan Xuanyi still felt uneasy after thinking about it. He said to Feng Yang, "Feng Yang, follow the Lord of Rui'an County to Shengping County to celebrate his birthday."

Feng Yang: It was like a bolt from the blue! He also wants to fight instead of being a guard!

The Lord of Rui'an County is just returning to his hometown to celebrate his birthday. What can happen if there are several secret guards following him!

Shangguan Xuanyi seemed to know what Feng Yang was thinking. He glanced at Feng Yang and said, "She is more important to me than anything else."

Feng Yang was shocked after hearing these words, and he lowered his head in shame: "My subordinates will protect Lord Ruian County unscathed."

For him, his master's affairs are the most important thing.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded: "Go!"

Feng Yang ordered and left.

Feng Yang came directly to Xiaoer's carriage and stayed close to protect him.

Xiaoer heard the sound of horse hoofbeats, opened the curtain and took a look, and found that it was Feng Yang. She was speechless at Shangguan Xuanyi's move.

Feng Yang bowed to Xiaoer and said, "My master asked me to protect the county master."

Xiaoer nodded: "Thank you."

She didn't say anything about asking him to go back. It would be in vain anyway. There is no difference between having one more person and one less person to "monitor" her. Forget it, don't care.

Seeing this, Ms. Liu smiled and said, "Xiao'er, the Sixth Prince is really interested in you."

In this way, she felt at ease, and Xiaoer would live a good life after marrying her.

This is undeniable. Xiaoer nodded: "It's just a bit long-winded."

Liu and Yun'er both laughed after hearing this.

Xiaoer and the others were traveling light and simple this time. Mrs. Liu held little Jingzhe and her two daughters in a carriage, Jingrui and Jinghao were in a carriage, and the other carriage contained some luggage, birthday gifts and other gifts. , there are also several guards, and of course Yangliu Yangmei is also accompanying them.

They took the official road. In recent years, many main roads between counties have been repaired. And unless the danger is really insurmountable, the main road is built in a straight line with the shortest distance between two points as much as possible. Therefore, many official roads are built through mountains.

This greatly shortens the time between the north and the south and brings convenience to many businessmen.

However, someone has calculated that tolls from the extreme south to the extreme north cost at least three taels of silver! Even ten taels of silver might not be enough to travel all the official roads in every county in the country.

The total income from road and bridge tolls in the past two years surprised the emperor, and he sighed that it turns out that roads lead to wealth.

The group of them spent more than half a month hurriedly and slowly, and finally entered the boundaries of Shengping County.

Before Xiaguan Road, we encountered another toll station.

Zhao Yong took out fifty coins and lined up to pass the station. There happened to be a caravan passing the station in the opposite lane, a total of twelve carriages.

Xiaoer opened the curtain and looked over, just in time to see the leader of the businessman opposite take out a tael of silver and hand it to the toll collector.

"Well done, sir, we are in a hurry."

The toll collector took a tael of silver and removed the barrier: "Let's go!"

Xiaoer's eyes widened: According to the overloaded carriage, one carriage needs to pay fifteen cents, and their ten carriages only cost up to one hundred and fifty cents!

But the man gave him one tael of silver! Is this too much money?

Businessmen are very careful about spending money. If it is really a caravan, how much time will be wasted passing a toll station? There is really no need to tip so much money!

Unless he wants to avoid the inspection of the toll collector!

Xiaoer was right. The toll collector took the money and let them go without asking what was in their carriage.

Xiaoer looked at the convoy passing by slowly and found that a carriage dropped a few grains of rice on the spot.

food? There is a lot of food for ten taels of carriages! However, this only made it more unreasonable for the person to pay a toll of one tael of silver.

In the past two years, food prices have been falling. Many people are self-sufficient and even have surplus food, which makes it difficult to sell food! Profits are few and far between!

It is unreasonable for a grain merchant to be willing to pay so much for traveling expenses.

Besides, there is no need to evade inspection if it’s just grain. Grain dealers all have grain leads, so there’s no need to be so evasive!

The saying that they are in a hurry also deceives these toll collectors who are trying to make extra money.

When things go wrong, there must be a monster!

Xiaoer suppressed the doubts in her heart for the time being. After their carriage passed the toll station, Xiaoer said to Feng Yang: "Feng Yang, you turn around and follow the caravan."

"The master said that for him, County Master Ruian is the most important." In other words, except for protecting her safety, he doesn't care about anything else.

It's not that Feng Yang didn't notice the unusualness of the caravan, it was just that he promised his master to protect County Master Rui'an, and he naturally ignored other matters.

Xiaoer is dizzy! Is it okay to prioritize things? But Feng Yang had a determined look on his face, so Xiaoer didn't want to waste any time and said, "Okay, Feng Yang, you come and drive the carriage. Zhao Yong, you go check out the caravan."

Zhao Yong: "Girl, my master told me to drive the carriage well along the way, and to protect you when I'm not on the road. I don't have to worry about anything else except your own affairs."

After hearing this, Xiaoer looked up at the sky speechlessly. Needless to say, those secret guards were unlikely to pursue it. Shangguan Xuanyi, why don't you send a few more people for your own use! As for the guards in her mansion, Xiaoer shook her head. After all, they were not as capable as others!

It’s true that when people are put to use, Fang hates Shao Shao!

Yang Liu couldn't help but smile when he saw the aggrieved expression on Xiaoer's face: "Girl, the Sixth Prince is the most concerned about girl's affairs. His arrangements must be thorough, and the girl only needs to give orders."

Xiaoer suddenly realized after hearing this! Since Shangguan Xuanyi has arranged for people to protect her, those people must listen to her. If they don't listen, she can just drive him away!

So Xiaoer cleared her throat and said in a pretentious manner: "Zhao Yong, I'll leave it to you to find out what's wrong with that caravan!"

Zhao Yong wanted to kill Yang Liu! Doesn’t she know what it means to do less than to do more?

This time I wish Pingxian County a happy birthday, the most important thing is to arrive safely and return safely!

According to his experience as a coachman for many years, a girl can get into trouble even if she has nothing to do, let alone now that she wants to take the initiative to cause trouble!

There is really no leisure at all!

Zhao Yong resigned and went to run errands.

Xiaoer looked at Zhao Yong and smiled: "Yang Liu, Zhao Yong probably wants to kill you."

Yang Liu: "Don't worry, girl, he won't dare."

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