"Didn't Shangguan Xuanyi and his wife leave pills for the Crown Princess this time when they came to visit? Isn't that right? The Crown Princess is pregnant. It has been said since ancient times that giving birth to a child means walking around the gates of hell. The Crown Princess should have prepared pills there. Come on!"

Could this man be any more shameless? !

Gong Qinghua was so angry that he wanted to kick him! Does this mean that he watched his father unconscious and didn't save his father even though he had pills?

The eyes of Emperor Nangong on the bed moved again. He naturally knew that Gong Qinghua's words were suspected of sowing discord, but he still became suspicious after hearing these words, because if he died this time, then the prince would be the emperor. The prince became the biggest beneficiary.

Emperor Nangong even wondered whether this beauty was designed by the prince, because the relationship between the prince and Min Zeguo was relatively good. Min Zeguo wanted to help the prince become the emperor, and it was not impossible for Shangguan Wanru to become the emperor. However, he denied this thought. No, the prince should not dare.

"What does the second emperor brother mean by this? The last time my father was seriously ill, didn't the princess take out the pills without saying anything? Who knew she had pills at that time? Didn't she take the initiative to take them out? It's so precious Your pills are not the cabbage on the street. Can you just take them out as soon as you say they are available? If you can give me one, it is already the most righteous thing you can do!"

"Prince, don't get excited. If you don't, it won't happen. I'm just asking. Why are you so excited? People who don't know would think you have a guilty conscience!" Gong Qinghua said with all his strength.

"Can I not be angry? You are deliberately making insinuations, implying that the Crown Princess and I have pills instead of saving my father, and sowing discord with ulterior motives!" Gong Zixuan couldn't help being furious, and his voice became louder.

"Prince, I've misunderstood you. I definitely didn't mean that. The prince doesn't have to be so sensitive. If the prince doesn't like to hear it, I'll just stop talking! Since that woman is from Min Zeguo, I'd better go to Shangguan Xuanyi to settle the score!" Maybe I can get the pill to save my father." Gong Qinghua was so angry that he was so calm and calm from the beginning to the end. After achieving his goal, he dropped a seed of doubt and left.

Emperor Nangong's stab wound was in severe pain, and he was so angry at his two sons who were biting dogs that they simply pretended to be unconscious, and then thought about the authenticity of Gong Qinghua's words.

Sometimes people are so strange. They know that the other person may be sowing discord, but they still can't help but doubt in their hearts. Once the seeds of doubt are planted, when something happens, they will hesitate. Just like that, it begins to take root and sprout, and it is out of control. Even a wildfire cannot burn it out. It grows again every time the wind blows in your ears!

Gong Qinghua walked out of the emperor's palace, feeling relieved from the depression in his heart.

Ever since the Crown Princess took out pills to cure his father last year, and because he was in power for a while, he did some things too hastily, which made his father suspicious, and then to the food problem a while ago, he has always felt that there is a feeling of depression in his heart, and now he can finally let it out. Out!

There was really too much good news today. Gong Qinghua felt a lot more relaxed, and then he strode out of the palace with brisk steps.

On Jie'er Island, not only Xiaoer suddenly felt itchy, but other soldiers and generals who landed on the island also felt itchy, as if they were bitten by fleas.

The fact is that Xiaoer really caught fleas from herself when she returned to the room!

This is downright disgusting.

Others also caught fleas on their bodies.

One criminal said strangely: "I have lived here for almost three months and have never been bitten by a flea. Why did fleas appear when you came here?"

"Could it be that some of you are too lazy to take a shower and already have fleas on your body?!" One criminal couldn't help but joked after knowing that he would not be killed.

Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes darkened after hearing this.

Xiaoer was thoughtful. She didn't see any cats or dogs, and she didn't even see a mouse at night. Why was there dancing?

Even if someone is not hygienic and has fleas on his body, it is impossible for so many people to be bitten by fleas! This is unreasonable! Can one person have so many fleas on his body?

plague! Xiaoer suddenly thought of this word.

At the same time, Xiaoer quickly remembered that the Japanese envoys had tried to launch the smallpox virus into their country before.

"Brother Shangguan, I suspect this is the plague."

These fleas had been absent for the past few days, and today they seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Plague? Can fleas spread it?"

"Yes!" Xiaoer affirmed.

"Such things are what Japanese people love to do! Why do people from Nangong Kingdom also do it?"

"The Japanese country also sent people this time. Who knows if they let it go!" General Di said at this time. After knowing that he had successfully recovered the island, he came with his soldiers. Anyway, the young lady also said that in ten days They have to leave that island.

"Or is it a joint effort between the Japanese and Nangong people? I seem to have seen the Japanese and the second prince Nangong chatting happily at the palace banquet." Xiaoer said, remembering the scene she saw that day.

"That's not surprising. There are both radioactive stones and plague. This gift given to us by Nangong Kingdom is indeed heavy enough!" Shangguan Xuanyi snorted coldly.

"It's rude to come and not return! Brother Shangguan, we can't help but cure this disease. How about we go into the Nangong Palace and borrow their imperial doctors for diagnosis and treatment?"

"No! I'll just arrange for someone to do this. You should take the pills quickly! Don't always take your own life so seriously!" Shangguan Xuanyi vetoed it without thinking after hearing Xiao'er's words.

This girl's suggestion is good, but there is no need to put yourself in danger.

Xiaoer was almost speechless by his cautiousness! "Brother Shangguan, you know that I have pills, so you won't be afraid of the plague! Only if we do it ourselves, it will make them even more worried and unable to refuse! After all, we are in their country! The identity of the two of us That will make them afraid."

"Now Emperor Nangong is in danger. Didn't the Second Prince of Nangong throw dirty water on our Min Zeguo? We just used this to rebel against the generals! Tell them that we are not so easy to bully! Okay? Let's set off now Go to Nangong Kingdom, I guess I will have a seizure when I get to Nangong Kingdom!"

"I just don't want you to suffer like this! It's not worth it to joke with your life just to plot against others." Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head!

"Then I don't dare to confirm whether it is the plague now! Let's run to Nangong Kingdom quickly and take pills if it really attacks! Otherwise, if I guess wrong, it would be a waste of a pill, right? ?”

To put it bluntly, he just wanted to take his illness to scare the people of Nangong Kingdom in person.

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that Xiaoer was determined to do this, so he nodded impatiently: "If you are really feeling unwell, take pills right away!"

Thank you lilac for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted~:

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