A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

Chapter VIII Chapter Irritated Chiba

Wei Weiwei picked up his lips and smiled and looked at this simple face of Chiba. "I just discussed it with the Lord. You are now at the time of Jasper, you can't delay the good time to marry, so I am Let the young master find you the best matchmaker in Nanyue country to tell you the pro, you will choose a good husband for you, then we will definitely marry your scenery..."

If the Chitose Chiba is dressed up and let Chiba produce a little good feeling, but now Wei Weiwei said these words, it is not intended to make Chiba angry.

The words of Wei Weiwei have not been finished yet, and Chiba will be interrupted by anger. "Who is going to marry, you don't want to be fake again, you are afraid that I will stay with the Lord and take away the young master." At the beginning, you advised the young master to leave me. I thought how big you were, but I didn't think that you wanted to marry me directly, so that I couldn't worry about it afterwards. ”

Chiba is really angry, let her marry, it is tantamount to want to drive her away!

"Chiba, don't misunderstand, I and the Lord are also good for you. When the woman is fifteen and on that day, there will be a lot of matchmakers coming to the door to kiss, most women will marry at the age of sixteen, even if you are not willing now To marry, at least give the affair down. The older you are, the faster your value will fall. You are now at a good age. Why do you need to spend your youth? Besides, after you marry, This clear water otter is your maiden, how long do you want to live for a long time!" Wei Weiwei smiled and said to Chiba, a pair of Chiba good.

But in fact, Wei Weiwei is angering Chiba.

"What is it for me? You clearly want to drive me out of the clear waters, so that you can survive! What old girl, the older the older, the lower the price, do you still have a child with a child? I can marry like you. I am young and have no children. I can marry at the age of twenty!" Chiba is more and more angry.

Originally, Chiba really had some good feelings for Weiweiwei. I began to feel that Weiweiwei was quite generous. It seemed to be quite virtuous. The feeling for her was slowly changing, but the result was nothing but her camouflage. Only!

Really a sinister woman!

The curvature of Wei Weiwei's mouth is deeper and deeper. "Chiba girl, I am really for you, people and people are different, can marry at the age of sixteen, why wait until the age of twenty?"

In other words, Chiba did not listen to it, but the sentence of Wei Weiwei was unreasonable, but it was understood.

"Yeah, you said so much, it is not telling me to have self-knowledge, if you are not beautiful, you will marry young and go out!" Chiba said loudly, and then walked very dissatisfiedly from the Weiwei tail. .. "I tell you, I will not marry, even if you want to marry, marry is also a small master, so you do not have to worry about finding a matchmaker!"

After that, he walked by the side of Wei Wei’s tail with anger.

Wei Weiwei stood in the same place, shaking his head, and the person with a simple mind and no opinion was the most likely to be led by the nose.

Chiba is going to the streets this afternoon. Should I meet people who come from the end?

Thinking, Wei Weiwei just turned around and saw the cold moon standing in front of the moon door, as if he had just arrived.

"What's wrong?" asked Wei Weiwei.

"The young master has just entered the palace. When he left, he said, you may go out, so deliberately let your subordinates follow you!" Han Yue said before the Weiwei tail.

Mu Yan is always able to guess what she is going to do next!

"Then you are waiting for me here, I am changing clothes!" Going out during the day, she had to dress up and dress up.

The cold moon looked at Wei Weiwei and walked in. A pair of stars slammed slightly, and the hands hanging on both sides were gently gripped, then sighed and sighed.

When Wei Weiwei came out, he wore a men's dress, clean and neat, tall and straight, and feminine. The beauty of the eyes was still eye-catching, but it was already covered with powder.

"You are this..." The cold moon looked at Wei Weiwei, and the glare of the glimmer of light flashed.

"Wearing in the daytime, wearing women's clothing from Jiangnanyuan is too eye-catching!" Wei Weiwei just said a few words, the twilight seems to be cold, but in reality it is full of sadness.

Suer, perhaps only the talent knows this thing?

According to the impression of last night, Wei Weiwei found the place where she brought her last night.

The beauty clinic is still there, and the arch bridge last night is still there.

Wei Weiwei glanced at it and then pushed the door in.

I saw the entrance to the twists and turns of the veranda, the stone slabs into the road, the small two or three houses on the top, one bright and two dark, under the trees outside the courtyard, there are a lot of dried herbs.

It seems that some people live in this room, and there is no dust on the case.

Wei Weiwei walked along the winding road to the house, and the furnishings and furniture were exactly the same.

The cold moon went into the next stove in a blink of an eye, and then quickly came out. "There should be people living here, and look for it!"

However, Wei Weiwei made a gesture to the cold moon. The cold moon looked down at the tail of the Weiweiwei. Then he saw a few pieces of clothes drying on the small bamboo raft in the backyard. The entire eyes of Wei Weiwei.

The cold moon frowned. "Is the person living here a Fuchen son?"

Red clothes are generally worn by women, and the clothes on the bamboo poles are clearly men's clothes, so the first thing that comes to mind in the cold month is Fu Chen.

Wei Weiwei shook his head, and his heart became more and more unbelievable. Could it be that Ning Fen has lived here?

Looking at the furnishings and furniture of the house, and even in some details, she almost forgot, but when she saw it, she found out that this was what she had.

For example, the carved bed in the room, there are many traces on her nails. At that time, it was her most difficult and most uncomfortable time. At the beginning, she was insomnia every night. Accompanying her, she didn't want Ning Fen to hear her crying, and didn't want him to see her uncomfortable, so she endured, and her nails were drawn on this carved bed. .

Wei Weiwei stretched out his hand and stroked the scratches on the bed with his nails. These scratches will not be new at first glance, at least for a few years.

In addition, due to the long time being touched, the scratches have become rounded.

Is it that every piece of furniture in this house has been moved from the original beauty clinic?

Who will do this? Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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