At dawn the next day, Xiaoer's family had just finished breakfast, and the front door of the front yard was shot loudly again! Then Shen Zhuang's loud shouting came in!

"Ms. Liu, open the door! You black-hearted woman, come and open the door quickly!"

Shen Chengyao was just about to open the door when Mrs. Liu quickly stood up and handed the little girl to him, "I'll go!"

Shen Zhuang called her name. If Shen Chengyao opened the door, he would be scolded again! The less trouble, the better.

Does this make it easier to keep coming to your door to cause trouble after breaking off the relationship? They don't have to live a normal life, but their family is very busy! I got all the iron guides! The thrift store in town hasn’t even bought it yet!

Xiaoer was extremely bored. She had never spent time on such a house fight in her previous life! And after passing through, they are constantly faced with these troubles, whether they are big or small, these people really have not experienced death, and they do not know that time is short and life is impermanent!

But she has experienced it, and she cherishes time! You have to seize the time to do what you want to do, otherwise regrets will always be regrets!

As soon as Mrs. Liu opened the door, Mrs. Shen Zhuang slapped her over, "You black-hearted bastards, you will bite your elder brother when you come out and ask him to compensate you two hundred taels of silver. Why don't you go and rob him!"

Ms. Liu was so shaken by the slap that she fell to the ground.

Shen Chengyao and several children came out later. When they saw this scene, they immediately ran forward to help Mrs. Liu.

"Child, are you okay?"

Mrs. Liu's bun was messed up, and half of her face was red and swollen. She felt like stars were shooting out of her eyes, and there was a burning pain on her face. After hearing this, she shook her head subconsciously, but unfortunately she became even more dizzy. It was obvious that Mr. Shen Zhuang was so How hard should a slap be.

Shen Chengyao handed the little girl to Fang Wenri, and he supported Ms. Liu to take her back to the house and put ice on her face.

Jing Rui was furious: "Mistress, why do you hit people as soon as you enter the door!"

"What the hell, who are you talking to? She is indeed the product of a bitch. She is disrespectful and unfilial! So what if I beat her? She has caused so much misery to my old Shen family!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang said, feeling in her stomach Anger was boiling and burning again, and he couldn't help but want to beat Mrs. Liu again.

Shen Chengyao quickly blocked the way, while Jin Rui and Xiaoer also held on to Shen Zhuang. Shen Zhuang struggled with all his strength, but Jingrui couldn't hold on tightly and let Shen Zhuang lose his grip. Shen Zhuang had long disliked Xiao'er. He immediately swung it at Xiao'er's face. Xiao'er dodged for a moment and avoided her face. However, three blood marks were scratched on her neck, and blood beads immediately appeared. Even in this case, Xiaoer didn't let go of Shen Zhuang, worried that she would hit others regardless. .

Mrs. Liu's dizziness had subsided at this time, leaving only a burning sensation on her face! She stood up straight, gently broke away from Shen Chengyao's hand, and walked to Mrs. Shen Zhuang, "Haven't you hit me enough? Hit me, hit me. I haven't hit my face yet. Come on, hit me quickly." Fight! Why not fight!"

Everyone was frightened by Liu's appearance.

Only then did Mr. Shen speak out, "Okay, what's the fuss about, what's the etiquette, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Father, mother, who is making trouble! You came home early in the morning and beat and scolded my wife and children. Why is that!" Shen Chengyao was filled with anger. It was the first time in his life that he spoke so harshly to his parents!

Xiaoer let go of Mrs. Shen Zhuang, came to Mrs. Liu and pulled her, "Mom, I'm fine."

She knew that Mrs. Liu was worried that they would be beaten.

Jingrui brothers gathered around to look at Xiaoer, and Xiaoer shook her head, "It's okay, it just hurts a little."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang also came to his senses. He collapsed on the ground and cried and cursed: "You are a black-hearted person. You are rotting in the water. You are sucking my blood and killing me. Two hundred taels of silver. I am like this." The whole coffin was lost. Third brother, you will be killed by this poisonous woman sooner or later. She has no good intentions..."

"That's enough!" Shen Chengyao took one look at Xiaoer's wound and shouted.

