A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

Chapter VIII is the death of me.

"Mu Wei is not rare in this throne. If it is not for you, Muxi will definitely take me to other places and live a quiet and happy life when I find me!" It is the wind that forces them.

They could have lived very well.

"I really don't understand what you think in the end. You have to kill you. You have to go and win the so-called life. You are you, why do you want to be someone else? If I were you, I would be my own. Life is very exciting, I will let everyone know, I am Mu's brother, Mu Hao is very good, I am also very good! And you, what you are doing now, is to live yourself The shadow of 瑾!"

In the face of Wei Weiwei's persuasion, the response of the wind was very cold, and the tone was cold. "Nothing is more exciting than sitting on the throne!"

"Then you will do it. You spent five years designing the admiration. Can you not use this five years to learn how the mousse was done in the past? The alive, just waiting for the time to mature, killing back to Nanyue country for revenge, winning the position, admiring the father’s throne is robbed from the hand of Mu's father, the name is not right, and you are admired Brothers, you go to grab the throne of the emperor, no matter what you can't do, you are all righteous, fair and bright!" Wei Weiwei said one word and one sentence, trying to persuade the paranoid thinking.

However, after listening to the wind, it was just a moment of indulgence. The deep and cold glory pierced the pupil of Weiwei tail like a cold arrow. "You said so much, just want me to let you go, not to threaten you, And doing this is not good for me at all. I will let you go back, and Mulberry will not let me go!"

"I am a brother and he, I know what he is thinking!" The wind paused for a while, added this sentence.. "So I can calculate him so accurately!"

The anger of Wei Wei’s face is deeper, and the moonlight is reflected in her water-cutting eyes. It’s thick and dark like the ink on the platform. “Yes, you are a brother or a twin, and it’s not long before you admire. You will know that you are the manipulator behind the scenes!"

The wind smashed the lips, and the black pupils were cold and cold like ice. "I have been preparing for five years. This time, I will not lose anyway!"

"Do you really think that you control me in your hands, will you be obedient to you? The original clock is also used to envy you, but the ending?" Wei Weiwei is as hard as iron, like Every cell in the body is shouting.

The lightness of the moonlight shines on her confident and firm face.

There is some cruel laughter in the air. "But I am not a bell, I am a fan!"

"I haven't seen Mu Hao lost!" Wei Weiwei raised his chin high, his eyes sparkling with the sparkling starlight. "I have disappeared, Mu Yu will send someone to come to me, I am afraid it will not take long, red hidden. Wei will find the smell of my body!"

The wind screamed again, and the open lips were like rose petals in full bloom. The fascinating but full of evil spirits.. "But now, Muxi seems to be no different from a bloodthirsty beast. He has completely lost. Reason, I am afraid that now he is killing people, I don’t know when I can wake up. Weiweiwei, there is one thing you have to admit, Muxi is now on the verge of collapse!"

"So what do you do next? Let him think that I am dead, and then I don't know what to do. After you tell him that I am still alive, just for this news, do you want him to listen to you?" The only thing that Iris can think of is this.

Mu Yan has suffered a heavy blow from her death, but she may not be able to bear the second time.

However, how can a person who is so smart, who is likely to be sympathetic, believe that she is dead?

The wind shook his head. "Mu Wei is so smart, how can he believe that you are really dead? Now it is just to let him accept a heavy blow. Later, I will still return you!"

The defending scorpion smashed, and the tone of the wind was so dull, without any ups and downs.

But listening to the ear of the Weiwei, but like a deeper plot.

"Three days!" The wind smashed three fingers against Wei Weiwei. "As long as Mu Yu did not find you within three days, then Mu Mu and everything will disappear from your mind!"

Wei Weiwei smashed the pupil. "What do you mean?" The teeth trembled slightly.

The wind will use scorpion venom. Is he planning to put a sputum on her?

"Wei Weiwei, have you already thought about it? In five years, I have cultivated a new one!" The voice of the wind just fell.

Wei Weiwei turned and ran, and his back was cold and sweaty.

The wind was quietly standing under the breeze, letting the gentle breeze roll up his clothes corner and flying on the air.

The morning glow of the sky, red and bright, like a fire, the whole clean white curtain is smudged into a blush.

The blossoming white clouds are light and multi-shaped floating in the air.

The night has receded, and the people in the town are slowly waking up, and the screams and the dog bark are mixed.

A dark guard showed his dedication and came to the East Court as quickly as the shadow.

"The master, the man is finally here!"

Mu Yan's long silver hair was scattered on his shoulders. He heard the words of the dark guard, and looked up from the table fiercely. A pair of red-blooded cockroaches looked at the dark guard. "Who is coming? Iris?" ”

The dark guard yelled at the head again. "It’s the people who let us wait in the Yulou before the cold moon!"

"Cang Chu?" Mu Chao's brain is blank. Besides Wei Weiwei, he can no longer hold anything. It has been lingering for a long time, and this reminds me of this name.


Did he come at this time?

Mu Yan clenched his fists subconsciously, while Suer, who was sleeping in bed at this time, woke up when he heard the name of Cangchu.

When I opened my eyes, I immediately sat up from the bed. The face that had not yet woken up was full of joy, and even the soft voice became excited and excited. "My master is here? Where is my master?" ?"

"Suer..." Mu Yan screamed Suer's name, but Suer did not hear the sound of Mu Yan. Even the shoes could not be worn, and they ran out.

In the hall, Cangchu, dressed in an inky blue robes, stood in front of a landscape painting and stood tall and straight, like a mangosteen on the painting.

A pair of peach eyes with March spring water, brightly watching the painting on the wall, such as the peach-like red lips swaying like a smile, so gentle, so quiet.

The golden sunlight falls on the celestial body through the trees planted in front of the door, adding a fresh and poetic poetry. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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