Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 83 Housewarming

On the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, on an auspicious day and at an auspicious time, Xiaoer's family finally moved into a new house in the village.

Xiaoer's house follows the architectural design of a courtyard house. The house has four entrances, facing north and south.

The main house has a front porch and a back building, with an inverted room in the front and a covered room in the back. There is a flower wall on the south side of the east and west wings, and a hanging flower door in the middle. The east and west wing rooms have hand-painted verandahs connected to the hanging flower doors, and the main room and the wing rooms have moon doors connected to the wing rooms.

There is a flower wall on the east and west sides of the outer courtyard, with a moon gate in the middle. You can use this door to cross the courtyard. There is a mountain verandah in the south room, and several courtyards are connected from east to west, north to south.

The main house and the east and west wings are both three-story buildings. The main house has five rooms and the main room is in the middle. There are also five east and west wing rooms each.

Each bedroom has a study room, toilet and cloakroom. This was specially designed by Xiaoer. The toilet is equipped with a bathtub, flush toilet, and wash basin. As for water, Xiaoer placed several large water tanks on the third floor, dug a deep well outside the house, installed a water pump, and pumped water directly by hand. Then it flows down through the iron pipes. These things were all made by Shangguan Xuanyi.

She originally planned to use the third floor for insulation and utility room design. Otherwise, when summer comes and she sleeps on the second floor, there is no air conditioning and it will be too hot! Mrs. Liu disagreed at the time and said it was a waste, but Shen Chengyao and several other children thought it was okay. It was really too hot in summer and they couldn't sleep well at night. You couldn't open the window when sleeping on the first floor. If you slept on the second floor, you could open the window. Windows, more wind, better. If you build two floors directly, the second floor is the top floor, which is also very hot, so you choose to build three floors.

Xiao'er didn't care about these things. They were all conceived for them. She had space. She mostly slept in the space before coming out, and occasionally she only slept outside for a while.

Early in the morning, guests began to arrive one after another. Shen Chengyao had made arrangements. Shopkeeper Yao, Shen Chengzu and Liu Minhong helped greet the guests in the front yard, while Liu and Lu were in charge of the back yard.

Shangguan Xuanyi's gift was brought by Uncle Fu, and Di Zhaowei's gift was brought by Manager Chen. Manager Chen was very surprised to see Shen Chengyao. Di Zhaowei left in a hurry that day and didn't have time to tell him about the cooperation in the ceramics shop. Fortunately, they both knew Shopkeeper Yao, so Shopkeeper Yao hosted them.

Then Steward Tong from Liuli Workshop also came with generous gifts, and several stewards gathered together.

After a while, the village chief came with Shen Zixuan, Mei Zhijie, and Li Zhewei, and Shen Chengyao also arranged to go to Shopkeeper Yao's place.

Mei Zhijie and Li Zhewei were a little surprised when they saw Uncle Fu, Manager Chen, and Shopkeeper Yao coming. It seemed that the Shen family was not simple.

Several people saluted and greeted each other.

Shen Chengguang didn't know Uncle Fu or Manager Chen, but he was very surprised when he saw Li Zhewei. Why did Mr. Li show up at Lao San's house? Then he thought that he came with Ming Zhijie and Shen Zixuan. The three of them were classmates and they should have come to see Shen Zixuan. Shen Zixuan invited him over. It must be, he said, how could the third child know Mr. Li.

He hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "Young master Li and Zhijie are so proud to come to this humble abode!"

Li Zhewei glanced at Meijijie, who is this?

Meijijie coughed, "This is Uncle Shen's eldest brother, Shen Chengguang."

"This is Uncle Shen's home, so why is he so humble?"

After hearing these rude words, Meijijie made a fist with his right hand and coughed in front of his mouth to hide his desire to laugh.

Although Shen Chengguang was a little embarrassed, he still said cheekily: "Although the third child and I are separated, our two families are as close as one family, haha."

Li Zhewei has been very annoyed recently. He finally came out and didn't want to waste time with this kind of person. He and Mei Zhijie made an appointment to bring his sister over. Ming Zhijie wanted his sister to come out to relax and have more contact with Shen Nirui. Li Zhewei wanted his sister to get to know Liu Jingshu. If one day... he could also say something nice in front of his mother.