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang got up again and beat Shen Chengyao, "You are an unfilial son. You married a daughter-in-law and forgot your mother. If that poisonous woman blows the pillow wind in your ear, you will have someone make amends to your elder brother." Two hundred taels, that's the coffin book for your father and I! Was your conscience eaten by a dog?"

Shen Chengyao didn't hide either, "Mom, I don't have it."

"No, how could your family come out without it? How could your eldest brother be fined two hundred taels?"

"Father, mother, do you know why we were arrested and imprisoned?"

"Why, it's not because you are secretly hiding forbidden books. Your eldest brother just killed his family in order to prevent our whole family from being implicated. As for you, just bite your eldest brother back. If you have a conscience, immediately take out the two hundred taels of silver. ." Shen Zhuang said righteously.

"Your eldest brother is just too upright. He... also did it unintentionally. He was just worried that he would implicate the two of us..." Mr. Shen pondered, thinking about how to say it.

After hearing these words, Shen Chengyao felt cold in his heart, and Mrs. Liu also felt cold in her heart.

"Ha" Xiao'er couldn't help but sneered, "Grandma, grandma, we consider you to be an elder, so we call you grandpa. But not long ago, you have strongly requested to break off your relationship with our family. In order to avoid each other in the future." Being implicated by the other party, it is better for us to have less contact. The two hundred taels that Shen Chengguang compensated were wanted by the government. If you want it back, ask him to go to the Yamen to ask for it. Don't bother us. My family has never received a penny from him. , I have received a share of his kindness! Since we have broken off the relationship, we must behave as if we have broken off the relationship. From now on, bridges will return to bridges and roads will return to their own roads. If you have anything or nothing to do, don’t bother my family. Otherwise, let’s go to the government and talk about it!"

There is really something for everyone. I have tolerated you for a long time. If I tolerate you any longer, I will become a Ninja Turtle!

"You, you loser, you..." Shen Zhuang was so angry by a little girl that she could hardly speak.

"Xiao'er, go help mother prepare an ice pack." Mrs. Liu didn't want her daughter to be known as disrespectful to her elders at a young age. If she really had a bad reputation, she would be the mother to take care of it.

Xiao'er also knew Liu's intention, this aggrieved ancient! But the mother who was protecting the child like this still had to listen to her words. She turned around and went back to the room, just in time to prepare some medicine for Mr. Liu to apply. It would be so painful if it swelled like a pig's head! My neck hurts too!

Huh, Shen Chengguang just picks up the two old people who are partial to make trouble. Once the little kindness in Shen Chengyao's heart because of his elder brother's care for his younger brother when he was a child is worn away, you will know how the word regret is written! How can it be so easy to cover up the heat when one's heart is cold?

"Father, mother, the money is from the Yamen. I'm not that capable to ask the Yamen to get it back. If the money is lost, just throw it away. It's better than going to jail, right? If we go to jail for this matter, what will happen to Wen'er's future?" It’s really ruined!”

"Third brother, tell the truth, can't you ask Mr. Shangguan to help us get the money back?" Shen Zhuang didn't dare to ask Mrs. Liu.

"Dad, do you think Mr. Shangguan is someone I can let him do as he pleases?" Shen Chengyao stopped answering Shen Zhuang's question directly and only asked Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen sighed after hearing this, "We thought wrong and disturbed you."

Shen Chengyao felt even more uncomfortable after hearing this. His father still blamed himself for this.

"Father, mother, and Yun'er's matter, this time, I don't care about it. I am still thinking about father, mother, and Wen'er. What Xiaoer said just now are my exact words. If something similar happens again, I will miss you." If there is anything that hurts my child, I'm not afraid to take it all to the government! Let's see who will end up in a bad situation then!" Mrs. Liu is also worried that Mrs. Shen Zhuang will tell others what Xiaoer just said. , just said these words.

"Okay, you vicious woman, are you ready to shake things up now that you have some money? Why don't you take a piss and look after yourself? How lucky is the Shen family to marry someone from a poor family? With my son... "

"Okay, shut up. Don't you understand what I mean? Since we are no longer married, we have nothing to do with others. Are you still scolding here, aren't you afraid of being reported to the official? Let's go! "Mr. Shen has been obeyed by his son all his life, and now he feels angry. However, he also understood in his heart that it was the eldest son and his family who had done something wrong, and the third son could not be entirely blamed.

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