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Chapter 831, happy and happy

Wei Weiwei's pair of clear and mixed with a little painful look at the Ning Fu Yan, which is close at hand, although the night covers everything, but Wei Weiwei still sees the pain of flickering in Ning Yi Yan. .

The pain is very fine, but it has accumulated over a long period of time, like a needle, densely tied into the heart of the Weiwei.

"Small tail, I want you to be folded, and Yan Yan has helped you so many times. This time, you will help you to make a good look? If you are alive, you really have no meaning at all!" Not so fragile expression in front of Wei Weiwei.

Wei Weiwei listened to Ning Fu Yan's words. Every word of his heart made Wei Weiwei's heart tremble, and even her throat was so swallowing that she couldn't speak. She knew that Ning Fuyan had lived hard all these years.

People are not like people. Ghosts are not like ghosts. They live alone every day. No one talks to him. He has no one to talk to.

The most important thing is that he has always been willing to do what others control!

Ning Fen Yan is pursuing two things in his life, that is, a healthy body, and then it is free and easy to live.

The former can't do it, but the latter he is even more reluctant to give up!

"Folding, I don't want you to die, but I don't want to watch you die in front of me. Maybe you can find the person behind the scenes. Everything is solved. Even you can have a healthy body!" The slender hand of the appendix tightly pulls the Huashang, which is the demon red, and the lightly swaying light is full of hope.

Ning Fenyan gently shook his head against the Weiweiwei.. "Small tail, the face is dead, but the person behind the scenes has retained the consciousness of the face through some kind of ban, survived, when the ban is lifted, fold The consciousness of Yan disappeared."

"Whether it is consciousness or a living person, now I don't allow you to die!" Wei Weiwei grabbed the clothes of Ning Fuyan more hard this time, and the long nails were embedded in the skin of Ning Bianyan. I want to stimulate Ning Fuyan, I want to calm down and calm down.

However, Ning Fen's face is any wave, watching Wei Wei's eyes more and more glamorous, but also more and more fascinating, for a long time Ning Yi Yan did not speak, as if waiting for something.

A crescent-colored robes stand in the house of the beauty clinic, except for the moonlight that comes in through the window in the moon in the sky, there is no light around.

Mu's dark and deep pupils were only faintly glanced at the house, and then they held their breath, closed their eyes, and quietly captured the surrounding voice with their ears.

With a bang, a silver needle flew out of Ning Fai's sleeves, all of which shot at the surrounding stone walls and the entrance to the underground palace.

Ning Fenyan this is deliberately admired.

Wei Weiwei immediately stopped the movement of Ning Fen Yan, but Ning Fen Yan was holding his hand and holding the waist of the Weiwei, and the other hand gently waved.

The curtain that was released was opened, and Ning Bianyan flew to the bed with a glimpse of Weiweiwei. The whole man pressed the body of Weiweiwei.

Wei Weiwei was anxious, his hands pulled the clothes corner of Ning Fen Yan, and he struggled desperately. "Ning Fen Yan, I beg you, you don't want this, don't do this!"

Wei Weiwei screamed at the body of Ning Fen Yan with his hand, and his face was full of anxious colors.

However, Ning Fen’s face was always indifferent, and he felt no pain at all when he was beaten and struggling again and again, and the nail marks left on his body.

"In fact, the face should not tell you that, you should directly let you hate the face, misunderstanding is a bad person, but the face is so afraid that you will meet you in the next life, but you only remember the face Bad. Folding miss you this time, don't want to miss the next time... Do you forgive the selfishness of the face?" Ning Yan Yan tied the two hands of Wei Wei tail, the thick black hair slipped from the shoulder , covering the face of Wei Weiwei with a painful face.

"Tear and tear" The clothes on the Weiwei tail were torn apart by a long mouth, and the rounded skin of the white skin was exposed, so white, so tempting.

And that red ribbon tied to the neck is so dazzling and eye-catching in the night.

Wei Weiwei's body was shrunk into a ball, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and the thin eyelashes were soaked in tears, and the throat was blocked by something. The sourness made her unable to say a word. .

Ning folds his head and opens his mouth, gently biting the red ribbon.

Wei Weiwei’s voice with a faint sobbing sounded from his throat. “If you don’t let go, when the admiration comes in, I will tell him that I am willing.”

Ning Fenyan’s movements are stagnation, and the glamorous eyes that look at Wei’s tail are like being instantly hurt.

At the same time, the door connecting the outside of the palace was also shattered by powerful internal forces.

A touch of orange candlelight appeared in front of the ground floor as a ghost.

The strong internal force of the wind, the wind that will be scattered on the stone wall bed, layered up.

Ning Fenyan and Wei Weiwei kept this kind of action and looked at each other.

When Wei Weiwei heard the loud noise, Wei Wei’s breathing was fierce and tight, and his hands were holding the body of Ning Fen’s body in an instant. The subconsciously used his body to block Ning Fen’s body. body.

Ning Fenyan is like a meteorite, keeping the movement on the Weiwei tail, but the lips that bite the red ribbon of the Weiwei tail are enchanting upwards, and the twilight is gentle and affectionate. .

On the other hand, I used the fierce tone to swear to Wei Weiwei.. "Folding has done so much for you, how about you accompanying you with a happy night?"

Wei Weiwei heard this sentence, the whole pair of scorpions instantly dyed reddish red, even though Wei Weiwei did not see Muxi now, but it has already felt that the pores of the whole body are inflated, the kind of pressure and fear, Penetrate from each of the sweat pores of the Weiwei tail.

Cold and cold, let the whole person of Wei Wei tail cool from the head to the foot.

The next second, a sharp palm of the hand will come straight to Ning Yanyan attack, not yet close, Wei Weiwei has already felt that the whole body's skin is burning with fire, the temperature is very scorching, and even can directly penetrate the skin, stimulate Your flesh and blood.

"Mu, don't!" Wei Weiwei shouted subconsciously, but this time is obviously too late.

The palm of the hand has been sternly hit on the back of Ning Fenyan.

Wei Weiwei just finished this sentence, and Ning Fenyan fell on the body of Wei Weiwei and lost consciousness. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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