Mrs. Lin pulled the sleeves of Lin Miaoyan, who looked lonely: "Go to the carriage to change clothes, and then come out to eat something!"

Lin Miaoyan nodded.

Mrs. Lin had a headache when her daughter refused to listen to her advice and was getting more and more stuck.

Why is this girl so confused!

When she arrives in the imperial capital, she must quickly find a match for her, otherwise something will happen sooner or later if things continue like this!

Xiaoer quickly cooked three dishes, and instantly the entire foot of the mountain could smell the aroma of food.

Everyone is even more hungry.

The food Xiaoer cooked was just for a few of them.

The other guards took care of their own food. Many of them also caught prey and roasted it themselves.

Feng Yang and other guards caught a few pheasants. Xiaoer asked Yang Mei to boil a large pot of chicken soup and gave each of the accompanying guards a bowl of chicken soup and white rice. In this freezing environment, they could have a delicious bowl of chicken soup and rice. Very satisfied too.

Mrs. Liu asked Yang Liu to invite Mrs. Lin and others to come over and have dinner together.

Lin Miaoyan's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she looked at her mother pleadingly: "Mother, that food is so delicious, I can't even eat the hard dry food."

"Miss Yang, thank Madam Shengpinghou for me. We have already eaten half of it, so we won't go over." Madam Lin knew her daughter's thoughts and did not dare to let her have too much contact with the Sixth Prince, so she declined.

Yang Liu didn't insist. Anyway, the Sixth Prince would never be happy to be disturbed by outsiders.

Madam is just doing it to save face.

Seeing that they couldn't come, Mrs. Liu had someone bring them two bowls of chicken soup.

Lin Miaoyan lowered her head in disappointment.

Mrs. Lin really wanted to knock her awake with a hammer!

This girl really didn't inherit any of her practical sophistication and neatness!

If you are so stubborn, what should you do if you marry someone else in the future?

The days after getting married are not just about reciting poems, playing the piano, playing chess, and dancing. There are more intrigues and intrigues inside the mansion.

Even if they are as close as brothers, they still have to guard against it.

Mrs. Lin regretted not teaching her more about survival skills and having more contact with foreign men.

It made her unable to take her eyes away when she saw the slightly prettier Sixth Prince! Everything is shown on her face, letting people know her thoughts at a glance.

But how could a person like the Sixth Prince, who was indifferent from the bottom of his heart, be easily impressed by others! Her skills were completely invisible in front of the Sixth Prince.

Forget it, the marriage hasn't been decided yet, just teach him slowly before getting married.

She remembered her daughter saying that Lord Rui'an was not well-intentioned, and asked, "What happened on the mountain just now?"

After hearing this, Lin Miaoyan recounted how she met the wolf and the two maids on the mountain, as well as what Xiaoer said.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Lin knew that this girl had the idea of ​​running to find the Sixth Prince again before she met the wolf!

She was so angry that she wanted to stuff her back into her stomach and recreate her from scratch!

This girl really doesn't know how to hide her true feelings when something happens.

"You really risked your life for the Sixth Prince!"

Lin Miaoyan pulled Mrs. Lin's sleeve: "Mother, do you think County Lord Rui'an did this on purpose? Is she not being kind?"

Looking at her daughter who deliberately changed the subject, Mrs. Lin sighed: "You did make a mistake at that time! It is indeed their duty for slaves to protect their master! But as a master, you directly asked them to die for you, or even directly Send them to the wolf's mouth, if others see you, they will think you are selfish and heartless, and the slaves will feel cold towards you as their master!"

"But if they didn't block me at that time, I would definitely be bitten by a wolf!" Lin Miaoyan said aggrievedly.

She was almost scared out of her wits at that time, how could she think so much!

"Mother is not saying that they should not stop the wolf. Mother is saying that you are using the wrong method! You are the master, and your life is so precious. Naturally, it cannot be compared to their lowly lives. As slaves, the master meets It’s dangerous, and it’s their duty to stand in front of their master immediately!”

Lin Miaoyan nodded, she thought so too!

"Then why does mother still realize that I was wrong?"

Mrs. Lin continued: "As a master, you want your servants to be loyal and devoted to you, and even risk their lives to protect you! You cannot do such a thing as directly sending them to the wolf's mouth! Such a thing Once it is done, wouldn't it chill people's hearts? Who is willing to protect such a mean master? The most important thing is that at that time, there was the Sixth Prince and his guards on the mountain. Their martial arts were superb and they would be there soon. Save you. If you disregard the life and death of others like this and are looked at by the Sixth Prince and others, you will bring shame on the entire Lin family."

"Then what should I do?" Lin Miaoyan also knew that she was wrong.

"You should have said to them at that time: Dong'er, Xia Zhi, don't come over, run away, the wolf is coming!"

Lin Miaoyan was not stupid. After hearing these words, she understood what Mrs. Lin meant.

Her master was being chased by a wolf, and she was willing to be bitten by the wolf and sacrifice herself, and she also wanted them to live! As slaves, their lives are already cheap. Do you have the nerve to let her, the master, spend such a precious life to save their humble lives?

They will be so moved that they will take the initiative to stop that damn wolf without saying anything!

"Mother, I understand! Even if that is the duty of the servants, I should not ask them directly."

Mrs. Lin nodded: "Everyone cherishes their lives. If you just let them die, how can they be willing to die! That's why the wolf will turn around and chase you! What you need to do is to find a way to let the servants take the initiative , I am willing to die for you! I will be torn apart for you!"

"If you want to win someone's heart, you can't do it without giving your sincerity! In the same way, if you want to get a loyal slave, you can't do it without taking the slave's life seriously, and you can't do it without a little favor! When you treat your servants, you must be kind and powerful. ! If the servants are loyal, they will avoid a lot of trouble. So you can't be casual with your subordinates, and you must let them feel your 'sincerity'."

Lin Miaoyan nodded: "I know what to do in the future, thank you mother."

Mrs. Lin nodded: "Tomorrow we will stay in the town ahead for a day, and my mother will go visit an old friend."

"Then we can't go on the road with County Lord Rui'an and the others?" Then she wouldn't be able to see the Sixth Prince!

"Since you think County Lord Rui'an is unkind, wouldn't it be a bad idea not to stay with her?" How could Mrs. Lin not see her little thoughts? This made her more determined not to go with the Sixth Prince.

Lin Miaoyan: "..."

Why does it feel like shooting yourself in the foot?

The next day, Mrs. Lin and the others indeed stayed in town for a day, while Xiaoer and the others headed back to the imperial capital.

Yang Mei said disdainfully: "It's quite sensible!"

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