Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort

Chapter 836: Three years of covenant

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Eighty-three thirty-six chapter three-year agreement

For the past, every time he remembered before, he was suffering, even unwilling to recall, but now he has a lot of things, and his mood is very calm.

Suer’s eyes looked at Mu Xi, and his little mouth was wide open.. “Are you really or fake?”

"Why should I lie to you?" Mu Yan asked.

Yeah, he has no reason to lie to her, because she just needs to go back and ask her mother, and she knows the truth.

"That is to say that you were a prince before, and later became the prince of Dongchu State, the prince who has already destroyed the country?"

"Yes!" Mu Yan nodded.

"It is no wonder that your father will be taken to the throne. For so many years, not only have you not revenged, but even the country of Dongchu has been destroyed, which means that you are not capable!" Suer whispered, she admitted He is also very noble, but his ability is too bad.

"No, in the fifth year, I have revenge, and also washed the entire palace!" Mu Yan shook his head.

"Then you should be the emperor now, how can you let your cousin become the emperor?" Su children can't understand.

"Because at the time between the throne and your mother, I can only choose one, so I chose your mother!" Mu Yu said very firmly.

Even if he is re-elected, he will still choose to defend the tail.

Suer’s open mouth has not been fully closed, and the black-haired scorpion like Yuzhu is more and more confused and looks at Muxi.. “You gave up the throne for my mother? But, don’t you say that you have washed the entire palace? How can your cousin become a emperor? Shouldn't he die?"

Suer had too many questions, not even she knew it. She just wanted to know what her master was, but now she seems to be more interested in her mother and Mu Xi.

Although he said that the calm is not wavering, but listening to Suer's ear, she knows how difficult those things are.

"Do you know why I am a prince? Because my father and my mother only have one son, so I was a prince from birth. But what I want to live is the kind of leisurely life. I am not interested. Therefore, while your mother is like me, I am yearning for such a life. I have always thought that if I have finished my hatred, I can live with your mother for a lifetime of quiet and happy life. However, the reality is more than we think. cruel."

If he is given another choice, he will still choose Weiweiwei, but after that, he will definitely regain the throne and control his rights, so that he and Weiweiwei will not suffer as much as they are now.

"As for why Mu is still alive, because he was not in the palace at the time, so he escaped this robbery."

Suer's eyes wide open, and she was shocked from beginning to end. She never thought that her biological father had such an identity before.

Even in her mind, he is just a gangster of the rivers and lakes, and she is not worthy of her mother-in-law!

In addition, he had some inexplicable rumors about her in her mother, and she had no good feelings about him.

She knows that she can't directly tell her mother that she doesn't like the Lord. It is impossible to let her mother not be with the Lord. So she has to secretly solve all the problems of splitting the mother and the young master!

She knows that Chiba loves the Lord, so she is behind the Chiba and the Lord.

"The goddess does not know whether you are telling whether it is true or not. Anyway, the goddess only knows that I was born with only a mother and no father!" Suer listened to the words of Mu Yan, and she was somewhat moved at a young age, but But the dead duck is hard, just not willing to admit it.

"The process is very complicated, and the time when I live with your mother is not as good as the time we separated!" Mu Yu said sincerely, the time he really spent with Wei Weiwei was calculated by time. The time of separation is calculated in years.

Suer changed a hand to support his chin. The black and bright dawn looked at the front, and the pink tongue sticked out to clear his lips. Some naughty said. "In fact, the goddess knows you almost. What is the purpose, you have to tell me that my master is a fake, tell me that you and your mother are true."

The darkness of the darkness of the enamel flashed a touch of stunning.. "Suer, you really inherited the wisdom and wisdom of me and your mother!"

"But why do you want to bring me to the tower!" This thing can basically be said anywhere, don't look at the Lord is just talking to the tower to see the night scene, but this certainly contains some little secrets.

The darkness of the darkness of Muyu once again became deep and fierce. Standing in front of the lacquered red railings, watching the palaces stretching far and wide, each palace is like a vast sea of ​​stars.

"Do you see that this palace is beautiful in the night, very spectacular?" Mu Yan said quietly.

Suer also followed the dawn of Mu Xi, and looked up on his toes. It was indeed beautiful.

But Xiao Suer did not understand the meaning of admiration. He turned his head and looked at Muxi.. "It is beautiful, you want the goddess to see where you lived!"

Muxi’s starry eyes are a faint smile. “Do you want to be a princess?”

Su Er listened to this sentence and stunned it.

"The long princess of the future of the South Yue Kingdom!" Mu Yan repeated a sentence, the bottom of the eyes, elegant smile.

Even if his silver mask makes him look very evil, but the dawn is extraordinarily noble and far-reaching.

The long princess of Nanyue country? This is equivalent to the aristocrats of the hidden family. Identity and status are very valuable.

"The long princess of the future?" Suer bowed and repeated this sentence.

Then he suddenly lifted his cockroach and smiled at Muxi.. "It sounds very attractive. Does the princess have a lot of rights when she is a long princess, and wherever she goes, she’s back and forth, and Is there a lot of money?"

Mu Hao nodded.. "Yes, you are a long princess, you will have the best things in the world, set a thousand loves for a lifetime, and you will know the most intelligent and talented person in the world. You are now Life can't compare!"

"What are you talking about?" Su's whole heart began to jump. She certainly knew that she was a princess, and everything in front of her eyes was incomparable.

She became a princess, but she stood at the top of power!

Don't look at the people of the four great families, but compared to the life and power of the nobility, it is almost one day.

Mu's elegant and soft light still looks to the sly palace not far away, but the whole body is a powerful king, as if he is the real master of the palace.. "Suer, we It will be good to set a three-year gambling contract. Within three years, I will let you become the long princess of Nanyue State. If I have not done it in three years, you can not recognize my father for the rest of my life!"

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