Jiang Yuheng walked out, but found that he had no idea where Shangguan Xuanyi lived now.

It’s just that his heart has been very anxious for ten years! Can he not be impatient? He wished he could kill the wolf-hearted father and son right away!

Jiang Yuheng remembered that the village chief said that Shangguan Xuanyi was planning to build a workshop in the village. Maybe the village chief should know where they live!

Thinking of this, he quickly ran back to the village.

Guan Xuanyi left the town this morning, looking for a place to secretly put the five thousand kilograms of flowers into the space, and also transported a set of distillation tools back.

This morning, Boss Feng sent another five thousand kilograms of half-open roses.

Xiaoer was teaching Ma in the yard how to dry these rose buds. .

In modern times, there are special dryers that can dry roses, but here we can only rely on the kang.

Fortunately, the Ushida family is from the north and is not used to sleeping in beds, so the house they live in has a kang.

"The drying temperature must not exceed this temperature. Can you feel the temperature on the kang now and see if you can remember it?" Xiaoer has such an ability, which is called a gift, but not everyone has it.

After hearing this, Ma stretched out her hand and touched it, then shook her head, but when Xiaoer said that you must pay attention to the heat of the kang when drying roses, and you should not heat the kang too hot, otherwise it will destroy the nutrition of the roses, she then Being prepared, she added a piece of bronze to the fire.

"I'll go take a look." After Ma said, she quickly ran out to see "Huo Hou".

The ancient people were also very smart. At this time, there were no thermometers or anything like that to measure the temperature, but they could grasp the "fire lord" by observing the flames.

In fact, different flames and color changes represent different temperatures!

Xiaoer knew that the fire method was also quite accurate, because different substances had different gasification points. When metal was heated, gases of different flame colors would be generated due to various physical and chemical reactions.

Mr. Ma is now running to see the "House of Fire".

Xiaoer knew that this method of inferring the temperature by observing the fire was feasible! When Shangguan Xuanhao was refining the elixir, he also relied on observing the "heat" to infer whether the elixir had been refined.

Anyway, the maximum temperature for drying roses cannot exceed 55 degrees Celsius. It doesn't matter if it is lower. Ma used his own method to remember it.

Xiaoer went on to talk about the next step: "The thickness of the roses should not exceed 10 centimeters, and the roses should not be turned over during the entire drying process. Until the stems can be crushed into powder by pinching them with your hands."

Xiaoer took out a few roses and asked Ma to feel the roses she dried in the space.

Ma took it, tried it, and nodded.

Just as Xiaoer was about to continue talking, Father Niu said that there was a head catcher named Dali asking to see him.

Upon hearing this, Xiaoer guessed that Jiang Yuheng should have recovered his memory.

"Aunt Niu, please try drying these roses first. I'll come back to teach you after seeing the guests."

"Okay." Mrs. Ma quickly agreed. She stayed in this house all day, growing flowers and vegetables. She had long felt that she was too busy. Now the master decided to build a workshop in this town and let them manage it. It’s like rain comes after a long drought!

Finally, I have something to do, and I don’t have to be idle until my bones ache!

Xiaoer walked to the upper room. When Jiang Yuheng saw her walking in, he quickly stood up and saluted: "Your Majesty, Jiang Yuheng, is here to see Princess Rui."

Sure enough, his memory was restored. Xiaoer smiled and said: "General Jiang, there is no need to be polite."

Xiaoer sat down on the main seat: "General Jiang, please take a seat."

Jiang Yuheng cupped his hands and replied: "Thank you, Princess, for the seat."

Then he walked to the stool at the bottom and sat down.

"General Jiang: Have you recovered your memory?"

Jiang Yuheng stood up again and bowed his hands in salute: "Thank you to the princess for the medicine. I recovered all my memories last night. I came to see you today because I came specifically to thank Prince Rui and the princess."

Xiaoer nodded: "General Jiang can just sit and talk. There is no need to be polite. This is not a palace, and I don't care about these false etiquette."

Jiang Yuheng was a military general who was informal and sat down after hearing this: "Princess, is Prince Rui here?"

"This is not the imperial capital. Mr. Jiang, please call me Young Madam. He is out for something and will not be back until this afternoon. If you have anything to ask, you can ask me."

"How did Jiang Weiqiang explain my death?"

"While fighting with the assassin, he was seriously injured and accidentally slipped and fell off the cliff."

"Assassin? Where did the assassin come from? It was clearly the two father and son who wanted to kill me! They knocked me off the mountain bank directly!" Jiang Yuheng sneered.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but an assassin was indeed caught at that time. When the soldiers came to find him, the assassin was already seriously injured, but his martial arts was very high and he killed several The soldier was captured by Jiang Weiqiang and his son, and then he bit himself with poison on the spot. I don't know much. If you want to know, wait until Brother Shangguan comes back and ask him." Xiaoer told what she knew.

"That assassin is a dead soldier." Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuheng knew that the assassin should be a dead soldier raised by Jiang Wei.

It is not easy to raise a dead man. I wonder if he will be heartbroken? But if he sacrifices one dead soldier, the entire Zhenguo Palace will be his. How many more dead soldiers can he raise in the future? How could it be heartache? Jiang Yuheng sneered in his heart.

Xiao'er nodded. Even if he was not a dead soldier, he was still a secret guard, and he was someone even the old Duke didn't know.

"Fifth Princess...are you okay?" Jiang Yuheng showed a wry smile after asking, "How are you okay?" After ten years of waiting, you become an old girl in your twenties. How much pressure do you have to bear? He could imagine that the girl must be hiding in bed crying every night.

He asked her to wait for him, but he was ten years late!

Life is only a few decades long! It was him who felt sorry for her and didn't take care to protect himself, causing them to waste ten years together!

Fortunately, he was not married and she was not married. Otherwise, what if one day the great revenge was avenged? He didn't understand what the meaning of his life would be after the revenge was completed.

"You'll find out when you go back." Xiao'er is actually quite curious as to why Jiang Yuheng hasn't gotten married yet at the age of twenty-eight. Generally, men in the village get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen because of the need for labor. Then give birth to children as soon as possible and raise them, so that there will be more labor force in the family as soon as possible. The watchman's house has a large brick house and is considered wealthy. Why didn't Jiang Yuheng get married?

Xiaoer asked what was in her mind: "Why don't you get married when you are so old?"

"Because I lost my memory, but I was carrying a jade pendant in my arms. I thought it was given to me by my wife. I always thought that one day I would regain my memory and go home, so I didn't get married."

"Fortunately." Xiaoer praised their relationship in her heart.

Fortunately, the god of fate favored them after all.

Fortunately, one is willing to wait, and the other is willing to keep it because of a piece of jade pendant.

It is really lucky that the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried.

Jiang Yuheng knew what he wanted to know and left. He would visit after King Rui came back.

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~

2017 is almost over. Dear book friends, Happy New Year!

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