So the two hit it off immediately!

Recently, Li Zhewei has been annoyed to death by his mother. She would have someone wait at the school gate after a break, take him home, and catch him studying the ladies from various families in the imperial capital. Such a posture would force him to choose someone to marry. ! It made him want to run away from home!

He waved his hand impatiently to let Shen Chengguang go down, and then he saw Jing Rui, Jing Hao, Liu Zhiwen, and Liu Zhiwu walking outside, and hurriedly chased them out, "Jing Rui! Zhiwen!"

"Brother Li is here!" Jing Hao greeted happily.

"Yes, I'm here for a meal. I brought my sister here. It's in the backyard now. You go ask your sister and cousin to show her around. I think your house is quite well built."

"Okay, I'll go now."

After hearing this, Jingrui said: "Brother Li, have you just arrived? How about I show you around? We also built a glazed flower house and a greenhouse."

Li Zhewei had this intention, nodded, and then thought that he couldn't go alone, so he called out Shen Zixuan and Meijijie inside.

Several people walked all the way from the front yard to visit. It was already late winter. It had snowed a few days ago and the snow had not yet melted. There were really no beautiful flowers and trees in the yard. Occasionally, a few winter plums were blooming alone in the corner.

Xiaoer's house is large. Although it is not richly decorated, the overall planning is very reasonable, the space is well-reasoned, and it is simple and elegant!

Min Zeguo was a relatively open dynasty. Although the hierarchy was strict, it did not stipulate how big a house ordinary people could not build. How to build a house and how big it was were all based on their own preferences, so the Xiaoer family dared to As a farmer, he built a large house with four doors.

After visiting the east and west wing rooms, Li Zhewei decided decisively, "Jing Rui, the school is on holiday. How about I come to your house to stay for a few days and teach you some knowledge?"

He really wants to try these novel things to see if they work. If they work well, he will get a set for his yard! In this way, she can avoid her mother's forced marriage and see someone more. She should also stay at her aunt's house for a few days.

Then he thought that it would not be good to live alone by himself, as the purpose would be too obvious, "Brother Meiji, why don't you also live here? It just so happens that Zixuan's house is also close, so the three of us can compare notes."

"This is inconvenient, it disturbs Uncle Shen's family too much." Mei Zhijie was a little surprised. He and Shen Chengyao's family were not that familiar! What he didn't know was that Li Zhewei wasn't very familiar with him either, but he was very thick-skinned!

"What's the inconvenience? Uncle Shen is the most hospitable. Besides, the food cooked by that girl Xiao'er is delicious. You'll know it after you try it!" Just thinking about it makes me drool. Alas, he is so hungry. long time!

After hearing this, Jingrui naturally welcomed him infinitely!

Several people came to the glass greenhouse in the northeast corner of the backyard. Xiaoer is also in the greenhouse with Liu Jingshu, Shen Nirui, Ming Jingya, and Li Ruoqing. It was supposed to avoid suspicion, but no one inside was considered an outsider, so a few people walked in.

This glass greenhouse is designed with a ridge roof. The entire greenhouse, which is about 50 square meters, is paved with blue brick floors. Inside, various flowers and plants are placed or hung on flower stands, with undulating heights and scattered patterns. These are all taken out of the space by Xiaoer using various excuses. There are roses in full bloom, camellias waiting to bloom, gorgeous peonies, simple and upright tulips, quiet and refined orchids, hyacinths... and many flowers that cannot be named, all competing for beauty and beauty! There is also a vat of water lilies in the corner.

"Xiao'er, I like this flower house so much. I want to get one when I get home!" Li Ruoqing looked at these flowers and wanted to take them home!

Li Zhewei has no interest in flowers, but he thinks the flower house is well done and comfortable to look at. He sat on the swing bench next to him, seemingly casually looking at the greenhouse and admiring the flowers. In fact, he was not interested in drinking, and his eyes could not help but stay on a certain woman who was sniffing and touching here and there.

She likes flowers. Well, he will get one in the yard later.

Liu Jingshu was smelling a jasmine flower, and then sneezed very rudely.

Li Zhewei said, look, even a sneeze is not fake!

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