Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort

Chapter 825: Cangchu is a descendant of the high priest

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Chapter 825, Cangchu is a descendant of the high priest

"How do you know?" Wei Weiwei was alert and cautious, and the true identity of Cang was not known by a few people.

Ning Fenyan gently evokes the corner of his lips.. "When you study medicine with all your heart and soul, you will often gather with Cangchu to chat. Once we chatted and talked about each other's fate, he said He didn't know what his future life was like, but he knew the face. He said that the face will die for you. Sure enough, he is right, so he guessed that he might be the high priest. In the offspring, only the high priest can see through the fate of others, but he knows nothing about his fate!"

After listening to Wei Weiwei, my heart suddenly trembled, pulling the hand of Ning Fenyan gently put it down.

The whole person is like a deflated ball.

Even in the night without light, Ning Fen is still able to feel the emotion of Wei Weiwei. "Little tail, what's wrong with you?"

"Folding, I feel that the person who operates you behind the scenes is Cangchu!" Wei Weiwei said very weakly.

In front of Mu Xi, she is not willing to admit that Cang Chu is a person who betrayed her, but there seems to be no concern in front of Ning Yan Yan.

Ning Fenyan heard the answer from Wei Weiwei was very shocked, his face was awkward, and then said: "Impossible? Folding feelings have always been helping you with one heart and one mind!"

"He helped me with one heart and one mind, but he helped himself with one heart and one mind. He can see through your destiny at a glance, and why can't he see the fate of me and Mu Yan? Even at that time, he estimated that Mrs. Yu would have known I was poisoned, and I knew that Mu Yan didn't die, but he never told me, and it didn't stop it from happening." Wei Weiwei said that the more powerless.

If it wasn’t for Ning Yanyan, she would have forgotten that Cang Chu was the identity of the high priest.

In the hidden family, the high priest is shown as a god-like figure, and even the patriarch must be polite.

Ning Fenyan heard this and fell into silence.

Wei Weiwei now only thinks that her body has been evacuated. She has no strength at all, and her feet are almost unstable. Fortunately, she is swaying at the side of Wei Wei, and she has not lost her support.

"Folding face, Cang Chu has been with me for five years in the hidden family. It also helped me for five years. After I recognized Mu and I, Mu Yu suspected that it was Cang Chu, but I don't want to believe it, I have been I think of Cangchu as my closest person, because since you left, Cangchu really became my only support. In the past five years, I have told all of my things to the world. Everything I said was told by Cangchu, but suddenly, you told me that I have always trusted in the past five years. Like a family member, it is the black hand behind me. How does this accept me?"

Wei Wei’s face is full of painful colors. She is not unwilling to believe, but she can’t believe it.

It’s better to use Mu Xi as a metaphor. If Mu has paid all her money over the years, it’s just his ulterior motives. How can she accept this?

Let her believe that Cangchu is behind the scenes, isn't she letting her admit that she was deceived by the Cang for five years?

Even let her admit that Cang has always used her feelings, and her goodness is just disguised.

What a cruel thing!

Ning Fen Yan cares the body of Wei Weiwei, he can feel how helpless Wei Weiwei is at the moment, he wants to hug her and give her warmth.

But he couldn't even warm himself. On the contrary, his body would only bring endless cold to the Weiwei tail.

This made him even have no courage to put Wei Weiwei into his arms.

"Small tail, although Cangchu is a descendant of the high priest, but it does not mean that he really has the skill of a high priest. Maybe he just sees through the fate of a person. After all, the fate of the fate is so good. And even if Cang really sees through your destiny, but he can't tell you, and it can't help you change it. He will live this life!" Ning Fenyan now only wants to comfort Wei Weiwei.

However, what he said is not unreasonable. To help others change their lives, it is also leaking too many secrets. Cangchu is a price to pay.

Wei Weiwei was laughing, and it was a condensation smile.

If she is a high priest, when he knew that there was a **** disaster in the beginning, he would certainly remind him.

But now think about it, the cleverness of the clever, after her poison, did not play any role, as if there is no sense of existence.

Instead, Ning Fenyan saved her life at the last minute!

I ask, is there really no way for her to help her?

Or does he have a solution, but he did not help?

The answer is obvious, there is a way for Cang, but he chose to stand by.

Because he knew clearly, she would not die, and all this was exactly what he hoped to happen.

"Folding, I know that you want to comfort me, but now the facts are in front of him. He is the descendant of the high priest. He has a human mind. It is estimated that from the moment he appeared, he saw through us every time. The fate of the individual, then began to plan all this, let us use it for him!" Wei Weiwei said very slyly, the sound is extremely cold, but the whole body is still so weak.

This can also be explained clearly, why did Cangchu know the true identity of Muxi at the beginning, because he is a descendant of the high priest!

I can know what ordinary people don't know!

"If this is the case, what is the purpose of the celestial?" Ning's fascinating glimpse of the glare of the singer is not blinking, looking at Wei Weiwei. "Using you, let yourself be the high priest of the hidden family?"

To be honest, from the moment when Cangchu appeared, he felt that Cangchu’s good for Weiwei’s tail was not as good as his Weiweiwei. He did not ask for a return, but Cangchu did not.

However, Wei Weiwei was very solemnly watching Ning Yanyan said. "I always feel that he wants to completely overthrow the rule of the hidden family!"

Ning Fenyan picked up his eyebrows and looked a little surprised.

"The hidden family has patriarchs, nobles and towns, and other high priests, he can't succeed!"

Cang Chu is very powerful, but his strength is very weak, basically Fu Zongzi can be able to settle the world.

Wei Weiwei was originally unable to say what he said in his heart, but she felt that no matter whether the current Ning Fen was controlled by people, or whether that person could hear her and Ning Fenyan Conversation.

She has to try, the person behind Ning Fenyan is not willing to come out, then she is better to force him out. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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