A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

The 853th body has been rotted

When the words came out, such as a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, the atmosphere that had just been dignified suddenly became noisy, and the officials discussed each other with an unbelievable but excited expression.

The faces of An Wangye and Li Wang are even more than a hundred in an instant.

The tactics and art of war developed by Mu Yu, they have studied for so long, and they have not studied the essence.

The emperor actually got the art of war and tactics written by Mu Yu!

"The emperor, can you let the old minister look at it, and tell the truth!" An Wang said very cautiously.

Admiration seemed to be prepared, and when I saw Fu Lu, Fu Lu immediately presented a manuscript to An Wang.

An Wangye couldn’t wait to open the manuscript. This manuscript only recorded one of its tactics, and it was used to deal with Nanyueguo.

The prince of the law also came forward and studied carefully with An Wang.

This transcript records this tactic in detail, but anyone who will be born can only understand it with two eyes. If you look at ten eyes, you will realize it and immediately understand the essence of it.

An Wang Ye and the law prince were holding a skeptical attitude, but when they saw this, the faces of the two people could not help but white, and the dark brown pupils shrank.

Mu Yan this tactic, they have been studying for a long time, even after many times in the coaching field, they can't find a way to crack this method, but I didn't think that this manuscript actually marked the easy attack and defense of this array. point.

They secretly evolved in the bottom of their hearts, and they actually cracked it!

The two people’s shocked look fell into the shackles of the end, so that the satisfaction of the end of the lips!

What happens next is very clear.

And this is what you want!

After going down to the DPRK, he went to the Imperial Study Room after he had not seen anyone.

The golden silk chair of the royal study has already been sitting on a person, the dusty shape, the silver mask is cold and cold, and the long silver hair is like the ice edge on the glacier. general.

"Less Lord, I am really curious as to how you can crack the 瑾 瑾 瑾 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

In the early morning, Mu Yan took the manuscript, which caused An Wang and the prince to have a threat and urgency, forcing An Wang and Wang to shoot early.

"How does An Wangye and the prince of the law see the manuscript?" Mu Yu directly ignored the problem of the end, went straight to the subject.

"You can describe it with great horror!"

"If the seat is not guessed wrong, they will start to do these few days!" Mu Yan's thin eyelashes feathered slightly, and the cold luster appeared.

Against the silver mask, it became even more icy, with no temperature.

"Assassination? Then steal the military law and the law book that do not exist?" Mu stopped picking an eyebrow.

"Yes, the emperor has to give them a chance to assassinate, and can not happen in the palace!" Mu Yan said with a low voice, no look on his face.

"Oh, I know, you promised that you won't talk about it?" Mu looked at the look of Mu Xi, and always felt that today's Mu Xi is more cold-blooded than the Mu Mu he saw last night.

In the past, he was able to catch a trace of emotion in his pupil, and now the color of Mu's sorrow is always the same from the beginning, and even a trace of sorrow.

Mu Yan heard this sentence, and there was no smashing pupil. This gently lifted a layer of sputum, one word at a time. "This seat never quits, and now, the emperor, you have not regressed!"

After saying that Mu Yan stood up, he went out of the royal study.

It is indeed the most understanding of the world's most admired people in the world. When it is dawn, see that the dark guards have never returned, and Mu Yu will let the cold moon send red to hide and search.

The forefoot Mu has pulled out the Jiangnan Academy, and the rear foot Weiwei tail has to look for it along with the cold moon, and it is an unquestionable tone.

The cold moon had to search the past with the Weiweiwei followed by Red Hideaway.

Under the leadership of Red Hideaway, I came to the largest mountain in Nanyue, where the mountains are stacked, the mountains are deep, and the ancient trees are heavenly.

The smell of the dark body, in this lush mountain, became even thinner.

The red guards dispersed and went to the corners of the mountain, and finally found a trace in the evening.

"The **** smell here is very strong, and the taste of the dark guard is all blocked!" A red guard looked around and sniffed his nose.

This thick **** smell is obviously from the dark guard of the clear water.

"It seems that the Guardian has tracked it all the way, and has launched a fierce fight with the other side, and this should be their old nest!" Hanyue looked around for a week and made a judgment, then turned and said to Wei Weiwei. "Now the sky is getting dark." Let's go down early and bring someone to search for it tomorrow. After all, this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The situation is complicated. If you directly confront them, it is very unfavorable to us!"

The voice of the cold moon just fell, and a red secret voice came from a small hill. "You come see!"

The cold moon and Wei Weiwei immediately walked over.

I saw two red hidden guards licking their noses and pointing at the flat soil on the ground. The color of the soil is very abnormal. The normal earth color should be brown, but the soil is jujube red, and the other clay colors obviously have A big difference.

"Take this dirt out and see!" Han Yue immediately commanded, and the handsome brow was crumpled.

It seems to be a faint feeling that the dead body is buried under the soil.

The cold twilight of Weiweiwei glanced around the red cloak around the circle and found that as long as the person close to the jujube soil covered his nose with his hand, it seemed that there was something unpleasant or irritating.

But she and the cold moon and some other dark guards did not smell anything, except for the faint **** smell.

The dark guards dug up the soil, but there was nothing, but the color of the earth was more beautiful.

"Continue to dig down!" The cold moon commanded.

"No need!" Wei Weiwei's indifferent opening.. "The bodies of the Guardians were melted into blood with special medicines, so the soil will turn into a red color. The more you dig down, the darker the color!"

Everyone listened to the back and felt very unbelievable.

What drugs can melt a person's body into a pool of blood?

"Don't you have roots?" The cold moon was shocked.

"This kind of drug that corrodes the corpse can completely ruin the human bones in three hours. Now it has already passed three hours!" Wei Weiwei turned and said blankly. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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