Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort

Chapter 823: Secret of the hidden family

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Chapter 832 The Secrets of the Hidden Family

But then Ning Yan Yan has widened his eyes and looked at Wei Weiwei.. "No, this world is not just a face to know the birth of a person. Before becoming a pretender, you must submit a personal details. This information details the birth of the face. When the face enters the jade family, this information will be handed over to the Jade family for management, so there are still people in the world who know the birth of the face!"

Things went back to the Jade family.

With the birth of the eight characters of Ning Fen Yan, and the Lingzhu of Ning Fen Yan, and then in some way, thus control the consciousness of Ning Fen Yan!

However, the person who can see the information of Ning Fenyan must be the manager of the Jade family, such as the elders, the owner, the other three lords, and the personnel who manage the materials at that time.

The people who handle this information will not add up to more than ten people.

As the object of doubt, it should be that I don’t know the birth of Ning Fen.

"Small tail, do you seem to know something? Do you know who is behind the control of the fold?" Ning Fenyan and Wei Weiwei lived together for a year, so some look and eyes for Wei Weiwei Still familiar.

Naturally, Ning Fenyan read something from the eyes of Wei Weiwei.

Wei Weiwei shook his head immediately after listening. "No, I just want to know who will be born to you?"

Ning Fenyan looked at Wei Weiwei and then said, "Is it Mrs. Jade?"

"What are you talking about?" Wei Weiwei was surprised. Mrs. Yu was killed by her when she left the hidden family. Therefore, Wei Weiwei never thought of being Mrs. Yu, but now she wants to come, although Mrs. Jade is dead, But Mrs. Jade has two sons and two daughters.

The two sons were taken to Licheng by her. Although the two daughters were spared, the family owner always preferred her. Who knows if this has anything to do with Mrs. Yu and others?

And this plan was implemented a few years ago, when Mrs. Jade was still alive.

"The original poison was made by Mrs. Yu. She knows the medicinal properties of this poison better than anyone else. It may already be known that the life of the face has always been maintained by blood. When she made the poison, she might have done two hands. Prepare, one is to die, the other is to save you, but the face must die, but Mrs. Jade has mastered how to make the face resurrected, and then carry out her greater conspiracy?" Everything is a bit far away, but in the Yu family, Ning Fenyan can't think of who else and Wei Weiwei have hatred.

"Mrs. Jade is dead, and soon after you have an accident, I designed to make her a vegetative person. I can't even speak, so it can't be Mrs. Jade!" Wei Weiwei vetoed this possibility.

Thinking about the two people, Yuxi and Yuxi, who are now in Licheng, where is the great ability, and the two remaining sisters, of course, hate her, but look at her. Dealing with other cousins ​​and brothers, there is no courage to provoke her, and it will not be long before she marries.

If you say the other three-bedroom person, Wei Weiwei believes it, but it is unlikely that this is the same as her half-brother and sister.

"Who is that? Who is this person who set up this game? It has been arranged for so long, using the body of the face to make the medium, and then want to use you and Mu, what purpose does he have?" Yan is also confused.

Such a big bureau is really not designed by ordinary people.

"How much do you know about the hidden family?" Wei Weiwei asked very seriously.

She only lived in the hidden family for five years, and Ning Fen was born in the hidden family. In any case, Ning Fenyan had more understanding of the hidden family than her.

"What do you want to know?" Ning Yanyan looked at Wei Weiwei.

Although the hidden family has a hundred years of history, there are so many secrets hidden inside.

"About the Zodiac Lingzhu, the owners of the four great families have mastered two Zodiac spirit beads, and then where are the other four Zodiac spirit beads? Why are some of them outside the hidden family? What happens when the Zodiac is placed? What do you know?" To know the purpose of the person behind the scenes, the current method is to start from the 12 Zodiac Lingzhu.

What happens when the Zodiac Lingzhu are put together?

"In the beginning, I had a story about the Zodiac Lingzhu. Unlike the ordinary Lingzhu, there is a Chinese zodiac animal in the core of each Lingzhu, and each Zodiac animal represents different forces. The animals of these twelve zodiac signs are good and bad. Why do the owners of the four great families have two spirit beads at the same time, that is, the two spirit beads should be mutually restrained and the forces should be balanced. This is also the deliberate arrangement of the nobles. They do not It will make any of the four great families alone, which is a threat to the nobility, and the small tail, the hidden family has only eight Zodiac spirit beads, the other four Zodiac spirit beads have not been in the hidden family, it is hidden The day when the family was born was not in the hidden family!" Ning Fenyan said very seriously.

"Why? The aristocrats can completely grasp the Zodiac Lingzhu in their own hands!" Wei Weiwei knew from the beginning that his father had a lot of things about the hidden family and did not tell her, she also asked, and the father's explanation is the hidden family. Some things can be known as long as they are in the position of the owner.

And she has no right to know now.

"The little tail, you should know that the nobles are nobles, because the noble pearls are carried in the body from the time they were born, so they can't take the other four zodiac spirits in their hands because The Zodiac Lingzhu and the Lingzhu in their bodies will undergo considerable rejection, and the Zodiac Lingzhu cannot be gathered together at the same time, so the four Lingzhu did not appear in the hidden family from beginning to end. "Ning Fen Yan's glimpse of the twinklings looked at Wei Weiwei.. "This is what the Fantasy knows after becoming a pretender. The hidden family is like this. Every line has its own secrets, and finally The secret is the core secret of the hidden family!"

"What happens when the twelve Zodiac spirit beads gather together? And the four Zodiac spirit beads have never been confessed to anyone by blood? Who is going to be, who is the master of the spirit beads?" Wei Weiwei Continue to ask questions.

She wanted to believe what Ning Fenyan said, but she was worried that the Ning Fen was now manipulated by the person behind the scenes. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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