The three of them entered Prince Xuan's Mansion through the back door, and after walking a hundred meters they found a fork in the road.

Although Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi had been to Prince Xuan's Mansion, they didn't look around when they came. Now that they entered through the back door, they didn't know how to leave.

"Where is the kitchen?" Gong Zixuan turned to look at Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer.

"I don't know, no matter where it is, do you think you are really the purchaser of Prince Xuan's Mansion? Are you also responsible for delivering things to the kitchen? Find a place to hide these things, and then let's go find the princess quickly! "Xiao'er looked around to see where he could hide the tricycle.

Shangguan Ruixi was silent: That's right, he is stupid to still want to take care of this car of meat and vegetables!

At this time, a woman walked up the path. When she saw the three of them, she shouted loudly: "Why did you come back so late today? Hurry up and send the things to the kitchen."

After saying this, she walked back.

After hearing this, Shangguan Ruixi could only bite the bullet and follow her on a tricycle.

The three of them came to the kitchen without getting out of the car. They were thinking about how to find an excuse to leave.

But the woman didn't give them a chance to speak: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and put the things in the kitchen."

The three of them looked at each other, then silently jumped off the tricycle and started working as porters.

After all the things on the tricycle were unloaded, the old lady spoke again: "One of you will put the tricycle away, and the other two will help fetch water and chop wood!"

Xiaoer blinked: When did purchasing need to be done with chopping wood and fetching water? !

The three of them did not dare to speak and could only communicate with their eyes. Finally, they decided that Xiaoer would put away the tricycle and go to Shangguan Wanru while they stayed to chop wood and fetch water.

On the way to the kitchen just now, they had already seen two tricycles placed in a place, not far from the back door, so they didn't have to worry about Xiaoer not finding a parking place.

So Xiaoer left on a tricycle. Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Ruixi piled wood one at a time and walked to the well while the other.

The two of them had never done the work of chopping wood or fetching water after living for so long.

But luckily, I have never eaten pork and have seen pigs run away, so I probably know how to do it.

The mother-in-law glanced at the two figures, they were still the same people! Why do you seem to have grown so much!

"What have you two eaten recently? Why have you grown taller?" the mother-in-law asked strangely. She had no doubt that they were not the same person.

After hearing this, Shangguan Ruixi deliberately lowered his bass line and said, "I may have drank too much beef bone soup recently!"

"What's wrong with your voice?" After listening to his words, the mother-in-law turned her head and looked at him again. She always felt that the three people today were a little strange.

"I've got a cold. Cough cough. Sounds bad! Cough cough." Shangguan Ruixi coughed deliberately.

After hearing this, the mother-in-law didn't say anything else. She lowered her head and continued washing vegetables, but she was thinking about making more beef bone soup for her son and grandson later! They are too short!

They both breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the mother-in-law was not suspicious. Then Shangguan Xuanyi went to chop firewood and Shangguan Ruixi went to fetch water.

Although he has seen pigs running away, not everyone understands the work of pumping water with a hand pump. Shangguan Ruixi has seen servants at home fetching water. He just grabs the handle, presses it down, and then lifts it. He got up, pressed down again, and kept pressing back and forth, and the water would come out. But after he pressed for a long time, he only heard some strange sounds from the water pump, and no drop of water came out. What was going on?

Shangguan Ruixi couldn't help but speed up, increase the strength, and press hard. He almost broke off the handle of the water pump.

The mother-in-law heard the noise, looked over, and said, "Does this pump have a grudge against you today? Why don't you add some water to it? You broke it like this, can you afford to pay for it?"

When Shangguan Ruixi heard this, he quickly stopped, added some water, and then pressed it again, but the water quickly flowed down, but he still did not get the water up from the well.

Shangguan Ruixi added a little more water and continued to press. Again, the water flowed down, but the water in the well still did not come up! I repeated this process several times and still didn't get the water.

Damn it, is this bullying him? He obviously saw his servants pressing like this. What went wrong?

Shangguan Ruixi didn't dare to ask anyone. He was worried about making people suspicious. He was so anxious that his head was sweating!

If he had known that fetching water would be so difficult, he would have gone to chop wood! Woo woo

Seeing that he couldn't get any water out after a long time, the mother-in-law couldn't help but stand up, walked over, pushed him away and said, "What's wrong with you today? After adding water, you have to work hard." Only by pressing it can the water be sucked up!"

The mother-in-law demonstrated while talking.

In fact, if you buy a new hand pump, the rubber inside is not worn and can hold water. At that time, you don't need to add water, you can just press it and the water will come up. But now the rubber inside the hand pump is worn, the water flow is empty, and air has entered the tube. You need to add some water and press hard to get water out.

Anyone who uses a hand pump knows this problem, because the merchant will remind you when buying it.

Shangguan Ruixi didn't touch this thing, so he naturally didn't know about it, so he could only say sarcastically: "I have a cold, and I can't exert any strength! I can't even get water up."

Seeing him like this, the mother-in-law said: "Forget it, forget it, go ahead, I won't need you here!"

After Shangguan Ruixi heard this, he hurried to the side.

The mother-in-law turned back and glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi. Xiao Guizi usually asked him to chop firewood, but he didn't do anything for a long time. She didn't know if anything would happen today.

This is incredible for her!

The firewood that usually takes ten days to chop was almost finished in only a quarter of an hour today? !

The woman hurried over, her face full of disbelief: "Xiao Guizi, you chopped these firewood? When did you become so good?"

Could it be that this brat is just lazy, rather than lacking in strength? Finally exposed today?

Who is Shangguan Xuanyi? His martial arts skills are unmatched by anyone in the world. He can split stones directly with his hands, let alone a pile of wood! It was solved effortlessly, and he also split each piece of wood into equal parts, all of which were the same length! It's like being measured with a ruler.

The mother-in-law couldn't help but pick up a stick of firewood and study it: "Xiao Guizi, are you chopping firewood? If you don't know better, you might think you are making the legs and feet of the chair. These are too neat and smooth!"

Shangguan Xuanyi paused after hearing this: Is it wrong to chop the firewood neatly?

How did that person do things in the past! I can’t even chop wood well!

When Shangguan Ruixi saw Shangguan Xuanyi standing there expressionless and not saying anything, he hurriedly came to the rescue: "Well, after drinking beef bone soup, you will become stronger and you will naturally be able to chop wood faster and better!"

Thank you Fenfang for your reward, and thank you book friends who voted~~

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