Xiaoer grabbed Shangguan Xuanyi's hand and looked at him without blinking: "What's wrong? Do you dislike me because of Gong Qinghua's words?"

Shangguan Xuanyi was so angry after hearing her words that he slapped her on the butt: "What are you thinking! Wasn't your stomach hurt before? It's not even two months since you can't have sex."

Shangguan Xuanyi is really angry. This heartless girl, doesn’t she know what he has been thinking about for so many years?

How dare you doubt him like this!

It really deserves a fight!

She didn't know that to him, what he cared about was whether she was hurt. As for her, he would never dislike her or let her go no matter what.

"Why? My injuries are all healed!" Xiaoer touched the spanked buttocks and didn't know why: This bad guy hit really hard, it hurt like hell!

Shangguan Xuanyi lay sideways next to Xiao'er, one hand passed under Xiao'er's neck, letting her head rest on his arm, and one hand gently caressed her abdomen, asking how long it would take for a woman to have sex after giving birth. The formula came out.

"Pfft!" Xiaoer smiled unkindly after hearing this: "Fool, that's different. Don't you still believe in my pills? The injury on my stomach has been cured long ago! Besides, the time I spent in the space It's been more than two months! What are you worried about?" After saying this, Xiaoer patted her flat belly.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!" Shangguan Xuanyi was quite annoyed after hearing this. He has almost become a tortoise these days! But it turns out it was all in vain!


Shangguan Xuanyi quickly turned over and pressed Xiaoer under him again, blocking out her unspoken words.

The silence speaks.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the sun peeked out of the eastern sky. I saw a burst of spring light in the crack of the window. I wondered if the moon was lazy again and got off work early.

at dusk

Xiao'er was still sleeping soundly. Shangguan Xuanyi walked out of the cabin refreshed and told Yang Mei to prepare more food. Xiao'er could eat it when she woke up later.

Then he walked to the study next to him and began to deal with official business.

Zhao Yong has led his soldiers to capture the prefect, and other relevant people have also been captured.

These people were imprisoned in the dungeon, and when enough evidence was found, the emperor ordered a formal search of their homes.

Only the county magistrate, county magistrate and others of Shenyang County took the money and absconded that night!

Xiaoer was captured at that time, Shangguan Xuanyi had no time or thought to take care of them, and there was no other manpower in Shenyang County, so he could only let them live at ease for a few more days.

Now that the girl has been found, he finally has his hands free to deal with these harmful people!

And Gong Qinghua! He must seek justice from Emperor Nangong!

He will make them regret messing with his girl!

Shangguan Xuanyi sat down and asked Zhao Yong to sharpen his ink. He took up the pen and began to write the memorial, while issuing orders one after another.

Most of these letters were encrypted and then sent out.

After finishing the official business, it was already getting dark.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked back to the room, but Xiaoer hadn't woken up yet.

Xiaoer didn't dare to sleep the past two nights, so she sleeps for a longer time now.

Shangguan Xuanyi was worried that she was sleeping too much and couldn't sleep at night, so he sat on the edge of the bed, lowered his head and kissed her eyes, trying to wake her up.

Xiaoer was dreaming that Gong Qinghua was disgusting with her. She slapped Shangguan Xuanyi on the face, then kicked Shangguan Xuanyi off the bed and shouted: "Get out! "

"Pa!" A very loud sound!

Shangguan Xuanyi fell to the ground, and a five-finger relief quickly appeared on his handsome face.

Xiaoer woke up after shouting.

She opened her eyes and saw Shangguan Xuanyi sitting on the ground with a five-fingered mountain range on his face. She quickly woke up: "Brother Shangguan, who is so bold and dares to slap you?"

Shangguan Xuanyi gritted his teeth and said: "What do you think!"

Besides her, who else in this world can slap her!

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up from the ground and patted her butt. He almost wondered if this girl was deliberately avenging him for spanking her!

This slap and kick are really

Xiaoer thought of the dream just now. In the dream, she slapped a disgusting man!

You wouldn't have slapped Brother Shangguan on the face, right? !

In the dream, she was very angry, so she slapped her with all her strength!

Xiaoer secretly glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi's face again. The fingerprints were so obvious that they almost became a five-finger mountain range!

Thinking of this possibility, Xiaoer asked cautiously: "Brother Shangguan, I won't be the one to hit you, right?"

Deny it now! She didn't hit her!

"What do you think?"

Xiaoer sneered: "Of course it can't be me! Who took advantage of the bear's heart and the leopard's courage! I'll go find her to settle the account! Brother Shangguan, please take a pill quickly! Otherwise, it will be so painful!"

Xiaoer said as she jumped out of bed and ran out.

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his long hand, pulled Xiaoer back, and sat on his legs: "Hit me and ran away like this? Huh?"

Since there is no way to avoid it, and those who miss the mark are heroes, Xiaoer quickly turned around with a flattering smile on her face, wrapped her hands around Shangguan Xuanyi's neck, and then kissed the other side of his uninjured face: "Brother Shangguan, I'm sorry, I just dreamed When I saw that disgusting man Gong Qinghua kissed me, I raised my hand and slapped him hard. I didn't know I would hit you when I was asleep."

Shangguan Xuanyi's face turned dark after hearing this. He just kissed her, so in her dream, he became that disgusting man Gong Qinghua? !

How many times had Gong Qinghua harassed the girl, making her unable to sleep peacefully? !

This girl must have been too nervous these past two days, so she would subconsciously protect herself when she fell asleep.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Xuanyi felt inexplicably heartbroken, and his hand around Xiaoer's waist tightened: "Girl, I'm sorry for making you so worried!"

Xiaoer took out a bottle of ointment, opened it, and carefully applied a layer of ointment on Shangguan Xuanyi's face: "I'm not afraid! I just feel sick and bored. Does it still hurt?"

After applying the ointment, Xiaoer blew on Shangguan Xuanyi's face childishly.

"It doesn't hurt anymore!" His heart hurt more than his face, but Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say these words. He lowered his head, found Xiaoer's lips, and kissed her, just as he was about to deepen the kiss.

At this time, there was a gurgling sound in Xiaoer's stomach.

Shangguan Xuanyi heard this and let go of Xiaoer: "Let's eat something first!"

Shangguan Xuanyi ordered Yangmei to serve.

After the two had dinner in the house, Xiaoer discovered that the willows in the space and the aura surrounding her gradually disappeared. She must have woken up soon.

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