Jingrui had just taken office and had to deal with many things every day. In addition to staying at the Yamen to handle official duties, he would also look around for business opportunities that could make the people rich.

In fact, the so-called political achievements ultimately come down to whether people can live a good life.

Xiaoer decided to stay here for a while before leaving. Firstly, she could see how the unicorn fruit was growing. After all, it was her first time trying to grow it. Secondly, she wanted to see if Jingrui needed help.

After all, he was the youngest prefect in the history of the Minze Dynasty, and he didn't even have any experience as a local official.

With the two of them here, Jingrui also has someone who can negotiate.

The days flow by like water, and the heat gradually goes away. After a storm, the heat goes away in an instant, leaving only a cool breeze.

Shangguan Xuanyi has to deal with many official documents in the hotel room every day.

And read some letters and pay attention to various information.

Xiaoer sometimes stays by the side.

Several people who transported radiation stones to the northwest have returned, and they brought back news: a stone has been stolen.

Yang Liu frowned after hearing this: "What's the use of robbing a stone?"

"I want to know that too." He wished he could stay far away from that stone, and the man didn't know who he wanted to harm by taking it away.

"That stone can make an island uninhabitable for several years, and the things grown cannot be eaten. It is simply more poisonous than the most poisonous poison in the world! If that person takes it away, the only possibility is to harm others!" Zhao Yong analyzed.

Yang Liu rolled her eyes at him: "Of course I know he wants to harm people. What I'm asking is who does he want to harm?"

Zhao Yong rolled his eyes back at Yang Liu: "If I knew, I would have said it directly just now! Why do I talk so much!"

"Just say that what you just said is nonsense!" Yang Mei said unceremoniously.

"He talks the most nonsense every day! And he has no self-awareness at all." Yang Liu nodded.

Zhao Yong: "..."

It felt really bad to be attacked by two women. Forget it, a good man wouldn't fight with a woman, so he stopped talking.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned: he remembered Xiaoer saying that during the day, the stone had the opposite effect to the space stone. The space stone could generate space, so could that stone destroy space?

The girl's space is a portable space, and the portable space means that the space is in her body. If the space is destroyed, will the girl be shattered into pieces? !

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up immediately when he thought of this possibility.

He regrets it very much! Careless! If I had known, I should have sent people with strong martial arts skills to throw those stones! Instead of sending a few ordinary soldiers.

Although the person who robbed the stone may not know the true use of the stone, but what if there is a contingency?

Shangguan Xuanyi was extremely conflicted.

Xiaoer didn't think that deeply. After all, who would have thought that she would have portable space on her body?

She felt that the people who knew the use of the stone should be from the Nangong Kingdom, and the people from the Nangong Kingdom should have robbed the stone. As for its use, it should be similar to the use on Jian'er Island: "It has been robbed. There is no other way. Then people will pay attention to which place has people who are always sick and don't live long like the people on Jian'er Island."

As long as the stone was not placed in their Minze country, she didn't care where it was thrown.

"Tell me what happened." Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the soldier and said coldly.

After hearing this, the soldier thought about it: "I had been pulling the stone with a horse-drawn carriage. When we arrived at the northwest border, it was almost dark. After a day's journey, my mouth was dry. He stopped and drank water, and then suddenly a man in black ran out, broke into the carriage, picked up the bag of stones, and ran away. His Qinggong was very good, and I couldn't even catch up with him on the carriage. .”

The soldier did not dare to say that he was afraid of the stone, and would stay far away every time he stopped. So he ran back to the carriage, untied the carriage, and then rode to chase the man. The man ran very far away, and suddenly he was gone. Lost in the desert.

"Is there anyone in the world whose Qinggong is faster than a horse? This is the first time I've heard of it! Such a person must not be an unknown person!" Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at him coldly, and the person didn't say anything. Do you think he can't guess it, do you really think he is stupid? So easy to cheat!

The soldier was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and said, "This subordinate deserves death! I'm a little... afraid of that stone, so every time I take a break, I stay far away from the carriage. I realize my mistake! Please forgive me, Master." !”

Although the princess had given him antidote pills, he was still afraid when he thought of the people on the island!

And he thought that the thing was just a stone, and it was also poisonous. The thing called radiation it released could make people extremely ill, so how could he not be afraid.

The stone was so terrifying, and he never imagined that anyone would steal it!

Shangguan Xuanyi simply hates the fact that iron cannot become steel! How can a person who is so greedy for life and afraid of death become a soldier!

If such a soldier were fighting on the front line, such a person might pretend to be dead or throw away his weapon every minute. Shangguan Xuanyi never had such subordinates.

The soldier didn't dare to move at Shangguan Xuanyi's sight.

Xiaoer can understand his behavior. After all, all living things have the nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Not to mention people!

Those who can act as if nothing has happened despite knowing that it can release harmful substances are those with a strong heart.

But not everyone has this psychological quality.

"Okay, don't just stare at people. If it were me, I would sit far away. Who would have thought that someone could steal even a stone." After saying this, Xiaoer said to the soldier:

"Did you see that person's appearance?"

"My face is covered, I can't see, and I'm too far away, so I can't see clearly." At that time, he was hundreds of meters away. How could he possibly see clearly what that person looked like? This time, he didn't dare to hide it, and said honestly .

After hearing this, Yang Mei snorted: "You are honest! It's a few hundred meters away from the carriage. You can't do such a thing!"

The soldier lowered his head and blushed after hearing this. He was really scared.

After Xiaoer heard this, she didn't ask any more questions. It was in vain. She could only use soldiers to block the water and cover up the soil. She took one step at a time and said, "Okay, you guys, please step back. This is a pill. You can share it among the several of you." If you don't, nothing will happen to your body."

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then took their leave and thanked them.

"Go back and get fifty military staffs from the general!" Shangguan Xuanyi said nothing else. He had to arrange for capable people to find out why the man stole the stone.

Otherwise, he will never feel at ease.

Xiaoer always felt that Shangguan Xuanyi was a little too nervous about the stone being robbed, so she said, "What's wrong?"

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~

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