A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

The 805th chapter of the Weiwei tail is dead?

And the lions who are going to attack, seeing the fire immediately recede.

When other people saw it, they all picked up the burning torches on the ground and waved them toward the attacking lions.

The lions didn't dare to lean forward, but they still had fangs and their mouths were mixed with blood and water.

Time passed by little by little, and the fire was a little weakened, although everyone would take off their coats to burn, but they couldn’t hold on for a long time. When the fire disappeared, those who could not bear it, The lions who wanted to eat a meal all rushed up.

The bite of the bite, the low voice, and the horrible pain of flesh and blood.

All of them were filled with the ears of Wei Weiwei, and they were guarded by the cold moon behind the Weiwei tail, and looked straight at the roof.

But a little light did not penetrate from the roof.

"噗嗤" The long sword of the cold moon hand was inserted into the chest of the lion, and the hot blood was sprayed out and splashed onto the body of Wei Wei.

The warm blood and her cold body became a stark contrast.

Her whole face was white and scary, she thought she would die, but never thought she would be killed by a lion!

The cold moon killed a lion, and immediately another lion rushed up.

The cold moon has a chance to escape, but if he hides, she will become the food of the lion.

The **** smell of the nasal cavity is getting thicker and thicker, and a drop of crystal tears flows through the corner of the eye of the Weiwei tail.

In front of people, she may be able to live, but in front of the cruel animals, she will not have a complete body.

Wei Weiwei suddenly realized that she was not as strong as she imagined, so powerful!

In the face of a powerful enemy, her life is very fragile, fragile like a piece of paper, and she can live to this day, all because she is being protected by a strong person.

It is also because with this layer of protection, she can play her little cleverness, little wit!

Just as the cold moon was almost unable to withstand it, the stone on the roof was finally shattered by a large hole, and the stars in the sky, the stars came in from the hustle and bustle.

A man in white is standing against the light, and the thick internal force hits the lion, letting the lion who is biting the cold moon throat fall to the ground, and the cold moon that has lost too much blood seems to be loose, closes his eyes, and faints in Aside.

In the next second, the sleeves of the sleeves were like a sharp blade, shot into the eyes of the lion, and then the other dark guards jumped into the sword with their swords, killing the lions who lost their sense of direction.

"Mu Wei!" Wei Weiwei raised his head, as if the gray face was clearly reflected in the moonlight, the voice was scary and small.

Only at the moment of seeing Mu Xi, Wei Weiwei will suppress the fear and fear in the bottom of my heart.

The two soft legs could no longer support and fell down.

The dark pupil under the silver mask, faintly looking at the Weiwei tail that fell to the blood, the twilight is very bright, but it is covered with a thick ink-like gloom.

When the Weiweiwei was about to fall, the dusty figure flew forward and hugged the thin body.

The fear of Wei Weiwei has not completely faded, his eyes are a little scattered, and his hands are tightly grasping the clothes embroidered with moire, and the sound is like a mosquito. "Mu Wei, I am so scared!"

She had seen killing, but she never saw the beast biting her companion in front of her, licking the body of her companion, and she was the next one...

No one will ever understand, the feeling of knowing to die, but waiting for death!

It is not pain, it is not a breakdown, but a mental and psychological torture!

The thin, thin lips under the silver mask, the low and mellow sound from the lips.. "Don't be afraid, there is me!"

After that, he held the body of Wei Weiwei and jumped out of the foothills.

The cool breeze blew on the face of Wei Weiwei, and the **** smell of her breath was blown away. The Weiwei tail buried her head in Muxi’s chest, listening to the strong and powerful heartbeat of Mu's chest. I feel that she has finally come alive.

“How could this be?” The torches around it brightened the entire mountain.

There was a corpse lying inside and outside the wooden house, and the blood that flowed out smeared the white clothes that were dragged to the ground.

"Iris..." Mu's color flashed, and there were too many emotions hidden inside, frightened, scared, worried, and even the sound shook.

When it came to the sinking room, the scene inside it made the pupil's pupil shrink sharply.

The corpse of the lion and the body of the incomplete person who was bitten by the lion, **** appear in front of Mu's eyes. Almost the small space is the bones and flesh of the human being. The blood flowing out completely covers the original wooden house. s color.

This shocking scene, Mu Yan is not the first time to see, but this time he is never fear and fear.

His whole heart was shaking violently, and for a moment his face under the silver mask was pale, and the red lips were losing their blood.

"Iris..." Mu Yan called out again, and then jumped into the secret room.

There is nothing wrong with the appendix. Absolutely, the cold moon will protect her. She should have escaped. She will not be eaten by the lion.

However, in the next second, the dawn of Mu Xi fell on a corpse wearing a twilight. This corpse could not be called a corpse. The skull had been bitten by the lion, and there was no way to identify the facial features. The body was opened. Broken belly, the internal organs were smashed out, but the lower body was missing, and the arm was eaten with only one arm left.

A spurt of blood was almost spurted out of Mu's throat, but Mu Zhen tried to hold back.

The roots of the blue veins under the skin burst out, the eyeballs bulged, and the hands hanging on the sleeves could not stop shaking.

This is the clothes of the tail, no, why is it like this?

He does not believe that he does not believe...

"Ah..." Mu squinted, squatting in a pool of blood, screaming.

Wei Weiwei woke up from the dream, and the eyes were filled with fear and despair. The mouth kept shouting.. Mu Yu, Mu Yu

At this time, both hands immediately grasped the Weiweiwei and caught the air. "I am, don't be afraid!"

Until Wei Weiwei caught the hand, the fear of Wei Weiwei gradually dissipated, and he rushed to Mu Xi’s arms, next to Mu's body. “Mu Wei, I am really scared, really terrible. It!"

"Nothing, there is me, no one will hurt you, just when it is just a dream!" Mu Yan held the body of Wei Weiwei's slightly trembling, whispering comfort.

However, the body of Wei Weiwei still can not stop shaking, this is a terrible shadow, she is not a killer and a blind killer, her heart is not so strong. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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