Gong Qinghua thought about it in his mind and made a decision. This was a decision that achieved multiple goals with one stone!

Well, Princess Rui of Min Zeguo is too mysterious, and he wants to reveal her mysterious veil!

Gong Qinghua walked out of his palace and came to the royal study of Emperor Nangong.

At this time, Shangguan Wanru and Gong Zixuan were also there. Gong Zixuan gently supported Shangguan Wanru, as if she was a fragile porcelain doll.

Shangguan Wanru placed a hand on her lower abdomen, her face full of shyness.

Emperor Nangong was also smiling.

Gong Qinghua's eyes flashed. He bowed respectfully to Emperor Nangong and Shangguan Wanru and then said, "My father is smiling so happily. Is there something happy happening?"

Shangguan Wanru instinctively didn't want him to know, but Emperor Nangong was the first to say with a smile: "Haha, it's really a happy event. The Crown Princess is pregnant. In just over a month, I will have a grandson! Haha..."

When people get old, they want to have children and grandchildren. The prince of Nangong State is different from Min Zeguo. Nangong State pays attention to the eldest son and the legitimate grandson. There have been three generations of emperors in Nangong State who are the eldest sons. If there is no eldest son, they will consider it later. The consideration is to be the eldest son first and then the eldest son. .

Now that the Crown Princess is pregnant, he will see his eldest grandson. Can he be unhappy?

Besides, Shangguan Wanru has a special status. Now that she is pregnant, it proves that her status as the Crown Princess of Nangong Kingdom is stable, which is of great benefit to the relationship between the two countries.

Although Emperor Nangong was dissatisfied that Shangguan Wanru did not bring much benefit to the Nangong Kingdom after her marriage, in the spring of this year, there were not even super rice and wheat seeds left. What can I say? It rained heavily for several days during the harvest last year. There isn't much rice that can be selected for seed production, and our own country doesn't have enough, so we won't sell it outside. We'll see how the harvest is next year. If the harvest is good, we can distribute some to other countries.

It's really better to say it than to sing it. If you don't have many seeds, why don't you sell them to the Eastern Jin Dynasty! And it sold ten more stones than last year! Obviously, all the power of Nangong Kingdom was given to Eastern Jin Kingdom.

Of course he knew that Min Zeguo was dissatisfied with the treatment Shangguan Wanru received here and wanted to give them a warning.

Although he was angry that Min Zeguo didn't take him seriously even if he had some ability.

But the breeding method of super rice is too important, and now is not the time for the two countries to quarrel with each other!

At least we need to get the super rice breeding method, otherwise what if there is a war and other people's soldiers eat a lot of white rice and our own soldiers don't have rations?

Emperor Nangong was dissatisfied with Shangguan Wanru, but his country did not have super rice seeds, so he could only tolerate it for the time being, and had to sacrifice Shangguan Wanru.

Even as the emperor, he was very kind to Shangguan Wanru, and everyone else acted based on his looks.

Therefore, during these days, Shangguan Wanru's life in Nangong Kingdom was indeed much smoother.

After hearing the emperor's words, Gong Qinghua smiled and said: "This is really a happy event. Congratulations to the prince and congratulations to the princess."

Gong Zixuan smiled slightly: "Thank you, Second Emperor Brother."

Gong Zixuan is also very happy that Shangguan Wanru can be happy again.

Even if Shangguan Wanru didn't like this sweet-talking person, she still smiled and said: "Thank you, Second Emperor Brother."

Emperor Nangong looked at his two sons with satisfaction as they looked like brothers and sisters. He looked at his beloved son with a kind face: "Why did Hua'er come to me at this time?"

Gong Qinghua seemed to have just remembered the business. He tapped his head: "Look at my memory. I heard that the Crown Princess was pregnant. I was so happy that I forgot about the business."

The emperor became even more happy after hearing this: "You should be happy that your brother has a child, but you must also work harder to give me more grandchildren."

Gong Qingnian now has only one eldest daughter and no son, so he is also anxious.

"I will definitely work hard. I came to my father to say that my father is about to have a birthday. I want to find a gift for my father, so I will leave the palace for a while." Gong Qinghua was in Nangong. He has always been cynical in front of the emperor. He showed no interest in the throne and always liked to travel around and make friends all over the world.

"You! If you want to go out for fun, don't use me as an excuse! You always neglect business! You don't want to help your father share the political affairs." The emperor glared at him!

"My father has really wronged my father. I really came here to give him a gift. I promise to give my father a surprise. There is a prince in the court who helps my father handle political affairs. Now my father is in good health and can handle it." It’s a matter of state, Father, just let me go!”

Last year, his father was seriously ill and signaled that he and the prince should handle state affairs together. His ability has exceeded that of the prince. His father already knows his abilities. Now to avoid his suspicion, it is time to find an excuse to avoid it. It's just right He also wanted to personally explore what Min Zeguo's Princess Rui was capable of!

"It's just a surprise. I won't let you down if you disappoint me!" Emperor Nangong agreed.

Recently, he had a knot in his mind about the fact that so many officials supported his second son.

Even before he died, someone was thinking about his position, which made no one feel comfortable.

Now that he asked for birthday gifts, Emperor Nangong naturally agreed.

"Thank you, Father, for your approval!" Gong Qinghua smiled brightly after hearing this and bowed.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, please step aside! The prince stays with the princess, and don't run around before the baby is firmly seated." Emperor Nangong is a person who likes to hold all power in his own hands, so he Although he is only a few years older than the emperor of Min Zeguo, he looks much older, giving people the impression that he has run out of fuel.

After hearing this, the three of them resigned.

After the three of them walked out of the hall, Gong Zixuan asked Gong Qinghua: "Where is the emperor going to go this time?"

"Brother Chen is going to Min Zeguo for a walk."

Shangguan Wanru frowned after hearing this. Could this person have some crooked ideas?

There are so many places to go, why do you want to go to your parents’ home?

"Is there anything the Crown Princess needs me to bring to Prince An, the crown prince? I can help you bring it to you if you're on your way."

"Thank you, Second Emperor Brother. I have nothing to bring."

"The Crown Princess is too polite, I'm leaving now!"

Gong Zixuan nodded and left.

Looking at his retreating back, Shangguan Wanru was thoughtful. She didn't know what kind of crooked idea he had this time, but it shouldn't be possible if he told her in such a fair and just way!

Gong Zixuan supported Shangguan Wanru and said, "Let's go. When we return home, we have to announce the good news to our father and mother."

"Okay, I almost forgot." Shangguan Wanru looked away and decided to write a letter back this time to announce the good news and ask her elder brother to pay attention to whether Gong Qinghua went to Min Zeguo to do any bad things!

After Gong Qinghua left, he immediately ordered someone to pack a baggage and left Nangong Kingdom.

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