"What to do! What do you say? Of course, drag her down, beat her fifty times, and then behead her as a warning to others!" Cursing the royal bloodline is an unforgivable crime! The Queen Mother said angrily.

"Queen Mother, it is illegal to insult the court officials and you need to be punished. What if someone curses the court officials who serve the court wholeheartedly and dedicate themselves to it?" Xiaoer then asked.

"Of course this also requires punishment!"

Princess Ling'er couldn't cry anymore after hearing this: "I didn't say any curse words, you just misunderstood!"

Isn’t this self-inflicted?

The Queen Mother glanced at Princess Ling'er suspiciously, and she probably guessed why Princess Rui beat her. This unlucky princess was married and had no brains! You still have the nerve to come and complain to yourself!

Before the Queen Mother could say anything, the queen came: "Curse the court official? How can that be done! Such people must be punished, otherwise anyone can curse the court official. Cursing and insulting the court official can be regarded as anything. None of them happened. Wouldn’t this dampen the hearts of all the officials who dedicated themselves to the imperial court? Who will do their best to serve the imperial court in the future!"

Xiao'er and Yun'er saw the queen come in and quickly saluted her: "My daughter-in-law/daughter, please see your mother/empress, my mother/empress is blessed."

"No courtesy, please get up!"

"Thank you, Queen." Xiao'er and Yun'er stood up, freed their legs, and squatted down again. Xiao'er was ready to pretend to faint! My feet are numb!

The Queen Mother glanced at the Queen, thoughtfully, how come every time she wanted to punish Princess Rui, someone would appear in time! Either Shangguan Xuanyi or the emperor and empress! Is there a spy in her palace?

The queen naturally knew that the queen mother was confused, so she quickly drew her attention away: "Xiao'er, who did you say cursed the imperial official just now?"

Xiao'er glanced at Princess Ling'er, who was also brought up by Xiao'er. Then she remembered that the court had regulations that prohibited insults and unreasonable comments about court officials. She knew that she couldn't stand the matter, and the slap she received was in vain. She could only firmly refuse to admit it: "Princess Rui, what are you looking at me for? I didn't mean that. You misunderstood!"

Xiao'er did not look at her again, but looked at the Queen Mother: "Your Majesty, my daughter-in-law did not intentionally destroy the princess's makeup today. It is true that some people did not look down on the imperial officials and cursed at will. Since my daughter-in-law was present, she naturally had to Lesson learned. It happened that they were cursing the eldest brother of my daughter-in-law again, so my daughter-in-law and my sister-in-law couldn’t help but hit him personally! My daughter-in-law is a princess, and it is my daughter-in-law’s responsibility to protect my family and the country! I cannot tolerate my daughter-in-law. Don’t you teach these people a lesson!”

"What about defending the family and the country, Princess Rui, don't say it so nicely! To put it bluntly, you are just avenging a private revenge! You hit me on purpose! Defending the family and the country is the responsibility of a man, what does it have to do with you! If you say you are To protect the family and the country, are you interfering in the government's affairs?" Princess Ling'er was about to explode after hearing Xiao'er's words. You still defend the family and the country. Do you want to accuse yourself of being a treacherous minister and traitor? It's simply too much!

"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Why can't I protect the country? As for the affairs of the court, I will not interfere. I just manage the affairs of the back house! Don't let the backyard catch fire! You and Fang Wanping cursed the court official today, that is Set fire in the backyard! In addition, what you are cursing is my eldest brother and my family. I hit you to vent my anger on my family. I am warning you not to bully my eldest brother! Aren't I protecting my family by doing this? Aren't you just protecting your family?

As for Wei Guo: My eldest brother is the magistrate of Nanyue Prefecture, a court official personally appointed by the emperor. Not long ago, he saved the lives of many people in Nanyue Prefecture. You actually cursed him with an emergency and tried to kill such a loyal and good minister. I will beat you. Aren't you just protecting such a good official? The imperial court is supported by thousands of good officials. I hit you just to vent my anger on such good officials and to protect the good officials who serve the court wholeheartedly. Isn't this defending the country? "

After listening to Xiaoer's "long speech", the queen had to admire her daughter-in-law's good eloquence. Only now did she know that protecting the family and the country could still analyze it like this! When it comes to eloquence, I, as my daughter-in-law, consider myself to be the second best, and no one in the world would dare to consider me to be the first!

The Queen Mother was stunned by what Xiaoer said. She was completely confused by Xiaoer! Slapping a princess and a girl was obviously done by a shrew, so why did it suddenly become such a noble thing as protecting the family and the country?

Princess Ling'er was also confused. She didn't understand Xiao'er's words. She just felt that it seemed to make sense, but she also felt that protecting the family and the country should not be like this, but she couldn't think of how to refute it!

Yun'er lowered her head, secretly happy that there was nothing in the world that her sister couldn't explain, and the truth was always on her side! It seems she still has a lot to learn!

Seeing that she had successfully confused the Queen Mother with her strong arguments, Xiaoer said, "Does the Queen Mother still think that it is not appropriate for a minister's daughter-in-law to beat someone? Shouldn't such a person be beaten?"

The Queen Mother was still lost in the impassioned remarks about what it meant to defend the family and the country, and she couldn't react for a moment. She shook her head subconsciously: "We should fight! There is nothing wrong with protecting the family and the country!"

Xiao'er smiled slightly: "The Queen Mother is wise! Since the Queen Mother also thinks that my daughter-in-law is right, then my daughter-in-law will not disturb the Queen Mother's rest and leave first!"

After Xiao'er said this, she signaled Yun'er to bow and leave like herself.

The Queen Mother nodded subconsciously, she was still thinking about what was wrong with Xiaoer's words.

The queen felt that her special trip here was in vain. Her daughter-in-law was much more capable than she was when she was younger. She could deal with the queen mother effortlessly and she could handle it in just a few words. She also bowed to the Queen Mother, and then they left together.

When she was about to step out of the door, the queen turned back and looked at Princess Ling'er with cold eyes: "Princess Ling'er, it's time for the Queen Mother to rest, why are you still here!"

After hearing this, Princess Ling'er quickly stood up, said goodbye to the Queen Mother, and then left the Cining Palace.

Xiao'er and Yun'er left Cining Palace and said goodbye to the palace. After all, it was getting dark and the palace door was about to close, so they had to leave quickly.

The queen nodded and had people take them out of the palace. Then she stood on the side, waiting for Princess Ling'er, and said a few words to her. Princess Ling'er ran out of the palace crying.

Outside the palace, Xiaoer got on the carriage. Just as Zhao Yong was about to drive away, Princess Ling'er stopped in front of the carriage: "Shen Xiaoer, are you happy? The Queen is now punishing me to shut up and think about my mistakes, and I will not be allowed to leave the house for half a year! It's all your fault. Harmful!"

Xiaoer couldn't help but rolled her eyes obscenely: "Girl, are you okay? Who caused this because of the failure to file a complaint? Please remember that harming others will ultimately harm yourself! He is simply a madman! Zhao Yong, Walk!"

"Yes!" Zhao Yong whipped the horse directly, and the horse immediately started running. Princess Ling'er quickly ran away and jumped angrily as she watched the carriage go away, but there was nothing she could do.

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