Gong Qinghua brought the imperial doctor here because he originally wanted to see what Xiaoer's illness was, hoping that he would not give pills if he could.

It's just that if the current illness of the Lord Rui'an is the plague, he can't help but want to give it!

Otherwise, these two shameless men must have planned to stay here and infect the people of Nangong Kingdom before giving up.

Gong Qinghua didn't believe that they didn't have any more pills on them. These two people were clearly here to take revenge on him!

But in order to prevent the plague from spreading, he had to take out the pills and watch her take them before he felt relieved.

Gong Qinghua reluctantly took out the pills: "Lord Ruian, please take the pills as soon as possible, so as not to harm the people of Nangong Kingdom! If the plague spreads, you will not be able to leave Nangong Kingdom."

"I don't understand what the second prince said. You seem to have got the wrong person! It's your Nangong Kingdom who wants to harm us! I was infected with the plague on Jie'er Island. If you didn't tell me, wouldn't we have guessed that it was you? Did you deliberately release those fleas? I’ll just forget about it if I don’t settle accounts with you, Nangong Kingdom!”

"There is no proof, don't spit on people with blood! People in our country don't have such ability." Those fleas carrying plague were indeed not made by people from Nangong Kingdom, but were given to him by Japanese people.

He also didn't understand how the Japanese people's brains were so long that they could always come up with a lot of these heretical things.

Xiaoer took the pills, uncorked the bottle, smelled it, then couldn't help but sneeze and sprayed Gong Qinghua's face with saliva.

When Gong Qinghua noticed that Xiao'er wanted to sneeze, he quickly backed away. However, he didn't expect Xiao'er to be so shameless and dare to sneeze at him!

Gong Qinghua quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped the spit off his face: "Don't you find it disgusting, Lord Rui'an?"

"Sorry, the pills are so fragrant, I couldn't control it for a moment!" Xiaoer said and swallowed the pills directly.

"Princess! You didn't even look to see if there was anything wrong with the pill! What if it was poisoned!" Yang Mei couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw Xiaoer eating happily.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything. He poured Xiaoer a glass of water and handed it to her.

"If you are poisoned, ask the second prince for the antidote pills!" Xiaoer took the water handed over by Shangguan Xuanyi, took a sip, and put the cup down.

Gong Qinghua couldn't help rolling his eyes after hearing this: "Don't worry, the poison won't kill you!"

"Of course I can't die, but the second prince is certainly not dead. Generally speaking, most infectious diseases can be transmitted through saliva. Just now I sprayed spit on the second prince's face. I think the second prince will most likely die. Infected with the plague. But since the second prince dares to release plague fleas in the country of Jian'er, he probably knows how to treat the plague, so I really don't have to worry about it!"

"You..." Gong Qinghua's face changed drastically after hearing this!

He couldn't finish a sentence, so he quickly ran out to wash his face!

He thought that he could be infected by the plague only if he ate food eaten by someone who was infected with the plague or drank contaminated water. Could it be that he could be infected by just a little spittle? !

"By the way, Second Prince, remember to disinfect the air wherever I walk, so as not to infect other people." Xiaoer said loudly to the running figure!

"County Master Rui'an, you'd better not step out of this room! Otherwise, don't blame me, Nangong Kingdom, for being rude! And please leave Nangong Kingdom as soon as possible!" These two people stayed with Nangong Kingdom, and he was afraid that he would strangle them to death!

Gong Qinghua ran out and was so angry that he shouted angrily at the people in the post house: "If you don't want to die, go to the medicine shop to buy atractylodes and burn it!"

In ancient times, there were no ultraviolet lamps for air disinfection, but it does not mean that they did not know how to disinfect the air.

The ancients used Atractylodes rhubarb to burn smoke with pig's hooves. Atractylodes can remove bad odors and eliminate disasters. Therefore, when encountering epidemics and New Year's Day, many people often burn Atractylodes spp. to ward off evil spirits.

Xiaoer doesn't know how effective it is, but she knows that many people do it, so it can play a certain preventive role!

Of course, after burning Atractylodes, one would think that all germs would be killed and no one would be infected. This is impossible.

Anyway, it can play a certain preventive role, but it is not necessarily preventable.

"If it weren't for your evil intentions and releasing plague-infected fleas on Jie'er Island, do you think we like coming here!" Still want to drive me away? She doesn't want to come over at all! Who cares?

Gong Qinghua did not respond to this, he had already run away.

He had to go back quickly to wash his face and take a shower, and all his clothes were burned!

Gong Qinghua wished he could spread his wings and left quickly. If he was also infected with the plague, he would want Shen Xiaoer to be buried with him!

It's so abominable!

Xiao'er watched Gong Qinghua's back disappear before her eyes and said, "In this way, we can be considered as indirectly helping the princess, right? Does this make her feel more at ease?"

Gong Qinghua now has no food. Not only the food in Nangong Kingdom is gone, but also the food in the two granaries in Minze Kingdom. Shangguan Xuanyi also sent people to steal the food. One of the granaries failed to be stolen and was set on fire. Anyway, I would rather destroy it than keep it for Gong Qinghua.

Now that he has aroused the suspicion of Emperor Nangong again, his desire to be the emperor is even more distant. For a long time in the future, he can only keep his tail between his legs.

This should be a good thing for the prince Gong Zixuan!

As for him contracting the plague and dying, Xiaoer wouldn't dare to think about it. After all, the scourge will last for thousands of years!

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded after hearing this: "Gong Qinghua will definitely be honest for a while. It won't be a problem for Shangguan Wanru to give birth to the child safely, don't worry!"

"We'd better leave directly! I'm infected with the plague now, and it's not convenient for me to say goodbye to her." Although the illness will soon be cured after taking the pill, Xiao'er thinks it's better to avoid suspicion, and in case the palace Qinghua was really infected with the plague by himself, and he would never let him go! .

"Okay, we'll leave early tomorrow morning."

"Then I will continue to eat seafood porridge tonight."

"Okay!" This time Shangguan Xuanyi nodded in agreement without saying anything.

"Alas, we are still soft-hearted. If the princess does not marry to Nangong Kingdom, it would be the best to just catch those fleas and throw them back to Nangong Kingdom." Yang Mei said angrily.

It's a pity that because the princess is here, their actions will be restricted to a certain extent. Everything they do will try their best not to cause trouble to Shangguan Wanru.

In the evening, Shangguan Wanru sent someone to deliver a lot of supplements and other things.

She knew that Xiao'er was sick, but because she was pregnant, she didn't dare to come to visit her, so she sent her maid here to complain.

Early the next morning, Xiaoer wrote a letter to say goodbye to Shangguan Wanru, and then they quickly left Nangong Country while the sun had not yet risen and the weather was not hot.

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