Early the next morning, Gong Qinghua personally took people to the suburbs to transport the grain from the two granaries back to the city.

Although he was heartbroken, handing over the food meant that many years of planning had been ruined, but compared to the food being wasted, his father's suspicion and rejection were more terrifying.

In order to express his loyalty, he could only leave the city early in the morning to transport food.

Shortly after the sun rose, the door of the granary was knocked.

Hundreds of wolf dogs heard the movement outside the door and quickly ran in the direction of the door, barking as they ran.

Seeing that Gong Qinghua was here, the steward of the granary quickly stopped the dogs, opened the door, and bowed respectfully to Gong Qinghua: "I've met the master."

Gong Qinghua nodded and walked in: "Take out all the rice and load it into the car."

Gong Qinghua pointed to the motorcade behind him.

As soon as the wolf dogs saw Gong Qinghua walking in, they ran away automatically. To them, this master was a bit scary.

"Yes, may I ask, Master, how much food do you plan to move?"

"All!" When these two words were spoken, Gong Qinghua's heart ached. This was the food he had grown for several years! It was waiting to be of great use, but now it is gone!

"All?" The granary manager was shocked when he heard this.

"Yes, hurry up! Pack everything up and try to transport it all away tomorrow morning!" Gong Qinghua was a little impatient and his face was dark.

There is a lot of grain in the granary, and he has arranged for twenty carriages to transport it, but it will not be finished before dark today.

Seeing this, the steward of the granary did not dare to say anything more and hurried down to make arrangements. However, he could not help but mutter in his heart: With so much grain transported at one time, was there a war?

The steward of the granary led people to the place where the grain was stored. He took out a bunch of keys, opened the door of the first granary, and then said to the people behind him: "Hurry in and move the grain out, don't waste the master's time."

After saying this, the steward of the granary went to the next room and opened the door.

The steward of the granary was halfway through when he heard a scream: "Steward! The grain is missing!"

After hearing this, the steward of the granary quickly turned around and walked back: "What's going on? How much is missing? Was it eaten by rats?"

Gong Qinghua was originally standing outside. Hearing the exclamations of the people inside, he had a bad feeling in his heart. He strode forward, pushed aside the people blocking the door, and walked in.

"It's not that the mice ate it, it's that there isn't even a grain of food in the granary!" The man just spoke again, but this time his voice was obviously vibrating, and he was obviously scared!

Gong Qinghua looked at the empty granary, not even a particle of mouse droppings. He quickly turned his head to look at the granary manager, and his voice was louder than ever before: "Manager Ma, what is going on?!"

The steward of the granary turned around and saw the empty granary. He was dumbfounded. The sound of Gong Qinghua's loud trumpet startled him. He stammered: "Go back to the master, I don't know! Yesterday I ordered someone to return the favor." I took out the rice, dried it once, and put it into the warehouse in the evening. Why, why are all the rice gone?"

"You..." Gong Qinghua's face turned livid. He thought of something, put back his curse words, and scolded: "Hurry and open the doors of other rooms and see if the food is still there!"

After hearing this, the granary official ran out quickly. Because he was so impatient, he tripped over the threshold, staggered and almost fell.

Gong Qinghua was walking behind him, and when he saw him like this, he couldn't help but cursed: "If you don't succeed enough, you will fail more than you can!"

The steward of the granary was so frightened that his legs shook, but he still ran as fast as he could to the next room where grain was stored.

The door to the second granary opened—empty.

The door to the third granary is open - empty

The door to the last granary opened—empty!

Ten granaries, all empty!

The steward of the granary fell to the ground, his face full of disbelief: "How is this possible? Where has all the grain gone? I just checked every granary yesterday, and the grain is all there!"

Gong Qinghua was so angry that his lips trembled and he was speechless for a moment!

When everyone saw their master like this, they didn't even dare to breathe.

No one dared to speak.

This is so weird!

The door was not broken, and the wolves and dogs did not bark. Hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain disappeared in one night!

Not a single grain is left!

a long time……

I don’t know how long it took, but one person glanced at the sun in the sky, and then at the shadows of everyone under the sun, and couldn’t help but said, “Could it be that some monster or monster took it secretly?”

After hearing this, Gong Qinghua finally found his voice. For the first time in his life, he couldn't help but yell: "Fuck you!"

The man was so disciplined that he didn't dare to speak out. His face turned red, but he couldn't help but glance at the sun again, hoping that the sun would shine on him more.

Gong Qinghua looked at the steward of the granary, his face twisted with anger, and his tone was even more gritted: "Steward Ma, where has all the food gone?"

Steward Ma quickly knelt down and said, "Master, I really don't know. Yesterday, Steward Tong and I sent people to check the storage conditions of the grain in each granary. Then we took out the slightly damp grain to dry in the sun to prevent it. They’re moldy or insect-eaten.”

Manager Tong is the deputy manager of the granary, and the two of them usually take turns guarding the granary.

Steward Tong nodded after hearing Steward Ma's words: "Master, the food was really still there yesterday. We also moved a lot of rice out to dry, and it was put into the warehouse after the sun went down in the evening. Many people here can testify!"

Gong Qinghua looked at them with sinister eyes: "You mean the food was still there yesterday? And then all the food was stolen overnight?"

"It should be like this!" He couldn't think of any other explanation other than this.

"But who has the ability to transport hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain silently in one night without alarming any wolf, without alarming any person, without breaking a door lock?" Who can do such a thing except a god? arrive? Ma is thinking in his mind and dare not say it out loud!

"Steward Ma, Steward Tong, think about what was suspicious last night! Also find out who is the mole! There is no mole in this matter, so much food cannot disappear silently! Tell me after you think about it clearly !”

Gong Qinghua's expression changed when he thought of something. He quickly gave a few instructions and left on horseback.

The other granary is not far from here. If you ride fast, you can reach it in the time of a stick of incense.

When they came to another granary, Gong Qinghua asked the granary to take care of it without saying a word, and opened the doors of the room where the grain was stored.

Similarly, there are ten rooms in total, and all ten rooms are empty, not even dusty, as if someone had just cleaned them!

"Ah!" Gong Qinghua couldn't help shouting!

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